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Psyche 2:9-16, 1877.
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same behind 6.5 mm. ; height of cephalothorax 3.5 mm. ; length of abdomen 12.8 mm. ; breadth and height of same 8.2 mm. ; length of mandibles 4.75 mm. ; of claw 2.2 mm. ; of palpi 10.5 mm. ; of first pair of legs 25 mm. ; of second pair 23.5 mm. ; of third pair 21.5 mm. ; of fourth pair 28 mm. The young on the parent's back differ from the adult in having a broader dorsal stripe upon the abdomen, giving them the appearance of being dark above, with silvery sides ; they are about as long as the last joint of the third pair of legs. The egg cocoon is an irregularly spherical mass, 8 mm. in average diameter, of a pale bluish gray color, smooth in some parts, rough in others ; it is attached by a thick silken cord to the abdomen of the mother, being grasped by the hinder pair of mammillae. , Samuel H. Scuddo.
The date of publication, here given in brackets [ 1, marks the time at which the work was received by the Editor, unless an earlier date of publication is known to him. An asterisk * before a title iq the Recorder's certificate of accuracy of quotation. Cor- rections of errors and notices of omissions are solicited. - B. PICIOIAN MANS. [Continued from Vol. I, page 216.)
The Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, vols. ix and xi (ser. 2, vols. i and iii) contain nothing entomological ; vol. x (ser. 2, vol. ii) contains No. 716. * 716. S. H. SCUDDER. Historical Sketch of the Generic Names proposed for Butterflies: a Contribution to Systematic Nomenclature, 13. 91-293. [April, 1875.1 Decision, founded upon historical evidence and given canons of sj stem- atic nomenclature, concerning the validity of each name proposed for a genus of butterflies and the species to be considered as typical of each genus; discussion of some principles of nomenclature: attempt to fix the dates of Hubner's different works and of Doubleday and Westwood's Genera of Diurnal Lcpidoptera. Discusses about 1104 names ; Acentro- cneme (Feld.) and Letbites appear for the first time as generic names. The Proc. Bost. SOC. Nat. Hist. [See Rec., Nos. 173-1821, vol. xvii, from p. 257, contain Nos. 717 to 728. * 717. S. H. SCUDDER. Notes 011 Orthoptera from North- ern Peru, collected by Prof. James Orton. 17. 257-282. [March, 1875.1
Enumerates 46 species, including two not from Peru. Describes Gi'yllo-
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talpa maranona = 1 n. sp. Gryllides; Steirodonopes, S. bilobata, Orophus pewianus, Pliylloptera tripunctata, Anallomes, A. unipunciata, A. maranona, Coelophyllum, C. simplex, Meroncidius transvitlatus, Leptotettix tessellafa, Conocephalus in fuscatus, Orchelimum Ortoni := 3 gen., 10 n. spp. Locustariae; Astroma hastata, Mastax nip, M. GundIacJiii (from Cuba), Hippacris, H. crassa, Zonocerus ? bilineatus, Machaerocera niqromcirginata, Prorhc~cJiis, P. granulosa, ( Aeolacris), Elaeochlora Brunneri, Aplatacris, A. colorata, On2n2atolunzpis leucopfera, 0. aptera, 0. nigroguttata, Phaeoparia curtipennis, Acridium (Osmiiia) Saussurei, Euparnops, E. caeruleum, Cornops, C. bivit- tatum, Coelopterna St%, Tettigidea cuspidata .=: 6 n. gen., 18 n. spp. Acrydii; Bacteria nigripes, B. exigua, Phasma radiafum = 3 n. spp. Phas- mida; PancMora sign~/era = 1 n. sp, Blattariae ; Thcrmastris Dohrnii,
Neolobophora, N. bogotensis (from Bogota) = 1 n. g., 2 n. spp. Forficu- lariae; in all = 10 n. gen., 35 n. spp.
^ 718. P. R. UHLER.
List of the Species of Hemiptera
and Neuroptera, obtained by Prof. James Orton, in Northern Peru. p. 282-286. [March, 1875.1
Enumerates, with descriptive and geographical notes, 9 species of Heter- optera and describes Pachycoris discrepans = 1 n. sp.; 6 species of Homoptera and describes Carineta socia = 1 n. sp.; 1 Neuropteron and 1 Pseudo-Neuropteron.
