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Psyche 2:24-32, 1877.
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ticed in this connection consisted
in the fact that the structure
of the mandibles after moulting was very different from that before it. The larva has been described and figured since in the Trans. Amer. Entom. Soc., Vol. v [see Rec., No. 3241. 19. PROTRUSILE ABDOMINAL APPENDAGES OF MOTHS. MR. B. P. MANN read extracts from a letter of Fritz MulIer to Chas. Darwin, published in NATURE, vol. x, No. 241, p. 102 (June 11, 1874), respecting the presence and character of ab- dominal appendages in several Glaucopid moths, similar to those described by Mr. H. K. Morrison in PSYCHE, vol. i, p. 21-22, as found in the male ~eucarctia acraea.
(Fehr. 12, 1875.)
MR. H. K. MORRISON showed a specimen of Chamyris cerintha, which has an appendage, whose use is problematical, at the base of the abdomen beneath.
(April 9, J87S.)
(Continued frompage 16.)
The date of publication, here given in brackets [ 1, marks the time at which the work was received by the Editor, unless an earlier date of publication is known to him. An asterisk * before a title is the Recorder's certificate of accuracy of quotation. Cor- rections of errors and notices of omissions are solicited. - B. PICKMAN MAKN. The Bihang tall Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akade- miens Handlingar, Band 2, contains Nos. 749 and 750. * 749. C. STAL. Recherches sur Ie syst?me des Blattaires. No. IS. pg. 18. [April, 1874.1
Attempt to make a more natural limitation and a more solidcharacteriza- tion of the tribes and genera in Brunner's system of Blattariae; discussion of the characters used. Describes synoptically four and indicates other "tribes " [with family names] ; describes synoptically 36 (Liosilpha, Cyr- tilia, Molytria, Melanozosteria, Zonioploca, Cosmozosteria, Eurycotis, Homalosilpha, Phoetalia, Byrsotria, Blaptica = I 1 new) and mentions other genera.
* 750. C. STAL. Recherches sur le syst2me des Phasmi- des. No. 17. pg. 19. [March, 1875.1
A rational system of Phasmidae has been lacking hitherto; an entirely new grouping, supposed to be natural, is proposed here. Describes synop- tically 37 (Clonaria, Echetlus, Bostra, Clonistria, Phryganistria, Arrhi- daeus, Hoploclonia, Acanthoolonia, Orobia, Donusa= 10 new) genera. Describes Clonistria Barlholomaea from St. Bartholomew Island, West Indies = 1 N. A. n. sp.
Paths 2 024-12 (pre.1901). hfp //psyche aitclub org/Vl-0024 html
The Bih. K. Svensk. Vet-Akad.Hand!., Band 3, Nos. 1-6, contains nothing on N. A. insects ; No. 14, consists of No. 751. * 751. C. STAL. Observations Orthopt6rologiques. pg. 43. r1875.1
1. Sur une syst61natisation nouvelle des Phasmides. p. 3-21.
Gives in an abridged form the principal features of his system of Phas- midae [see Rec., No. 748: 31; remarks upon the artificiality of previous systems.
2. Sur Ie syst6me des Acridiides. p. 21-24. Mentions the most important n~odifications which are to be made in the system of Acridiidae proposed in his " Recensio Orthopterorum " [see Rec., No. 748: 11 ; Acridiidae cannot be classified by the length of their antennas or of the antenna1 joints.
List of genera which have an apical
spine on each margin of the upper side of the posterior tibiae, and of those which have this spine only on the outer margin. 3. Diagnoses d'Orthopt6res nouveaux. p. 2443. Describes Rubellia, Gyrtone, Charilaus [Phyinatidae] ; Munatia, Euthy- mia, Gergis, Hysia, Cratippus, Pezoteitix nigrovittatus from Mexico [Acridii- dae] ; Lilaea, Methone [Thrinchidae] ; Thericles, Erucius [Mastacidae] ; Erianthus [Choroetypidae]; Diophanes, Diyllus [Pseudophyllidae] ; Eppia [Decticidae] = 16 n. gen., 1 N. A. n. sp.; describes 40 n. spp. Distinguishes
synoptically Scopiorus, Cyrtophyllus and Diophanes from the other genera of Pseudophyllidae.
