Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Print ISSN 0033-2615
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Article beginning on page 20.
Psyche 16:20-22, 1909.

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Mr. Field made a few statements in regard to the standing of Psyche, and said that there had been an increase in subscribers. The address of the retiring President, Mr. C. W. Johnson, on Importance of Local Ecological Studies in Entomology, was then delivered. Mr. Newcomb exhibited four boxes of Lepidoptera from western and south- western United States.
Mr. Sherriff brought in a specimen of Hepialus, probably argenteomaculatw, which was taken on the piazza of a hotel at Fabyans, N. H. He reported that eight
or ten more were present, but lack of cyanide jars prevented capture. Mr. Morse exhibited several species of Hemiptera considered rare for Massa- chusetts.
One of the species was Nepa apimlata which has also been taken several times at Framingham by C. A. Frost.
Mr. Field spoke of the meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Science in Boston next winter and suggested that the matter of delaying our annual exhibi- tion until that time and the preparations for such an exhibition be discussed at the next meeting.
It was so voted by the Club.
Meeting adjourned at the usual time.
The Association shall be called the Cambridge Entomological Club, and its object shall be to cultivate the study of entomology.
Members may be chosen at any regular meeting, after nomination, in writing, by two members at a preceding meeting, and the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present shall be necessary to a choice.
Psiche 16:20.26 ( 1939). hup //psyche nuclub nrg/16/16-020 html


Those members only who are subject to the payment of fees shall be entitled to vote or hold office.
The officers shall be a President), Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer, and an Executive Committee of seven, of which the President, Vice-president, Secretary and Treasurer shall be members ex officiis.
Officers shall be chosen by ballot at a meeting designated for the purpose at least three weeks in advance, and a majority of the votes cast shall be sufficient for a choice. ARTICLE VI.
The Constitution may be altered or amended by a two-thirds vote of those present and voting at any regular meeting of the Club, after a written proposition at a preceding meeting BY-LAWS OF THE CAMBRIDGE ENTOMOLOGICAL CLUB. (Embodying amendments of January 19, 1909.) ARTICLE
The Club shall consist of active and associate members. Active members are those who
live near enough to attend the meetings of the Club, together with those who, living at greater distances, signify their willingness to be assessed and participate in the business of the Club. All others shall be known as associate members. The entrance fee shall be one dollar, and an assessment of the same amount shall be due January first of each year from each active mem- be . The President and Treasurer may, at their discretion, exempt a member from assess- ment.
Members may withdraw from the Club by giving written notice of their intention and paying all arrearages due. A delay of one year in the payment of any fee shall work forfeiture of membership, unless said fee is paid within one month after a written notice to that effect given at the end of the year.


PSYCHE [February
Regular meetings of the Club shall be held on the third Tuesday of each month from October to June.
Five members shall form a quorum for business. Officers shall be elected at the January meeting; at this meeting the retiring President shall give an address suitable to the occasion, the Secretary a written statement of the annual progress of the Club, and the Treasurer an account of its financial condition. ARTICLE IV.
The Club will publish a periodical, the general character of which shall be determined by the Club and one or more Editors shall be chosen at the annual meeting. Active members
will be considered subscribers, in the absence of notice to the contrary, and will be assessed accordingly.
The duties of the President, Vice-president, Secretary and Treasurer shall be those ordi- narilyrequired of such officers.
The Executive Committee of seven shall be the governing board of the Club in the intervals between the meetings, and shall act in behalf of the Club in all matters of finance. The members of this Committee chosen at large shall audit the accounts of the Treasurer.
The By-Laws of the Club may be altered, added to, or amended by a majority vote of the members present at any meeting; provided that they shall have been duly notified, at the previous meeting, of an intended change.