* 719. CHARLES V. RJLEY. Description of a new species of Agrotis. p. 286-288. [March, 1875.1
Describes Agrotis Morrisoniana n. sp.
* 720. S. H. SCUDDER. Description of some Labradorian Butterflies. p. 291-314. [March, April, 1875.1 Gives detailed descriptions of &enthis Triclaris (= " Arg. Lais"), B. CJmriclea ( = Arcf. Boisduvalii å´ " A rg. Oenone "), B. Freija (compared with B. Moniinus), B.polaris, B. Frigga, Agriades Aquilo ( = ? Polyonzma- ius Franklinii).
* 721. P. S. SPRAGUE.
On the Species of Coleoptera de-
scribed by Mr. J. W. Randall.
With Notes by E. P. Austin.
p. 373-385. [May, June, 1875.1
Remarks upon the state of entomology in the year 1837, and attempts to identify the species of Coleoptera described by Mr. Randall in the Journal of the Boston Society of .Natural History, vol. 11, 1838; synonpical list of all the (nominally 84) species.
* 722. S. H. SCUDDER. A Century of Orthoptera. Dec- ade 11. - Locustariae. p. 454-462, fig. 1-5. [July, 1875.1 Describes Stilia, S. foliaia (fig. 3-5) from Old Calabar, Liroinetopum, L. coronatum (fig. 1-2) from New Granada, Belocephalus, B. subaptems from Florida, Orchelimu~n nigripes from Texas, XIphIdium strictum from Texas, X. antipodum from New Zealand, X. nze~zdionale from Brazil, x. ictum
from Mexico and Guatemala, X. qoss@ from Southern United States, X. nemorcde from Iowa = 3 n. gen., 10 n. spp. * 723. S. H. SCUDDER. Spharagemon, - a Genus of CEdipodidae; with a Revision of the Species. p. 467-471. [July, 1875.1
Describes Spharagemon, S. Rolli, S. laI/eatunz, S. cristatum 1 11. g., 3
11. spp. ; synopsis of the (6) species, with synonymy and references. * 724. S. H. SCUDDEK. A Century of Orthoptera. Dec- ade 111. - Acrydii (Pezotettix, Caloptenus). p. 47 2-478. [July, 1875.1
Describes Pezotettix olivacea, P. acutipnnis, Cctlnptenus pondcrosus, C. robustus, C. decorator, C. deletor, C. helluo, C. glaucipes, all from Texas; describes C. fasciatus and C. minor from Nebraska; in all r= 10 n. spp. * 2 . S. H. SCUDDER. Revision of two American genera of CEdipodidee. p. 478-485. [July, 1875.1 Describes Encoptolophus, E. pmus from Texas, Tragocephala brevipen- nis from C.ilifornia, T. cubensis from Cuba = 1 n. g., 3 n. spp. ; enumerates 3 spp. of Encoptoloplius and 4 spp. of Tragocephala, with synopses and synonymy ; dimorphism and geographical variations of T. viridifasdata = virginiana -\- infuscata. .
* 726. T. THORELL. Notice of some Spiders from Labra dor. p. 490-504. [July, Aug., 1875.1
Enumerates 10 species identified, with descriptive and geographica notes; describes Epeira Packardii, LinypJia Emertonii, Club'wna frigiclula Gnaphosa brumalis, Lycosa furcifera, L. fuscula, L. labradorensis å´ 7 n. spp.
* 727. J. H. EMERTON. On the Structure of the Palpal Organs of Male Spiders. p. 505-507, fig. 1-2. [Aug., 1875.1 Notices the contents of some previous writings upon the subject; figures the organs as seen in Mygale and Epeira, and describes these and others. * 728. S. H. SCUDDER. A Century of Orthoptera. Dec- ade IV. - Acrydii. p. 510-517. [Aug., 1875.1 Describes CJdoealtis brunnea, AmUytropidia subhyc~Lina, Gomphocerus vir- gatus, l'soloessa, Ps. texana, Ps, femiginea, Ps. nzaculipennis, Arphia sim- plex, A. consperso, A. luteola, from Texas ; describes Phlibostroma, Ph. pictum from Nebraska; in all 2 n. g., 10 n. spp. * 729.
The Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. xviii, con- tain the following, and Nos. 730 to 744. a.
