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Psyche 2:117-120, 1877.
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(Continued from page 98. )
The date of publication, here given in brackets [ 1, marks the time at which the work was received by the Editor, unless an earlier date of publication is known to him. An asterisk * before a title is the Recorder's certificate of accuracy of quotation. Cor- rections of errors and notices of omissions are solicited. - B. PICKMAN MANN. *1 867.
The Sci. Amer. [see Rec., nos. 861-8651, v. 37, contains the following.
a. Thc seventeen year locusts (by H. J. Loomis), p. 9. b. Enemy of the potato beetle [figures Ama spinosa, which devours Doryphora decemline- aia] (by F. A. Whitney), p. 36-37. c. The lantern fly [figures Fufgora laternaria], p. 55. d. The seventeen year locust (by R. K. Slosson), p. 68. e. The mole cricket [imago figured], p. 71-72. f. Bees and hives (by Mrs. L. E. Cotton), p. 148. g. The locusts in Kansas (by C. V. Riley), p. 164. h. A satisfactory grasshopper machine [invention of C. V. Riley], p. 169. i. How to prevent grasshopper raids, p. 183. j. The Colorado potato- beetle in Europe. - German thoroughness (by C. V. Riley), p. 198. k,
About some insects [figures imago of Alaus oculatus, Cicindela dorsalis, Calosoma scrutator, and development of Cicada pruinosu from the pupa] (by C. Few Sf-iss), p. 215. I. Curious proclivities of insects [abstract of a lecture by J. Lubhock on the destruction of the beautiful and the hideous plants], p. 244. in. Russian remedy for hydrophobia [larva of Cetonia aurufu], p. 257. rt. The potato bug in Germany, p. 273. o. Are ants civ-
ilized?, p. 313. p. The ancestry of insects [extract from Packard's "Our common insects"], p. 329. q. Vitality of ants (from Prou. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., by H. C. McCook), p. 338. r. The proboscis and lancets of the stable fly [figure of the proboscis of ? Stomoxys] (by J. Michels), p.
344. s. The curious life history of our blister beetles [figures all stages of Meloe and Sitaris; but the figures of Sitaris are marked Meloe and vice versa; corrected on p. 4041 (by C. V. Riley), p. 3-16. t. How scorpions sting, p. 357. u. The Carolina Mantis Efigures Mantis carolina] (by C. Few Seiss), p. 359. v. Testing wool by entomological knowledge [from the insects it contains], p. 362. w. The curious life history of our blister beetles, no. 2 [figures Caloplenus dzfferentialis, Epicauta riftaia, all stages of Epicauta, and Macrnbasis unicolor] (by C. V. Riley), p. 373. The Bulletins de llAcademie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, s6r. 2, t. 36 (a. 3 873), contain nos. 868 and 869.
* 868. EDM. UE SELYS LONGCHAMPS. Appendice aux troisi&mes Additions et liste des Gomphines, d6crites dans Ie Synopsis et ses trois Additions. p. 492-531. [Jan., 1874.1 Gives a table of the classification, comprising 2 divisions, 3 subdivisions, 5 legions, 12 genera, 46 subgenera, and a list of the 200 species of Gom- 1 Record made by Mr. George Dimmock.
Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg., s6r. 2,' t. 36.
phina, with indication of the ordinal numeros under which the species are described in the Synopsis or its three Additions. Intercalates " 11 new
subgenera," of which Allopetalia alone is indica.ted as new. Gives a partial synopsis of the 20 subgenera of Gomphus. Describes 21 (13 [Ophiogom- phus bison from Cal., GompJtoldes suusa and G. paczJfca from Mex., G. am- bigua from Guatemala = 4 N. A.] new) spp.; re-describes DromogompJius arnzalus is.
* 869. EDM. DE SELYS LONGCHAMPS. Appendice aux troisiCmes Additions an Synopsis des Calopt6rygines. p. 610-
619. [Mar., 1874.1
Describes 14 ( 7 [no N. A,] new) spp.; re-describes Hetaerina titia <5 from the probable type specimen, and H. capitalis ; describes H. occisa var. sublimbaia n. var. Corrects the general list of species given previously. The Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg., sdr. 2, t. 37 (a. 1874), contain no. 870; t. 38 (a. 1875), t. 39 (a. 1875), t. 40 (a. 1875), con- tain nothing on N. A. entomology.
* 870. EDM. DE SELYS LONGCHAMPS. Additions au Sy- nopsis des Cordulines. p. 16-34. [Mar., 1874.1 Treats of 23 species; of which 5 are North American; Epiiheca nasalis, Macromia magnifica = 2 n. N. A. spp. ; Macromia cingulufa, hitherto con- sidered North American, is from the region of Bengal. The Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist. [see Rec., nos. 609- 6191, ser. 4, v. 18, contain nos. 871 to 874. * 871. FEL. PLATEAU. Note on the phenomena of diges- tion in the cockroach (Periplaneta ainericana). p. 355-356.
[Oct., 1876.1
Abstract of the results of a study of these phenomena, confirming the conclusions arrived at in his Recberches sur les ph6noniknes de la digestion chez les insectes in the Memoires de l'Acad6mie Royale de Belgique, v. 41 (a. 1874) (a summary of which was given in the Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist., v. 16 [a. 18751, p. 152) and maintaining that the digestive juices of insects are never acid, in opposition to the views expressed by Jousset de Bellesme in his Recl~erches exp6rimentales sur la digestion des insectes et en particulier de la blatte (Paris, 1875. 8O) (an abstract of which was re- produced under the title : On the function of the glands of the digestive apparatus of insects in the Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist., v. 17 [a. 18761, p. 333) and in subsequent discussions.
