Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 154.
Psyche 2:154, 1877.

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A SINGULAR PLACE FOR RAT-TAILKD LARVAL I found several of these curious larvse in a branch of an old apple tree that had just been cut down. They were below a large nest of black ants, whb had honey-combed the branch for quite a distance. They were twenty-five millimetres long when crawling, not so much when at rest, wrinkled and ridged rather remarkably, the tail a little longer than the body and tipped with a row of bristles curved backwards. Packard does not describe any such, and I am unable to determine the species. Can you help me? Berlin, Conn., Mar. 20, 1878.
N. Coleman.
INTERESTING CAPTURES.-A perfect specimen of Deidamia inscripta was taken in Newton at light early in June, 1878, the first example I have seen from ,this vicinity. Plusia trildba and Oncocnemis chandleri were taken at the Isles of Shoals on flowers in July. R. Thaxter. PLANTAIN BEETLES.-~~~~. I?'. H. Storer, of the Bussey Institution, Jamaica Plain, Mass., writes me that in the latter part of May, 1876, it was next to impossible to discover a single leaf of plantain (Plantago) that was not completely riddled by beetles (Dibolia aerea Melsh.). Several thousand plants from all sorts of situations had passed through his hands, and the only perfect ones he could find were from particularly cold, sunless places on the north side of buildings. Samuel H, Scudder. ORTHOPTERA OF FLORIDA. The following species of Orthoptera were collected in Appalachicola : Labidura riparia, Anisobia maritima, Labia burgessi, Polyzosteria ingens, Stagmomantis carolina, Anisomorpha bu- prestoides, ChimarocephuLa viridifasciata, Caloptenus femur - rubrum ?, Arphia (near xanthoptera) , Acridwm appendiculatum, Psinidia eucerata, Hippiscus phoenicopterus, A mblytropidia subhyalina, Leptysina marginicollis, Arnilia chlorizans, Z'rimerolropis picta, Stenobothrus sp., Tettigidea lateralis, Conocephalus triops f, Gryllus luctuosus. S. H. Scudder. Proceedings of the Club.
29. INSECTS WHICH LIVE IN RESIN. Baron OSTEN SACKEN exhibited specimens of Cecidomyia (Diplosis) resinicola, the larvs~ of which inhabit drops of resin on scrub pine (Pinus imps) and are ln-ovided with long breathing tubes which project beyond the surface of the resin. (March IS, 1874.) 30. PECULIARITIES OF RIPARIAN INSECTS. Baron OSTEN SACKEN quoted an observation by Dalman, that insects which live near water have prominent eyes, and cited, in illustration of this, the species of Elaphrus, Notiophilus, Stenus, Sphyra- cephala and many Hemiptera.
(May 8,1874.)


$ 31. INSECT DEFORMITIES. Mr. H. K. MORRISON showed a specimen of Erynnis icelus, which had a nick in the front margin of each fore-wing, perfectly symmetrical on the two wings. It seems as if the pupa must have received some wound just at the point where the two fore-margins meet, which cor- responds to the position of the notches on these wings. ( Oct. 9, 1874.)
(Continued from page 136.)
The date of publication, here given in brackets [ 1, marks the time at which the
work was received by the Editor, unless an earlier date of publication is known to him. An asterisk * before a title is the Recorder's certificate of accuracy of quotation. Cor- rections of errors and notices of omissions are solicited. - B. PICKMAN MANN. Nos. 955 to 966 are from Field and Forest, v. 3. * 955. JA: S. JOHNSON. A season's collecting in Cato- cala. p. 64-66. [Dec., 1877.1
About 446 specimens of 29 species of Catocala collected Fat Frankford, Pa.] between 9 July and 10 Oct., 1877, as follows: -------
42 ilia J. 9-A. 30
3 grynea J. 9-J. 24
8 ultronia J. 12-A. 13
20 serena J. 17-S. 4
47 obscura J. 17-A. 31
4 epione J. 174.25
2 minuta J. 21
13 parta J. 21-0.10
1 tristis J. 21
25 neogama J. 23-S. 25
42 paleogama J. 244.19
22 retecta J. 254.4
4 subnata J. 25-A. 14
19 habilis J. 25-S. 4
9 insolabilis J. 25-A.31
37 flebilis J. 26-S. 19
1 ponderosa J. 26
7 cara A. 64.13
6 cerogama A. 8-A. 27
47 desperata A. 9-S. 19
6 Judith A. 9-A. 13
7 piatrix A. 10-A. 30
6 innubens A. 10-A. 31
43 amatrix A. 14-0. 6
2 antinympha A. 15-A. 16
1 concumbens A. 16
2 phalanga A. 18-A. 20
6 robin'soni A. 29-A. 31
3 unijuga S. 4-S. 21
The search began 20 June, but no specimens were found until 9 July. pleasing contrast to the ways of sham scientists who collect only good spec- imens or uncommon species, Mr. Johnson collected all the specimens he could get.


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