The Bih. K. Svensk. Vet.-Akad. Handl., Band 4, No. 5, c0nsist.s of No. 752.
* 752. C. STAL. Observations Orthopt6rologiques. 2. pg. 58. [1876.]
a. Les Genres des Acridiodees de la Faune Europ6enne. p. 3-35.
Criticism of previous systems; importance of the systematic characters taken from the form, position and direction of the temples; explanation of these characters ; synopsis of the (9) subfamilies and (35) European gen- era of Acridiodea. Describes Duronia (n. subg. Phlaeoba), Egnatius (n. g Truxalidae), and several (about 11 new) species. 6.
Apercu des Genres des Acridiodees de 1' Amerique du Nord. p. 36-47.
Synopsis of 31 N. A. genera of Acridiodea. Describes Diponthus [Acridiidae], Orphula [Truxalidae] = 2 n. gen. describes several n. spp. c. Sur Anostostoma et quelques Genres voisins. p. 47-53. Anostostoma is a genus of Gryllodea, but some of the species which have been referred to it are Locustina; the difference between Locustina and
Gryllodea is expressed principally in the form of the anterior coxse. Synopsis of 9 genera belonging to 4 subfamilies, related to Anostostonm; describes Mesomedes, Onosandrus = 2 n. gen. Anostostomidae; describes several new spp.
d. Diagnoses d'OrthoptCres nouveaux. p. 53-58. Describes Protomachus [Phymatidae] ; Aristia, Mazaea [Acridiidae] ; Arethaea [Phyllopteridae] ; Psyra, Elbenia, Arnobia, Phygela, Furnia, Amblycorypha Uhleri, A. parvipennis [Phyllophoridae]=9 n. gen., 2 Texan n. spp. ; describes 8 n. spp.
The ~fversigt af Kongl. Vetenskaps-Akademiens For- handlingar, Arg. xxx (1873), contains No. 753 ; Arg. xxxi (1874), contains nothing upon N. A. entomology. * 753. 0. STAL. Orthoptera nova. No. 4, p. 39-53. [Jan., 1876.1
Describes Acanthoplus, Trigonocorypha, Stilpnocldora, Philophyllia, Eurycorypha, Plangia, Amblycorypha, Ctenophlebia, Anaulacomera, Plagiopleura, Plagioptera, Scudderia, Pyrrhicia, Hormilia, Burgilis, Holo- chlora, Mirollia, Terpnistria [Phaneropteridae] ; Phyllon~imus, Scopiorus, Phyllostachys, Brisilis, Cocconotus, Leptotettix, Bliastes, Ischnomela, Liparoscelis, L. pallidisplna and L. nigrispina from Mexico, Trichotettix, Stenotettix, Moristus [Pseudophyllidae]; Oxyprora, Pyrgocorypha [Cono- cephalidae] = 32 n. gen., 2 N. A. n. spp. Locustina. Describes Monistria, Zonocerus , Aularches, Taphronota, Maura [Phymatidae] ; Truxalis acrtd- odes, from Mexico [Truxalidae] ; Colpolopha, Elaeoclilora, Procolpia, Alophonota, Ischinacrida, Oxyrrhepes [Acridiidae]; Coelopterna [Coelopter- nidae,]
2 n. gen., 1 N. A. n. sp. Acridiodea.
The Ofvers. K. Vet.-Akad. Forh., Arg. xxxii (1875), con- tains Nos. 754 to 757.
* 754.1 ANTON STUXBERG. Nya nordamerikanska Litho- bier. No. 2, p. 65-72. [Apr., 1876.1
Describes Lithobius monticola, L. pusio, L. paradoxus, L. obesus, L. Kochii, L. megaloporus from California, L. eucnemis from New York, L. Saussurei from Mexico = 8 n. spp. ; gives synonymy of Lamyctes fulvicornis from New York.
* 755.1 A. STUXBERG. Genera et species Lithobioidarum. No. 3, p. 5-22.