A claim of priority over Jousset's
work was made by Plateau in the Comptes rendus, v. 82 (a. 1876), p. 340. [From the Bull. de 1'Acad. Roy. de Belgique, v. 41, p. 1206.1 * 872. FEL. PLATEAU. Researches on the phenomena of digestion and on the structure of the digestive apparatus in the Belgian myriopods. p. 437-488. [Nov., 1876.1
Abstract, by the author, of a paper published by him in the Mem. de 1'Acad. des Sciences de Belgique, v. 42 (a. 1876). * 873. JA. WOOD-MASON. On the femoral brushes of the Mantidse and their function. p. 438-439 [Nov., 1876J, p. 507 [Dec., 18761.
Brushes of stiff' hairs were found near the distal end of each of the fore femora in humerous species of 29 genera and probably occur throughout the whole group ; they are used to keep the eyes and ocelli in a functional con- dition, and are present in the young when these quit the egg. [Prof. Wood- Mason says, 1. c., v. 19, p. 269, that these brushes were previously men- tioned by Std, although no suggestion was made as to their possible use.] * 874. ED. BRANDT. Anatomical and morphological re- searches on the nervous system of hymenopterous insects, p. 504-506. [Dec., 1876.1
0. Biitschli and A. Kowalewski have proved that the embryos have seventeen ganglia -one supracesophageal, three subcesophageal, three tho- racic. ten abdominal; the three suboesophageal unite to form one in the larva; the last three abdominal form the last one in the larva ; the larvae of Hymenoptera therefore have thirteen ganglia, while the larvae of Lepido- ptera have twelve. The adult Hymenoptera have the two cephalic, two or three thoracic and from three to seven abdominal. ganglia. The article states the number and composition of the ganglia in the respective genera and sexes. [From the Comptes rendus, Sept. 18, 1876, p. 613.1 The Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, v. 19, contain nos. 875 to 879.
* 875. W. C. HEWITSON. Descriptions of twenty-five new species of Hesperidse. p. 76-85. [Jan., 1877.1 Describes 25
(H. luda, H. fidicula, H. eqla, H. midia from Costa Kica = 4 N. A.) new species of Hesperia; four species are from parts un- known.
* _____ JOLY. On the reproductive apparatus of the Ephemeridse. p. 193-195. Feb., 1877.1
Describes the structure of the testes and penises of Baetis and of the ovaries of Palingenia.
*- MEGNIN. On the power possessed by certain mites, with or without mouths, of living without food through entire phases of their existence or even during their whole lives. p. 270-271. [Mar., 1877.1
The Ixodes found attached to animals are always fecundated females, to which the male adheres by a copulatory lip ; they are oviparous and pro- lific ; the larvae live on the food which is enveloped in their bodies while they are yet in the egg, and the males never take food. The mouthless
Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist., v. 19.
Acarina, like Hypopus, Homopus, Tricliodactylus and Astoma, are nymphs, and take no food in the nymphal stage, but the iniagos are very voracious. [From the Comptes rendus, Nov. 20, 1876, p. 993.1 * 878. PEL. PLATEAU. Note on the phenomena of diges- tion and on the structure of the digestive apparatus in the Pha- langida. p. 272-274. [Mar., 1877.1
The Araneida are sucking animals ; the Phalangida eat their prey: the arrangements of the digestive tube of the two are compared. The organ hitherto called the liver in decapod Crustacea and in Araneida is present in Phalangida, and is the organ of secretion of the digestive liquid intended for the emulsion of the fats and for the solution of the albuminoids. * 879. JA. WOOD-MASON. 011 the final stage in the de- velopment of the organs of flight in the homomorphic Insecta. p. 380-382. [May, 1877.1
The wings, other than the small flattened duplicatures of the integument which form the " sheath " are not developed in Ortlioptera until after the penultimate moult; then they grow rapidly, becoming closely packed in transverse and longitudinal plaits.
The Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist, ser. 4, v. 20, contain nos. 880 to 884.
* 880. 0. P. CAMBRIDGE. On some new and little-known spiders from the Arctic Regions. p. 273-285, pi. 8. [Oct., 1877.1
Enumerates 13 species ; describes 7 n. spp., of which 3 (Diciyna borealis (fig.), Erigone whymperi (fig.), ~inph& turbairix) are from North Green- land.
* 881. W. C. HEWITSON. Descriptions of twenty-three new species of Hesperidse from his own collection, p. 319- 328. [Oct., 1877.1
Describes 23 (Cyclopides eryonas from Costa Rica, and C. dardctris from Mexico= 2 N. A.) n. spp.; six species are from parts unknown. ,
* 882. - JOUSSET DE BELLESME. Phenomena accom- pa,nying the metamorphosis of LibelZulu depressa. p. 447. [Nov., 1877.1
When the imago quits the pupa-skin the function of respiration is not yet set up; the imago distends its digestive tube by swallowing air, forcing the blood into the head, eyes and wings and by it giving their form to these parts and depositing the pigments which color them. [From the Comptes rendus, Aug. 20, 1877, p. 448.1
Nos. 43-44 were issued April 12, 1878.
Volume 2 table of contents