Custodian's Report on the Collection of Insects [statement of ac- cessions and of work done] (by A. Hyatt), pp. 6, 12-14, 339. b. Vanessa
cardui probably indigenous to the American continent (by S. H. Scudder) ; not found in die Hawaiian Islands and probably not in Tahiti in 1840 (by
Dr. Chas. Pickcring), p. 201-202.
c. The hind wings of cockroaches and
earwig's are folded in repose in a very complex manner (by S. H. Scudder), p. 236. d. The presence of white ants in New England threatens us with dangers (by 14. A. Hagen), p. 242.
Syrdtu pipiens and Cl~rysopJiamts
cmericuna engage in the cross fertilization of the dandelion, upon which flowers Colias philodice and Pieris rupae are also noticed (by G. Din~mock), p. 401.
* 730. H. A. HAGEN.
Synopsis of the Odonata of Amer-
ica. p. 20-96. [Aug. - Oct., 1875.1
A complete list of all species hitherto described or known to me " [the nutho?] (except the subfamily Agrionina), with localities and synonymy. Enumerates '' 480 " (about 258 ]ST. A.) names, about 90 of which apply, however, to species of which no descriptions have ever been published, some of these names being nearly twenty years old, and at least 15 to species never described and not known to the author! * 731. S. H. SCUDDER. On Fossil Insects from Cape Breton. p. 118-114. [Oct., 1875.1
Notice of a fossil Odonat larva, possibly that of Haplop7detium Barnesii, and of some previously found related fossils. * 732.
H. I<. MORRISON. Notes on the Noctuidse. p. 114- 126. [Oct., 1875.1 0
Describes Dicopis electilis, Ayrolis digna, A. in fracfu, A. manifests, A. oblcita, A. praefixa, Mamestru repentinci, M. ec/?jpa, 111. ruqosci, Seqetia mc-rsc~, LYoncigrici hefa, Heliophilu pertvacta, Carudrina derosq CucuZZict Zuna, Churiclea pretiosu, Sehiizia media, Polenta, Turaclte obcitra, Hon~opl~oberia~ H. crisluta = 2 n. gen., 18 n. spp.; describes Syneda graplk var. media n. Tar.; re-describes Agrotis clciuz~ormis, Carcdri;m tarda; Agroiis qilvipennis = A. cltcirdinyi; Mamestra rufula and M. brassicae == M. lubens; hihoecia spi upei = A. arcifera.
* 733.
C. R. OSTEN SACKEN. Note on some Diptera from the Island Guaclaliipe (Pacific Ocean), collected by Mr. E. Palmer. p. 133-134. INov., 1875.1
List of 12 species of Diptera [ll determined only as to genus], Micromus (Bwofltci) flavicw'nis [found also in the U. S.], and one undetermined species each of Psocus, Aphidae, Psyllidae and Ophion, recorded for future reference.
* 734. C. R. OSTEN SACKED. On the North American Species of the Genus Syrphus (in the narrowest Sense). p.
135-153. [Nov., 1875.1
Geogmphical distribution of the genus ; detailed comparison of 5'. toruns and S. reci'iis, with the supposition in view that they may be seasonally Jimorphic forms of one species, identical with S. to~jiariusÌÔvitr$~e?2?zis ribesii of Europe [see Rec., 'So. 6831; analytical table of the 10 species de-
scribed in the present paper.
S. torvns, S. rectus, S. contwnax, S. dopis = 4 n. spp. Notes on synonyms or insufficient descriptions of other species; correction of the article cited in Rec., No. 157. * 735. S. H. SCUDDER. Notice of a small collection of Butterflies made by Mr. Roland Thaxter, on Cape Breton Is- land. p. 188-190. [Jan., 1876.1
List of the (J4) species taken, remarks on Argynnis Cybele, Rusticus Scudderii. Cl~rysophanus Epixantlie, Eurpus Philodice, Limochores Taumas. * 736. B. P. MANX. Monstrosities in Anisopteryx vernata [and pornetaria]. p. 201. [Feb., 1876.1
Describes a female of A. pornetaria as having partially developed wings and pectinated antennas.