[Apr., 1876.1
Characterizes 6 (6 N. A.) (Eulithobius, Neolithobius, Pseudolithobius, Hemilithobius, Archilithobius = 5 new) subgenera of Lithobius, with ref- erence to their relative rank
and order of differentiation in time. Enu- merates 109 (23 N. A.) spp. Lithobius, formed into 12 groups, 3 spp. Henicops, 2 (1 N. A,) spp. Lamyctes, in a table which shows the distri- bution of the species amongst SO divisions of the earth's surface ; another 1 Record made with the assistance of Mr. William Holden.
table gives the percentage of species occurring in each of these divisions. Gives synonymy of 6 (3 N. A.) spp., and a list of 26 writings cited. * 750.l A. STUXBERG. Lithobioidse Americse Borealis. Ofversigt af Nord - Amerikas hittills kiinda Lithobiider. No. 3, p. 23-32. [Apr., 1876.1
Gives a descriptive list of the previous writings upon the subject, and a synonymical list, with habitats, of all the (24) known K. A. species of the family.
* 757. 0. M. REUTER. Capsinee ex America boreali in Museo Holmiensi asservatas. No. 9, p. 59-92. [Oct., 1876.1 Describes Miris (Lobostethus) affinis, Trigonotylus pulcher, Callimiris, C. Uhleri, C. tarsalis, Trachelomiris, T. oculatus [Miraria]; Pallacocoris, P. suavis [Miridiaria] ; Clivinema, C. villosa [Clivinemaria] ; Callichila [a? subg. Resthenia), Resthenia atripennis, R. nigricollis, R. nzaculicollis, Once- rometopus, 0. nigriclavus, 0. ruber, Lomatopleura, L. caesar [Loparia]; Phytocoris exhius, Ph. breviusculus, Ph. tibialis, Ph. puella, Ph. pallidicor- nis, Neurocolpus, Compsocerocoris, C. annulicornis [Phytocoraria] ; Lyqus Belfragii, L. vitticollis, L. Carolinae, L. prasinus, L. fasciatus, L. convexi- collis, Systratiotus americanus, Poeciloscytus basalts, Poecilocapsus (g. & subg.), Metriorrhynclius (subg. Poecilocapsus), P. (M.) affinis, P. (M.) marginalis, Callicapsus, C. histrio, Euarmosus, E. Sayi [Capsaria] ; Sixeo- notus, S. insignis, Cyrtocapsus [Bryocoraria] ; Sericophanes, 5'. ocellatus, Semium, S. hirtum, Cyrtopeltocoris, C. albo-fasciatus, Trichia, T. punctu- lata, Engytatus, E. geniculatus, Hyaliodes, Parthenicus, P. psalliodes, Ilna- Cora (g. & subg.), I. (I.) diuisa, Corinala (subg. Ilnacora), I. (C.) St=, Ceratocapsus, C. lutescens, C. punctulatus [Cyllecoraria] ; Strongylotes, S. saliens, Rhinacloa, Rh. forticornis, Psallus guttulosus, Episcopus, E. orna- tus, Phoenicocoris pubescens, Plugiognathus grandis, Aiomoscelis seriatus, Agalliastes suavis [Plagiognatharia] = 28 n. gen., 50 n. spp. of Cimicidae, subf'. Capsina ; gives a synopsis of the (21) species of Resthenia known to the author ; enumerates 6 7 species.
The Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History [of New York], vol. xi, as far as p. 154, contain Nos. 758 to 760. * 758. H. K. MORRISON. Notes on North American Lepi- doptera. p. 91-104. [Feb., 1875.1
Describes Edema Packardii. Acronycta pudorata, Agrotis acclivis, A. montana, Mamestra curta, M. promulsa, Plusia laticlavia, Anarta membrosa, Eutricopis, E. nexilis, Talesilla vesca, Eucalyptra, E. bipuncta = 2 n. gen., 11 n. spp. ; re-describes Edema, Scopelosoma deuk notes on Acronycta brumosa, Adita chionanthi, Mamestra adjuncts, Plusia formosa, P. Hochen- warthi, P. parilis, Calocampa spp.
