Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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W. M. Mann.
The Stanford Expedition to Brazil: List of Histeridæ and Buprestidæ.
Psyche 19:118-120, 1912.

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118 Psyche . [August
Fig, c. Heliothrips phaseali Right half of tergum of second abdominal segment, x $61.
Fig. d. Zygothrips americanus sp. nov,-Head and prothorax of female, x 99. PLATE 9.
Fig. a. Glyptothrips jZavescen8 gen. et sp. nov., female,-Head and protl~orax, x 117.
Fig. b. Glyptothrips jZavescen8 Right antenna, x 255. Fig. c. Glyptoihrips$a~escens Portion of occiput, showing sculpture, x 515. THE STANFORD EXPEDITION TO BRAZIL, 1911. J. C. BRANNER, Director.
Bussey Institution, Harvard Univerdty.
Among the material collected by the Expedition many families are represented by only a few species.
These lots, as well as those
more extensive, have been placed in the hands of specialists in the respective groups for identification. When these have been re- turned without notes, it seems advisable to list the species to sup- ply data on distribution, most of the specimens being from regions in which few coll~ctions have been made. The Histerid~ were determined by Mr. George Lewis of Tun- bridge Wells, England, the Buprestid~ by Mr, Charles Kerre- mans of Brussels, Beligum.
Oxysferus maximus L.
Abunb, and Madeira-Marnor6 R, R. Camp 39. Taken flying in evening.
Lioderma demum Mars.
Madeira-Marnor6 R, R. Camp 39.
One specinwn.
Liodwma &-dentaturn Fab.
Abuni, Rio Madeira.
Halolepta jamarii Mars.
Madeira-Marnor6 R.R. Camp 39.
Trypan@ua spinigm Mars.
Abunh. Beneath bark.


FSYCBE, 1912.


PSYCHE, 1912.


Munn-List of His/eride and Bupreslidcx?
Trypanceus rtoxia Mars.
Abun&, Beneath bark.
Y'rypanms nu$icornis Mars.
Ab~~nh. Beneath bark.
Xylonms fallax Mars.
Madeira-Mamorb R. R. Camp 43.
Hider cucifrms Mars.
Porto Velho7 Rio Madeira. '
Hister punctijer Payk.
Bat~irit6 Mts. (Cearh). .
Hister curvatus Mars.
Forto Velh~, Rio Madeira.
Sapinus pmidus Er.
Porto 17elho and Camp 41 Rio Madeira.
Sapinus milium Mars.
Natal (Rio Grande do Norte).
Very common in dung.
Ontalodes co~ieollis Mars.
Madeira-Mamor6 R. R. Camp 39.
Orriulodcs foueolutu~ Mars.
Madeira-Mamorb R.R. Camp 39, and Porto Velho. Omalodes amazonius Mars.
Abun& Rio Madeira.
Phelister h~morrhus Mars.
Porto Velho.
Phelister confusaneus Mars.
Independencia (Parahyba) .
Phelister fairmairei Mars.
Natal (Rio Grande do Norte).
~solomulis hispaniolus Mars.
Par&. Beneath bark.
Epierus kraatzii Sch.
Abun& Rio Madeira. Beneath bark.
Epierus vagans Mars.
Abm& Rio Madeira.
Curcinops misella Mars.
Abun&. Beneath bark.


120 Psyche [August
Euchroma gigantea Linn.
Several specimens from Abun& and Camp 3gY Madeira-Mamor6 R.R. Two
specimens were taken at Abunh? Bolivia.
Found on trunks of the silk-cotton tree
(G'eiba sp.)
Pelecopselaphus lateralis Waterh.
Two specimensy Madeira-Mamor6 R.R. Camp 39. Chrgse&hes tripunctata Fab.
One specimen? Madeira-Mamor6 R. R, Camp 28. Chrysobothris amazonica Kerr.
Madeira-Namor6 R, R. Camp 39. (Matto Grosso) . Chrgsobothris sexpunctata Fab.
Abunh and Madeira-~Vamork R. R. Camp 39. (Matto Grosso). Chrgsobothris cordicollis Cast. Gory.
Abunhy Rio Madeira (Matto Grosso).
Actenodes nobilis Linn.
Common at Forto Velho, Rio Madeira (State of Amazonas). Ovipositing in
recently cut timber.
Taphrocerus angustus Gory.
Independencia (Parahyba) .
Agrilus manszetus Cast. Gory.
Abunh and Madeira-Marnor6 R.ReY Camps 39 and 41. Agril~is arnus Gory.
Abunh, Rio Madeira.
Agrilus umbartus Har.
Numerous specimens taken by sweepingy at Independencia (Parahyba). Agrilus niger Cast. Gory.
Natal (Rio Grande do Norte).
Agrilus frigidus Gory.
Madeira-Mamor6 R. RSy Camp 98.
(Matto Grosso.)
Agrdu8 cearicus Kerr.
Natal (Rio Grande do Norte).
Agrilus madeiricus Kerr.
Abunii and Madeira-Mamore R.R.? Camp 28. Agrilus temeratus Wat.
One specimen.
Porto Velho, Rio Madeira.


Volume 19 table of contents