Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 80.
Psyche 2:80, 1877.

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Additions to the List of Newton Noctuidae. The following names are to be added to those given in the list on p. 34-39 of the present volume of PSYCHE ; the abbre-. viations are the same as in that list.
Diphtera fallax. R. 1. Jl. Glaea viatica. S. Oct. 19. Apatela Radcliffei. R.; raised. Jn. ' inulta. Several s. Sp. Lrv. Prunu?, Sp.
" deleta. (See below.)
Agrotis badicollis. R. 1. Au. Scopelosuma Graefiana. Several s. fennica. Several s. Sp. Sp. Oct. Nov.
' albtpennis. Two s. I. Sp.
Lithophane ~enliusfa. R. s. Sp. 28,
" vicivis. R. ; three s. Sp.
Oct. 18.
trabalis. Cocoon found un- i6 Georyii. One s. Sp. der b~rk of Pinus strobus in April. ' laticinerea. C. s. Sp. Imago appeared in June. Oct.
Hudena im~ulsa. I%. 1. Jl. ' tepida. R. s. Sp. apamiformif. R. 1. Jl. Au. + querquera. R. s. Sp. vultuosa. C. 1. Au. ' Kaiteyi, (Grote, Can. " leucoscelis. R. s. Au.
Entom., ix, 86). Sev-
Dryobota stigmata. R. s. Sp.
eral s. Sp. Oct. Nov.
Laphyyma frugiperda. C. s. Sp. " viriiKpallens (Grote, Prodenia flavimedia. R. s. Sp.
Can. Entom., ix, 215).
lineatella. R. 1. Jl. [P. R. s. Sp. Oct. ornithogalli is to be stricken from
Plusia formosa. One I. Jl.
the previous list.]
' verruca. One s. Au.
Gortyna Zin~pida. K. 1. Sp. Galgula hepara. One s. Nov. Arzama densa. R. 1. Au. Catoeala neogama. li. s. q. Au. Nimagria sp. Onc I. Au. ' piatrix. R. q. s. Au. Sp. Dorymles acutaria. R. 1. Au. Hornoptera Woodii (Grote, Can. Pktyienta atriciliata. 11. 1. Jn. Jl. Entom., ix, 88-89). Parastichtis minuscula. R. 1. a. An. R. 1. Jl. SP- $argoloma Gyunctata, R. I. Jl.
The new species mentioned in the above list is described as follows, by Mr. Grote : -
Glaea deleta n. sp.
8. Belongs, with G. fretnula, to the section which I have called Epiglaea, in wliicli the thorax has a sharp scale-ridge. Re-
sembles G. viatica at first siqht, but belongs with G. pastillicans to ci differ- ent section of the genus.
Expanse, 46 mm. Of the same color as G. viat- ica, but smaller, and with the transverse posterior line punctate, and the subtcrminal also broken into spots. Stigmata pale ringed, well sized, con- colorous; rcniform stained at base. The markings are faint. Hind wings
fuscous above; with diseal spot and line beneath. Antennae white at base.
Abdomen with ocliery anal hairs. (A. R, Groie.) Rare, at sugar, in September.
Several (poor) specimens were taken
at sugar in October.
Noctuae have been abundant here this fall. Besides the additional species of Lithophane mentioned above, I have taken all those given in my former list, The larvaa of Lithophane disposita and L. Bethunei were found last June at the roots of apple and willow trees. It. Thaxter.
Nos. 39-40 were issued Jan. 12, 1878.


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