Etudes d'EntomoIogie.
Faunes Entomologiques. Description d9Insectes nouveaux ou peu connus. 21 Livraisons avec 148 planches dont 128 coloriees soigneusement h la main. 1876-1902, in-Quarto.
Mark 1000,-
"E t u d e s" bieten Abbildungen und Beschreibungen neuer oder noch nicht abgebildeter seltener exetischer Lepidopteren.
Durch die Schonheit und Naturtreue der handkolorierten Tafein zahlen sie zu den hervorragendsten entomologischen Publikationen und waren bereits seit Jahren tellweis vergriffen.
Durch Gewinnung eines ausserst pchickten franzosischen Kunstlers sind wir in der Lage etzt wieder tadellose, unter Aufsicht des erfassers hergestellte, vollstiindige Exemplare der ~tudes zu liefern. Es st,ehen aber nur 7 vollstiindige Reihen zur Verfugung. Livraison I:
X :
XI :
Inhalt und Einzelpreise :
Etude sur la Faune des Lepidoptfercs de lJAlg6rie. 1876. 74 pg. av. 4 plchs. color.
Especes nouvelles de Lepidopteres recueillis en Chine par 1'abbe A. David. 1876. 34 pg.
av. 4 plchs. color.
Etude sur la Faune des Lepidoptferes de la c6te orientale d'Afrique. 1878. 48 pg. av. 4
plchs. color. M. 30,-
Catalogue raisonne des Papilionidae de la collection de Ch. Oberthur Zi Rennes. 1880, 117 g. av. 6 plchs. color. M 45,-
"aune des Lepidoptferes de 1711e Askold. Partie I. 1880. 88 pg. ?v. 9 plchs. color. Lepidoptferes de Chine. Lepid. d Amerique. Lepid. d'Alg6rie. Le genre Ecpantheria. 1881.. 115 pg. av. 20 plchs. color.
Hfipialides nouveaux dlEurope. ~epfdo~teres de 1'Amerique meridionale. 1883. 36 pg. av. 3 plchs. color. M. 22,-
Observations sur les Lepidoptgres des Pyrenees. 1884. . 51 pg. av. plche. color. Lepidoptsres du Thibet, de la Mantschourie, de 1'Asie mineure et de 1'Algerie. 1884. 40 pg.
av. 3 plchs. color.
M. 24,-
Ikpidopteres de 1'Asie orientale. 1884.
35 pg. av. 3 plchs. color.
Espfeces nouvelles de Lepidoptferes du Thibet. 1887. 38 pg. av. 7 plchs. color.
Nouveaux Lepidoptkres d'Afrique et d'Amerique. Premiers etats de Lepido tferes de la Runion. Lepidopt6res Earopeens et Algeriens. 1888. 55 pg. av. 7 plchs. color. L6pidoptGres des Iles Comores, d'Algerie et du Thibet. 1890. 50 pg. av. 10 plchs. color. M. 82,-
Lepidoptferes du genre Parnassius.
19 pg. av. 3 plchs. color.
Nouveaux LepidoptCres d'Asie (Chine, Yunnan, Hindostan). 1891. 27 pg. av. 3 plchs. color. M. 34,-
Lepidopt6res du Perou, du Thibet et du Yunnan. 1892.
19 pg. av. 2 plchs. color.
Lepidoptferes de rAsie et d'Afrique. 1893. 44 pg. av. 3 plchs. color.
Lepidoptferes d'Afrique. Lcpidoptferes d'Asie. 1894. 57 pg. av. 10 plchs. dont 6 color. Lepidopteres dlEurope, d'Algfirie, dJAsie et d10c6anie. 51 pg. av. 8 pi. color. et 2 plchs.
(doubles) noires.
De la Variation chez les Insectes.
20 et 74 pg. av. 22 fig. dans le texte et 24 plchs. dont 10 (av. 180 fig.) color. et 14 (av. 275 fig.) en photocollogr. Variation des Heliconia Thelxiope et Vesta. 1902. 26 pg. av. 11 plchs. color. (132 fig.). Nur Livr. 111,
Fascicule I. 1904.
IV, VII, IX, XIII, XV, XX, XXI sind noch einzeln kauflich zu obigen Preisen. CHARLES OBERTHUR
de Lbpidopterologie comparee.
77 pg., gr. in-8., et 6 planches (61 figures) colori6es la main. M. 25.-
Fascicule 11. 1906. 44 pg., gr. in-8., et 3 planches (17 figures) chromolithogr. M. 14.- Diese neue Reihe lepidopterologischer Studien behandelt besonders Hybriden und geographische Variationen sowie die Gesetze von denen die Entstehung solcher Abarten bedingt ist. Wahrend das 1.
Heft haupt&chlich europ%ischks Material behandelt und 61 mit der Hand meisterhaft col?nerte Abbil- dungen bietet, enthalt das 2. Heft besonders Beobachtungen an Exoten, die in 17 Figuren mittels Farben- druck ausserst naturgetreu dargestellt sind.