1 Record made with the assistance of Mr. William Holden.
* 759. A. R. GROTE.
On a New Species of Anarta and
on an allied Genus, with a note on the Genus Adita. p. 107- 109. [May, 1875.1
Describes Anarta nivaria, Agrotiphila = 1 n. g. 1 n. sp.; note on 4 0 - tiphila montana and Adita chionanthi.
* 760. A. R. GROTE. Note on a name in Entomology proposed by the late Coleman Townsend Robinson. p. 128-
1q9. [May, 1875.1
Describes Siparocera nobilis n. sp. [Pyralides], type of the (new) genus. * 761.
The Twenty-Fifth Annual Report on the New York State Museum of Natural History, by the Regents of the University of the State of New York [for the year 18711, contains the following.
[Dated 1873 ; received Sept.,
a. Insects added to the Museum, p. 16. b. Sporendonema muscae ( =Em- pusa muscae) grows spontaneously in the State, commonly, in autumn, causing the death of the flies it attacks, upon the dead bodies of which it is found (by C. H. Peck), p. 89.
* 762. The Twenty-Sixth Annu. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. Nat. Hist. [for the year 18721, contains the following, and No. 763. [Dated 1874 ; received Nov., 1876.1 a. Report of work done upon the entomological collections (by James Hall), pp. 9, 12.
b. Stilbunz ramosum was found growing spontaneously at Sterling, in September, upon dead larva? of insects buried in rotten wood (by C. H. Peck), p. 78.
* 763. J. A. LINTNER. Entomological Contributions - No. 111.
p. 117-192, fig. 1-14.
[Same as Rec., No. 26.1
On the Larva of Eudryas unio Hubn. and allied forms [description, food-plant (EpiloUum coloratum), comparison with E. grata, Alypia 8-mac- data and Psychomorpha epimenis], p. 11 7-1 24, fig. 1-5. 11. Transforma- tions of some Bombycidae [Platysamia Cecropia, Callosamia Promethea, Actias Luna], p. 125-128. 111. Descriptions of the Larvse of some Bom- bycidae [Parurgyia parallels, Apatelodes angelica, Coelodasys unicornis (fig. 6), Platycerura furcilla (fig. 7), Dryocampa rubicunda, Tolype velleda; food-plmts, transformations], p. 129-134. IV. Descriptions of the Larva? of some Noctuidae [.4cronycta americana, A. morula, Ceramica picta, Cu- cullia convexipennis, C. asteroides, Catocala sp. i food-plants, transforma- tions], p. 135-141. V. Notes on some New York Bombycidae [Callimor- pha Lecontii, Arctia Arge, Spilosoma virginica, S. lutipennis (re-described), Euchaetes oregonensis, E. collctris, Halisidota caryae, Orgyia leucostigmaf
Empretia stimulea, Phobetron pitheciunt, Lithacodes fasciola, Nadata gibbosa (fig. 8), Notodonta sp. (fig. 9, lo), Edema albifrons, Cerura borealis (fig.
11), Tclea Polyphmus, Acttas Luna, HemHeuca a, Gastropacha anaeri- caw, ClWocainpu amen%ana, Clenucha virginica, RcepaiS fÌö!ckolliS food- plants; deauriptiona of larvffi, cocoona el al.; biographies; inappropriate names ; association of larva of different species; ocmional abundance of usually rare species], p. 142-156. VI. Notes on some New York Noctui- dae, etc. [Diphiera deridens (fig. 12), Acronycia atnerlqana, A. hastdifera, A. oWmala, Agrotis trimsa n. sp., Hadena lignicoior, Jff. adjunct% Cuedia jlwea (re-described), t Chariclea expn'mew, Chwagris cerintha, Plwia tal- wa, P. aeruides, Scolwptwyx libain'x, Catmala pni-ta; Mesywphe stramen- tdis; New3~0campajUamen!aria, Ewumos mapaaria, Arnphufasjs cqnataria, Abraxasribearh; food-plants; descriptions of larva, cocoons et cd. ; biogra- phies; synonymy of Agrotis subgothim, A. tricosa and A, hdis; notes on the seasons of 1858 and I839 (comparative abundance of various Lapi- doptera)], p. 167-1 67. VII. Descriptions of new species of Cucullia [C. Speyeri (fig. 13, 14), C. serraticomiq comparative descriptions of the or- bicular" apot in 11 other species of Cucullia ; some synonymy in the genus; list of the 7 N. A. spp.], p. 168-176. Vlll. Observation of eonie New York Rhopaloeera for the year 18 71 [calendar of 46 spp., until July 7 J, p. 177-1 78. IX. Data of Colltiction of some New York Heteroeera for the year 1872 [calendar of 196 spp. for 1872 and prior], p. 179-184. X. De- scription of a convenient Insect Case [from the Fifth Annual Beport on the Insects of Missouri, 1873](by J. A. Lmtner), p. 185-188, fig. Index, p. 189-192.
