Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 67.
Psyche 16:67-98, 1909.

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probable error of 0.033.
The correlation is only about half its probable error and consequently no significance at all can be attached to it. Clearly, therefore, there is
no modification of the width of the band dependent upon the size of the twig upon which it is formed,
Of course this conclusion applies only to the present series of data; further measurements might yield different results. Dr. von Schrenk's series of measure- ments somewhat exceeds 400, however, and this may be regarded as a fairly satis- factory number for the solution of the second of the two problems. The first still remains for solution and collections of data towards this end ought to be made. COLEOPTERA TAKEN AT FRAMINGHAM, MASS.
THE following species of Coleoptera have been taken during the past four seasons in this locality and some of them at least have never been recorded from New England, Cicindela purpurea, var. audt~bonii, Lee. One ? specimen, Sept. 4,1904. This
has been- recorded once before in PSYCHE, but it has recently been critically examined and compared with western audubonii by Mr. Edw. D. Harris who considers its capture in Mass. remarkable.
Elaphrus cicatricosus, Lee.
One specimen, May 10, 1907, taken near a small brook when this was flooded by water from a cranberry bog. (One specmen of this
species was taken at Monmouth, Maine, on lake shore during June, 1906.) Elaphrus clairvillei, Kirby, Four specimens taken in the muddy bed of a dried up brook, Sept. 6, 1907.
Lachnocrepis parallelus, Say, and Anatrichis minuta, Dej. Mr. Frederick
Blanchard, who identified them, writes me that he has one specimen of the former from Lowell, Mass., and a single specimen of the latter from Florida. Acilius fraternus, Harr.
Four specimens; Acilius semisulcatus, Aub6 being the common species here.
One specimen of A. mediatus, Say has been taken, Aug. 25, 1907.
Limonius stigma, Hbst.
Two specimens, June 8, 1907, and May 27, 1908. Agrilus blanchardi, Horn.
One specimen, July 27, 1907. Probably this species is mixed with A. anxius, Gory in collections. Pu&e 16:67-71 (IW). hup //psyche cnlclub nrgtW16-067.ht1r.l


68 PSYCHE [June
Strangalia famelica, Newrn. A small female, July 28, 1907. Typocerus lugubris, Say.
June 20, 1908.
Elytroleptw floridanus, Lec. This many-times recorded species is found here in numbers at times on the leaves of the red oak about the first week in June. Also taken in Middlesex Fell Reservation.
Leptura rubrica, Say. Bred from dead chestnut, June. Cryptocephalus incertus, Oliv. Several specimens swept from Cranberry vines, Sept. 21, 1907.
Macrobosis torsa, Lee. Described from Texas, was taken first on June 17,1904, and again on June 13 and 20, 1908, feeding on the black alder, Prinos verticillata. This species was determined for me by Prof. Fall, Pasadena, Cal. It was taken rather incidentally because of the numbers of small flies that were annoying the beetles while feeding. I supposed that it was Macrobasis unicolor and took a number to keep with the diptera for reference. Last season (1908) I found the flies still present with the beetles and also'\made the discovery that the majority of the beetles were not tma but unicolor. In 1904 there must have been more of the former, since nearly or quite all taken were torsa. M. unicolor is generally found -
feeding on Baptisia tinetoria, in Mass., but I have taken it in numbers at Wales, Maine, feeding on the Clematis and among them found a single specimen of Epicauta cinerea, Forst.
I also wish to record the occurrence of Stromatium pubescens Hald., at Bedford, Mass. two specimens of which have been taken by L. W. Swett at light.