[See Rec., No. 7.1
* 737. H. I<. MORRISON. Descriptions of New North American Noctuidae. p. 237-241. [April, May, 1876.1 Describes Apotis perpolita, A. Fauna, A. Olivia, A. comosa, A. hero, A. personata, A. orthogonia, Segetia proxima, Homoglaea, H. hircina, Taenio- campa revicia, Homoptera pema = 1 n. g., 11 n. spp. * 738. S. H. SCUIYDER. A Century of Orthoptera. Dec- ade V. - Forficulariae (Exotic). 11. 251-257. [May, 1876.1 Describes C;jlidroqaster n igra from Para, Lcdidura auditor from Natal, Chelisoclm con2primens from Africa, Ancistrogaster artluitica from Brazil, Forficula var{ana from Liberia, F. vellicans, 3'. lutelpes, F. variicornis, F. hirsuta, Labia cwcuata from Brazil = 10 11. spp. ; proposes the generic name Chelisoches in place of Lobophora preoccupied. * 739. S. H. SCUDDER. A Century of Orthoptera. Dec- ade VI. - Forficularias (N. American). p. 257-264. [May, 1876. ]
Describes Neoloboptiora volsella from Mexico, Thermasiris chontda from Nicaragua, Spongopkora forfex from ?,
Ancistrogaster gulosa, Forficula
vara, F. toUeca from Mexico, F. exidis from Texas, F. aculec~h from U. S. and Cuba?, Lctbia rotundata from Mexico, L. brunnea from Cuba := 10 n. spp.; 'amends the description of genus Neolobopliora. * 740. S. H. SCUDDER. Description of Three Species of Labia from the Southern United States. p. 265-268. [MaY, 1876. ]
Describes Labia gzittata from Texas, L. Burqessii from Florida, L. melan- chol'ica from Texas = 3 n. spp,
^ 741. S. H. SCUDDER. Orthoptera from the Island of Guadalupe. p. 268-271. [May, 1876.1
Describes Gryllus insularis, Acridium vcigunz (also from California), Tn- merotropis vinculctta (also from California and Mexico), 7'. Iauta= 4 n. spp. * 742. S. H. SCUDDER. Critical and Historical Notes on Forficulariae; including Descriptions of new Generic Forms and
an Alphabetical Synonynlic List of the Described Species. p.
287-332. [July-Oct,., 1876.1
Explanation and tabulation of the synonymy of the group; examination of all the generic names previously proposed for members of the family, to determine their validity and proper use. Treats of 36 generic names; es- tablishes Anecliura, Carcinophora, Labidophora (in place of Platylabia ex- cluded), Tjphlolabia = 4 new genera. Enumerates 251 species, with syn- onymy and localities.
* 743. S. H. SCUDDER. On the Carboniferous Insects of Europe and America. p. 358-359. [Dec., 1876.1 The insect faunas of Europe and America were as intimately in
Carboniferous times as now.
* 744. A. R. GROTE. Notes on Noctuas from Florida. p. 414-417. [Jan., Feb., 1877.1
Describes Perigea Icole, Heltopliilapilipalpis, Lygranthoecia scissa, Phurys glans= 4. n. spp. ; enumerates 13 spp. collected in Florida by 1%. Thaxter, Eriopus granltosa and Opliideres materna being new to this country; notes on the habits of Ophideres.
* 745. S. EX. Scudder. Entomological Notes. 111. From the Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History. 8vo. pg. 34, with one plate containing 17 groups of figures. [June, 1875.1
a. Description of the Larva and Chrysalis of Papilio Eury- medon Boisd., of California.
p. 1-2.
[From vol. XIII, p. 221-222 (April, 1870), where the species described is said to be P. Rululus, but is referred to in the index, p. 434, as P. Eury- medon. (See Errata, p. 428.)]
b. On the Synonymy of Tliecla calanus. p. 3-7. [From vol. XKII, p. 2 72-276 (Aug., 1870).] Describes Th. calanus and
Th. Edwardsii n. sp., with synonymic notes. c.
On Asymmetry i11 the Appendages of Hexapod Insects, especially as illustrated in the Lepidopterous Genus Nisoniades. (with Edward Burgess.)
p. 7-31, plate.