* 764,
The Wat Can. [see Rec., Nos. 248-2541, vol. vii, contains the following, and Nos. 765 to 776. a. A. new silkworm has been found in Turdistan [? Turkistan], p. 33. b. Notice of Crotch's Check List [see Bee., No. 431 [objections to the changes in nomenclature proposed it the List (see Bee., No. 438)], p. 61- G 2; of the Rapport da Ministre de I'AgricuIture pour 1 8 74 [see Rec., No. 7881, p. 63; of Candfeze's Lea Moyens d'Attaque qt de Defense chez leg In- sectefi [Bruxellea, 8vo- pg. 321, p. 92-93 ; of the Report of the Entom. Soc. Ontar. for 1874 [aee Bee., NOS. 626-6881, p. 121 ; of Grotems Check List of Noctuictae [see Rec., No. 3461, p. 378 ; of Henta's Spidero of the United States [see Bee., No. 7901, p. 378. c. Faune Entcmiologique (in Canada [the part already printed (860 pages) delivered to subscribera on demand], p. 94. d. Letter to Dr. Mignesiult [delicacy and originality of form of Tim- +
yis arcuttte], p. 95-96.
a'. Obituary notice of Francis Walker (from Petites Nouvelles Entornologiqueei), p. 184. e. Quelques z h a d'ornis [the
order Diptera comprises much more than 20,000to 25,000 species], p. 192. f, Atlacus polyphemw found in St. Maurice Co., Quebec, p. 377-378. * 766. 1,. PROVANCHER. Lea Ichneumonides de Quebec. . [Cont. from Rec., No. 249.1 pp. 20-26 [Feb., 18751, 48-53 [Marchj, 74-84 [March], 109-121 [May], 188-149 [June], 175-183 [July], 268-274 [Sept.], 309-317 [Nov.], 828-333 [Dec., 18751.
Gives synoptical tables to distinguish 71 species of Ichneumon, 10 Isch- nus, 1 Stilpnus, 9 Mesoleptus, 14 Tryphon, 2 Alomya, 5 Exochus7 2 Ctenis- cus of the Quebec fauna; enumerates 114 species; describes Ichneumon pilosulus, I. n~ellicoxus, I. calcaratus, I. stadaconensis, I. varipes, I. vagans, I. cinctipes, I. signatipes, I. bifasciutus, I. indistinctus, I. aequalis ["cequali~"]~ I. placidus? I. lobatus, I. quebecensis, 1. lacrymans, I. scutellatus, I. nitidus, I. erythropygm [" erythopygus "I, I. fortis, I. Jiesilans, I. marianapolitanen- sis, J. nzucronatus7 I. lineolatus, 1. caudatus, I. humiiis, 1. inflatus, I. cervu- lus, 1. decoratus, lschnus pyriformis, I. lentus, I. rujcornis, I. placidus, I. exilis, I. scutellutus, I. impressus, I. parvus, Stilpnus Canadensis, Mesoleptus micans, M. depressus, M. maculosus, M. variabilis, Tryphon canaliculatus, T. humeralis, T. canadensis, T. laurentianus, T. sanguineus, T. tardus, T. annulatus, T. moyeni, Alomya pulchra, A. abdominalis, Cteniscus concolor = 52 n. spp.