Verlagsbuchhandlung R. Friedlander & Sohn, Berlin N. W. 6, Karistr. 11. Tome 111. 1887. 419 pg. avec 17 planches et 2 cartes colorieea. M. 60 - Inhalt: R o rn a n o f f, Les Lepidopt6res de la Transcaucasie. 111.
partie. - C h r i s t o p' h
Lepidoptera a. d. Achal-Tekke-Gebiete.
111. Teil. - S t a u d i n
e r, Neue Arten und Varletaten vori
Lepidopteren aus d. Amur-Gebiete.- I? i x s e n, Lepidoptera aus Iforea, - G r u m m-G r 8 h i m a 1 1 o Bericht fiber meine Reise in das Gstliche Buchara. (Correspondenz.) Nebst Anhang: Diagnosen einieei neuer Species - A 1 p h 6 r a k y, S., Diagnoses de quelques Lepidopt6res inedits du Thibet. - Table alpha- b6tique.
Tome IV. 1890. 584 pg. avec 22 planches coloriees et 1 carte. M. 80,- Inhalt: G r u m m - G r s h i m a i' 1 o , Le Pamir et sa Faune 16pidopt6rologique. Tome V. 1889. 248 pg. avec 12 planches coloriees. M. 40 - Inhalt- C 11 r i s t o p h
Lepidoptera aus d. Achal-Tekke-Gebiete. IV. Teil. - A 1 p h 6 r a k y, ~fi~ido~ter& rapport& du hibet par le General N. M. Przewalsky de son voyage de 1884-85. - A 1 - h 6 r a k y, Lepidopteres rapport& de la Chine et de la Mongolie par G. N. Potanine. - A 1 p h 6 r a k Ee Pamir et sa Faune 16pidoptfirologique. Seconde Partie (speciale) IV. Noctufilites. - C h r i s t o p h; Neue Lepidopteren aus dem Kaukasus. - A 1 p h 6 r a k y, Zur Lepidopteren-Fauna von Teneriffa. - A 1 p h fi r a k y, Sur quelques LepidoptSres de la Russie m6ridionale. - Table alphabfitique. Tome VI. 1892. 700 pg. avec 16 planches colori6es. M. 60 - Inhalt- A 1 p h 6 r a k y
Lepidopt6res rapport& de la Chine et de la Mongolie par G. N. potambe. 11. - E r sc h o f f, verzeichhis von Schmetterlingen aus Central-8ibjrien.h S t a n d f u s s, Lepidoptero- logisches. - S t a u d i n g e r , Die Macrolepidopteren des Amurgebiets. I. - Table alphabetique.
Tome VII-VIII. 1893-1901. 714 et 616 pg. avec 57 planches coloriees. M. 155,- Inhalt: R a g o n o t, Monographie des Phycitinae et des Galleriinae. Tome IX 1897 365 pg avec 14 planches coloriees M 48- ~nhal't: A 1
h 6 r a key LepidoptSres rapport& par Mr. Gr. Groum-Grshimai'lo de 17Asie centrale'en 1889-1890.
L6pidopteres dks provinces chinoises Se-Tchouen et Kham recueillis, en 1893, par Mr. G. N. Potanine.
Lt5pidopteres de 1' Amour et de la Cor6e. Memoire sur diffgrents Lgpidopt6res, tant nouveaux que pet1 connus, de la Faune palearctique. Sur quelques Lepidopteres rapport& de l'Asie, en 1893-95, ar l'exp6dition de Mssrs. Roborowsk
et Kozlov. Lepidopteren aus Kamtschatka, gesammelt von 0. !Ierz.- H e r z, Reise von Jakutsk nach Kamtschatka im Jahre 1890. Table alphabfitique.
Sammlung Europaischer Schmetterlinge
nebst Fortsetzung von C. Geyer. 180541. 790 colorirte Kupfertafeln in-4. Preis 900 Mark.
Systematische Bearbeitung der Schmetterlinge von Europa. 6 Bande Text mit 36 Umrisstafeln und 636 colorirten Kupfertafeln. 1843-56. gross-4 Preis 900 Mark.
Daraus einzeln die 6 Textbande (- als Text, Revision und Supplementzu J. Hiibner's Sammlung europaischer Schmetterlinge -) in gross-4., mit 36 Umrisstafeln, 1843-56. Aus-
serordentlich errnassigter Preis 20 Mark. Neue Schmetterlinge aus Europa.
3 Hefte mit 26 colorirten Kupfertafeln (soviel als erschienen). 1856-61 gross-4.
Preis 50 Mark.
Lepidoptera exotica nova.
Sammlung neuer oder wenig bekannter aussereuropaischer Schmetterlinge. Band I und 11, Lieferung 1, mit 129 colorirten Kupfertafeln, soviel als erschienen. 1850-69. gross-4. Preis 300 Mark.
Zu beziehen von R. Friedlander & Sohn. Berlin N. W. 6. Karlstrassse 11.


Volume 16 table of contents