[From vol. XIII, p. 282-306, plate (Aug., Nov., 1870).] Mentions cases
of asymmetry in several classes of animals; describes the kind of asp- metry found in the abdonlinal clasps of males of Nisoniades. Characterizes by these appendages, which are figured, 16 (N. Lucilius Lintn., N, Icelus Lintn., N. Terentius, N. funeralis, N. Ovidlus, N. Ennius, N. Propertius, N. Tibullus, N. Horatius, N. VirqUius, N. Plautus := 11 new) species of Nisoniades ; figures the appendages of Phora microcephala ? ; synonymical notes.
d [Same as Rec., No. 4. (Jan., 1874.)] p. 32-33. e. [Same as Rec., No. 8. (March, 1874.)] p. 33-34.
* 746. S. H. Scudder. Entomological Notes IV Re- printed from the Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, Vol. XVII, 187-1-5. Boston 1875 8vo. pg. 91, fig. 1-5. [Aug., 1875.1
Title, p. 1.
Reprint of the articles cited in this Record, Nos. 179, 181, 717, 720, 722, 723, 724, 725, 728, occupying, respectively, pp. 2-7, 7-10, 11-36, 37-57, 57-65 (with fig. 1-5), 66-70, 71-77, 77-84, 84-91. * 747. S. H. Scudder. Entomological Notes V Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History Vol. XVIII, 1875-76 Boston 1876 8vo. pg. 72. INov., 1876.1
Title, p. 1.
Reprint of the articles cited in this Record, Nos. 731 [" Re- marks on some Remains of Insects occurring in Carboniferous Shale at Cape Breton "I, 735, 738, 739, 740, 741, 742, occupying, respectively, pp. 2-3, 3-5, 6-12, 12-19? 20-23, 23-26, 27-72. * 748.l C. Stal. Recensio Orthopterorum. - Revue cri- tique des Orthopt&res df?crits par Linnf?, De Geer et Thunberg. 1-3. Stockholm, Norstedt. 8vo.
[The enumeration of species is not meant to be complete.] 1. 1873. pg. 4, 20, 164. [Sept., 1874.1
Title; dedication.
Introduction; nomenclature resp. laws of priority ; difficulties in characterizing systematic groups ; nomenclature of veins and areas of wings. Systematization of the fanlily Acridiodea; defines synop- tically 11 (5 N. A.) subfamilies, in 8 of which 112 genera are defined synoptically, 8 of which genera include 23 (3 N. A.) subgenera ; enunler- ates 110 (24 N. A.) (51 [15 N. A.] new) genera and subgenera and 26 7 (38 N. A.) (41 [I1 N. A.] new) species. The new genera and the N. A. species are : Ochrophlebia [Phymatidae] ; Prionolopha, Oncolopl~a, Dictyo- phorns reticulatus7 Taeniopoda, T. superba, T. picticornis !, Rhomalea colo- rata, Zoniopoda, Hermistria, fl. pulchripes!, Coscineuta, C. virens, Tetra- taenia, Taeniophora, Rh~tidoch~ota, Goniaea, Phaeoparia, Coptawa, Trau- lia, (Schistocerca [s. g. Acridium]) , A. (S.) arnericanum, A. (8.) pallens, A. (S.) colwnbinum, (Osinilia [s. g. Acridiui,a]), A. (0.) flavolineatum,
(Stropis [s. g. Acridium]), Orbillus, Cirphula, Vilerna, (Sphodromerus, Euryphymus [s. g. Calliptenus]) , (Tylotropidius, Trigonopllymus, Dichrop- tus, Melanoplus [s. g. Pezotettix]), P. (M.) femurrubrum, P. (At.) Bwckii, Tristria, Stenopola, (Oxyblepta [s. g. Stenopola]), Arnilia, A. cylindrodes, Leptysma, L. marginicollis, Tropidopola [Acridiidae]; Maclmeridia, Achzt- rum acridodes, Merimria, M. Beljraqii!, Syrbula, S. Montezuma, S. leuco- cerca !, Oehrilidia, Truxalis breuicor~ns, 1'. angusticornis !, (Orphula [s . g. Truxalis]), Amblytropidia, Scyllina, S. viatoria, Primnia [Truxalidae]; Trcigocephula viridifasciata, T. sordida, T. ccstalis, Arphia, A. suJpJiurea, Record revised by Mr. S. H. Scudder.