Addenda et Corrigenda to former articles: gives synoptical tables to dis- tinguish (6) species of Polysphincta, (14) Bassus, (17) Limneria, (28) Cryptus, (30) Phygadeuon, (14) Mesostenus, (2) Nematopoda, (18) Meso- leptus, (20) Tryphon, (5) Atractodes, of the Quebec fauna, comprising an addition of 57 species to the list; cites in addition 34 species ; describes Polysphincta rufopectus, P. cinqulatus, Arenetra quebecensis, Orthocentrus canadensis, Bassus fuscitarsus, B. pulchripes, Leptobatus canadensis, Campo- plex luctuosus, Limneria excavata, L. ruficoxa, L. plena, L. ruficornis, L. pallipes, L. basilaris, L. sericea, L. clavata, L. sessilis, Cryptus cinctus, C, brevicornis, C. ruficoxus, Phygadeuon maculatus, Ph. rectus, Ph. insignia, Ph. annulatus, Ph. rujcornis7 Ph. ^,-carinatus, Ph. ovalis, Ph. apicatus, Ph. rufipes, Ph. ornatus, Ph. nigrovariegatus, Mesostenus rufipes, M. pallipes, M. nigricornis, 144. sericeus, M. annulatus, M. tarsatus, M. albicoxus, M. ruj- coxus, M. apicalis, Nematopodius canadensis, N. coxatus, Baryceros rhopalo- cerus, Mesoleptus incompletus, M. longipes, Posocentrus, P. Huardi, Tryphon clypealif, T. dufresnei, T. excavatus, Polysphincta pleuralis, Ecthrus cauda- <us, Cryptus caudatus, C. occidentalis, Phygadeuon mellinus, Hemiteles man- dibularis, Catocentrus dilatatus, Mesoleptus erectus, Orthocentrus pleuralis, Westwoodia fumipennis, Podogaster radiolatus, Pezomachzis quebecensis, Plec- , tiscus pleuralis, Megastylus politus, Phytodietus gracilis, Atractodes mellipes, A. fus~yormis = 1 n. g., 66 n. spp. ; Ephialtes manifestaius Linn. (vol. v, p. 449) should read E. tuberculous Fourcroi. * 766. F. X. BELANGER. Microl6pidopt&res. p. 4648. [March, 1875.1
Remarks upon habits of Tineidae; means of protecting woollen stuffs and furs from their ravages; list of the (20) species in the collection of the museum of the Universit6 Lava1 ; 12 species are mentioned by name as new. * 767. 1,. PROVANCHER. La Mbgachile guenille. p. 58- 61. [March, 1875.1
Habits of Megachile centunculus.
* 768. L. PROVANCHER. Chasse aux Insectes nuisibles. p. 171-173. [July, 1875.1
Insects are best attacked unguibus et rostro ; Caloptenus spretus is to be attacked directly in Le Sueur Co., Minnesota, in 1875. * 769. L. PROVANCHER. La Doriphore &, 10 lignes ou Chrysondle de la Pomme de Terre. p. 173-175, fig. 19. [July, 1875.1
Doryphora 10-lineata has reached Toronto, but has not reached Quebec, statements to the contrary notwithstanding; the climate of Quebec may be too rigorous for it ; premiums should be offered for its destruction ; precau- tions taken against it in Europe are superfluous. * 770. L. PROVANCHER. Une Excursion ^i St. Hyacinthe. pp. 205-219 [Aug., 18751, 232-247 [Sept., 18751. Annotated list of 31 Hym, 5 Lep., 6 Dip., 20 Col., 4 Horn., 9 Het., 4 Orth., 2 Ps.-Neur., 5 New., found at or near St. Hyacinthe, some new to the locality, especially Ammophila pcilis, Attacus luna, Doryphora 10- lineata, Cicada rimosa, others new to science [see Rec., No. 7711. * 771. L. PROVANCHER. Description de Plusieurs Insec- tes nouveaux. p. 247-251. [Sept., 1875.1 Describes Mantispa Burquei, Aeschna Yfimaskanensis, Xorides canadensis, Mesostenus rufipes, Ichneumon Clopini, Ischnus variegatus, Mesoleptus Sancti-Hyacinthi = 7 n. spp., taken upon the excursion cited in Rec., No. 7 70.