A. sangninaria !, Camnula, C. tricarincita, Hippiscus (liscoideus, Psophus, Pycnodictya, Cosmorhy ssa, Prionidia, Heteropternis, Oedipodci carolina, 0, Beffrcigii.', 0. pwictc~ta!, 0. venusfa, 0. tr~yciscictta, Trilophidia, Psinidia, Ps. fenefstralk, Ps. capita !, Ps. fuscifrons !, Trimerotropis, 7'. mewitima [Oedipodidae] ; Pompholyx [PneumoriJae] ; flymenotes compressus [Tetti- gidae].
2. 1874. pg. 4, 8, 121. [Jan., 1875.1
Title ; dedication.
Interlocking- of characters in Locnstina; defects of the dicl~otomo-synoptic method of systematization ; need of the formation of small genera ; difficulties in the description of species. Systematiza-
tion of the family Locustina ; defines synoptically 5 (3 N. A .) subfan~ilies, in 4 of which 105 genera are defined synoptically ; enumerates 93 (16 N. A.) (31 [6 N. A.] new) genera and 150 (22 N. A.) (28 [6 N. A.] new) species. The new genera and the N. A. species are: Dinarchus, Arantia, Ducetia, Elimaea, Caedicia, Polichne, Aphiilna, A. dips, F/or~nil'k iolfeca, Scudderia curvicciuda, Theudoria, Turpilia, 7'. pzinctc~ta!, Plirixa, Ph. nasuia !, Ainbljycorypha oblongtfolia, ~icroce~;trzi?n lcrurifolium, P?&ilopJiyllia guttulctta, Pcucestes, P. dentatus, P. ccro?tatus!, Posi(Iippns, Frontinus, Aeg-imia, A. culir'ifera! [Phyllophori~lae]; Mustius, Cleandrus, Cratylus, Onomarchus, Satlirophyllia, Tarphe, Termera, Tanusia, Parysatis, Tetra- gonomera, Pleminia, P. repanda !, Meroncidius citri^pinus !, Liparosfcelis pal- lidispina, L. nigrispina, Tcleutias, Cocco~~o/ti,s DeGeeri, C. tricornis [Pseudo- phyllidae]; Vestria, Conoceplia1us ensiger, C. triops, Xiphidim fcisciatu~n, X. cinereunz, X. cigile, Subria, Teuthras, Thysdr~~s, Terpandrus [Cono- cephalidae].
3. 1875. pg. 4, 1.0, 105. [Nov., 1875.1
Title; dedication.
Proposal of a radically new system of Phasn~idae ; a natural classification must be made, and appreciated, by fineness of system- atic tact and instinctive comprehension of natural relations, rather than by dependence upon characters. Systematization of the family Gryllidae; enumerates '8 (2 N. A.) genera and 13 (3 N. A.) species, viz. : A7emobius fasciatus, Oecanhs niveus, 0. bipunctcitus. Systematization of the family Pllasmidae; defines synoptically 100 genera; enumerates 86 (12 N. A\) (54 [6 N. A.] new) genera and 106 (14 N. A.) (45 [7 N. A.] new) species. .
The new genera and the N. A. species are: Myronides, Phraortes, Carausias, Dixippus, Clitumnus, Hyrtacus, Stheneboea, (Nedaura [s. g. Stheneboea]), Candovia, Macella, Gratidia, Entoria, Promachus, Oxyartes, Menexenus, P/1(ii2/asis planula, Lamponius, L. Guerini, Caulonia, Libetl~ra, Diapliero- mera denticrus !, Serrnyle, S. inexicana, S. Saussurii !, Dyme, Calynda, C. bicu,y)is!, Bostra dursuciria !, B. podagrica, Clonistria Bc~rt?~oloniciea, Phan- odes, Hirtuleius, Clitarchus, Anchiale, Vetilia, Arphax, Calvisia, Sosibia, Orxines, Candaules, Sadyattes, Hermachus, Asprenas, Neanthes, Canachus, Obrhnus, Tisanienus, Pylaemenes, Datames, Dares, Canuleius, Agatheinera, Autolyca, A. pallidicornis !, Decidia, Stratocles, 5'. cinctipes!, Phocylides, P1;cismc~ Menius, Prexaspes, Isagoras, Planudes, Metrio/es Diodes, Dama- sippus, D. Westwoodid!, Leostlienes, Phalces, Macynia, Chitoniscus.
Volume 2 table of contents