* 772. L. PROVANCHER. Insecte nomm4. p. 288. [Oct., 1875.1
Re-describes Cicada dorsata ; gives a list of the (8) species in the au thor's collection.
* 773. L. PROVAKCHER. Clef Generale aux Ichneumon- ides de Quebec, jusqu'a ce jour connus. p. 333-353. [Dec., 1875.1
"Nomenclature of veins and cells of wings; synoptical table to distinguish the (58) genera of the Quebec fauna already known, comprising 386 spe- cies, 239 of which have been described as new in vols v-vii of LE NATU- RALISTE CANADIEN, and 147 of which were previously described ; diagno- ses of each of the genera are given, with references to the volumes of EAT. CAN. in which the species are treated of. * 774. L. PROVANCHER. Identification des Sujets d'His- toire ~atuielle. p. 854-357. [Dec., 1875.1 Sketch of difficulties experienced in identifying described species, owing to the dispersion of the descriptions; recommendation that descriptions should have to be published in certain publications in order to acquire a claim to recognition.
l'avancement de la science.
Notice of meeting of Entom.
locusts as food for man.
Association Am6ricaine
p. 359-360. [Dec., 1875.1
Club A. A. A. S.,
at Buffalo, in
1875 ;
Les Urocerides de Quebec. p.
368-376, fig. 31. [Jan., 1876.1
Characterizes the family ; gives a synoptical table to distinguish the (5) genera of the Quebec fauna, which are characterized also ; enumerates and describes 13 species, including Xiphidria canadensis, Xiphidion, X. canaden- sis, Phylloecus 'bwinctus = 1 n. g., 3 11. spp. * 777. The Nat. Can., vol. viii, contains the following, and Nos. 778 to 787.
a. Appointment of J. T. Humphrey as State Entomologist of Georgia, p. 94. b. Insects cause at least $200,000,000 of damage per annum [where ?I, p. 95. c. Occurrence of Limacodes pithecium at Lavaltrie,' Berthier Co., Quebec ; Gordius aquaticus parasitic on Gryllus, p. 339-34 1. * 778. L. PROVANCHER. Petite Faune Entomologique du Canada. - Les Orthopt6res [corr.], Orthoptera. pp. 13-26, fig. 1-2 [Feb., 18761, 52-62, fig. 3 [Feb.], 72-81, fig. 5-8 [March], 106-116, fig. 11-13 [April], 184-143 [May, 18761. Characters and peculiarities of the order and families of Orthoptera ; about 6500 species are known, of which about 118 are North American ; distinguishes synoptically 6 families, 18 genera, 3 7 species ; describes the species ; Calopteyms sanguinolentus, C. parvus, Acridium rugosum, CIdo~altis canadensis = 4 n. spp.
Describes the stridulating organs of Gryllus; Gordius aquaticus parasitic on Gryllus; use of Acrididae as food. * 779. L. PROVANCHER. Frequence et Disparition des Insectes. p. 30-32. [Feb., 1876.1
Fertility of insects; natural limitations to their increase; periodicity of their appearance. List of insects particularly abundant in 1875 at Cap Rouge: Chrysomela elegans on Bidens cernua and Dahlia; Entilia sinuata on Dahlia; Eysarchoris carnifex and Epicauta cinerea on Leguminosae; Pentatoma junlperi on Sonchus ["laitron "1 ; and 6 others. * 780. L. PROVANCHER. &ude de 1'Histoire Naturelle. Lecture faite 1' Institut Canadien de Quebec, Ie 13 Janvier 1876. p. 33-52. [Feb., 1876.1
Enumeration of (French) vulgar names given to insects; economic im- portance of insects.
[For correction: few of the United States employ a salaried entomologist; Dr. Fitch's labors were estimated at $50,000 per annum. B. P. M.]
30s. 33-34 were issued June 8, 1877.
Volume 2 table of contents