Verlagsbuchhandlung R. Friedlander & Sohn, Berlin N. W. 6, Karlstr. 11. Tome 111. 1887. 419 pg. avec 17 planches et 2 cartes colorieefci. M. 50 - Inhalt: R o m a n o f f, Les LfpidoptSres de la Transcaucasie. 111. partie. - C h r i s t o p'h,
Lepidoptera a. d. Achal-Tekke-Gebiete.
111. Teil. - S t a u d i n
e r, Neue Arten und Varietaten von
Lepidopteren aus d. Amur-Gebiete.- F i x s e n, Lepidoptera aus Korea, - G r u m m-G r s h i m a 'H o , Bericht uber meine Reise in das ostliche Buchara. (Correspondenz.) Nebst Anhang; Diagnosen einiger neuer Species. - A 1 p h 6 r a k y, S., Diagnoses de quelques Lepidopthres inedits du Thibet. - Table alpha- betique.
Tome IV 1890. 584 p avec 22 planches coloriees et 1 carte. M. 80,- ~nhait: G r u m m - 8 r s h i m a i 1 o . Le Pamir et sa Faune 16pidopt6rologiaue. - - - -
Tome V. 1889. 248 pg. avec 12 planches coloriees. M. 40,- Inhalt: C h r i s t o p h Lepidoptera aus d. Achal-Tekke-Gebiete. IV. Teil. - A I p h 6 r a k y, Leoido~tCres rapport& du Thibet par le General N. M. Przewalsky de son voyage de 1884-85. - A 1 - p h 6 r a k y, Lepidopteres rapportt5sIde la Chine et de la ?kfongolie par G. N. Potanine. -A 1 p h 6 r a k y, Le Pamir et sa Faune lepidopterologique. Seconde Partie (speciale) IV.
Noctufilites. - C h r i s t o p h,
Neue Lepidopteren aus dem Kaukasus. - A 1 p h 6 r. a k y, Zur Lepldopteren-Fauna von Teneriffa. - A 1 p h 6 r a k y, Sur quelques LepidoptCres de la Russie meridionale. - Table alphabfitique. TOG^ VI. 1892. 700 pg. avec 16 plancpes coloriees. M. 60,- Inhalt: A 1 p h 6 r a k y
Lepidopteres rapport& de la Chine et de la Mongolie par G. N. Potanine. 11. - E r s c h o f f, verzeichnis von Schmetterlingen aus Central-Sibirien.- S t a n d f u s s, Lepidoptero- logisches. - S t a u d i n g e r , Die Macrolepidopteren des Amurgebiets. I. - Table alphabetique.
Tome VII-VIII. 1893-1901. 714 et 616 pg. avec 57 planches coloriees. M. 155,- Inhalt: R a g o n o t, Monographie des Phycitinae et des Galleriinae. Tome IX. 1897. 365 pg. avec 14 planches coloriies. M. 48,- Inhalt:
A 1 p h 6 r a k y L6pidoptCres rapport& par Mr. Gr. Groum-GrshimaTIo de 1'Asie Centrale en 1889-1890.
LepidoptSres dks provinces chinoises 86-Tchouen et Kham recueillis, en 1893, par Mr. G. N. Potanine. LfipidoptCres de 1' Amour et de la Coree. Memoire sur differents L6pidopt&es, tant nouveaux que peu connus de la Faune palfiarctique. Sur quelques LepidoptCres rapportes de l'Asie, en 1893-95, l7exP6ditiod de Mssrs. Roborowsky et Kozlov. Lepidopteren aus Kamtschatka, gesammelt von 0. erz.- H e r z, Reise von Jakutsk nach Kamtschatka im Jahre 1890. Table alphabgtique.
Sammlung Europaischer Schmetterlinge
nebst Fortsetzung von C. Geyer. 1805-41. 790 colorirte Kupfertafeln in-4. Preis 900 Mark.
Systematische Bearbeitung der Schmetterlinge von Europa. 6 Bande Text mit 36 Umrisstafeln und 636 colorirten Kupfertafeln. 1843-56. gross-4 Preis 900 Mark.
Daraus einzeln die 6 Textbande (- als Text, Revision und Supplement zu J. Hubner's Sammlung europaischer Schmetterlinge -) in gross-4., mit 36 Umrisstafeln, 1843-56. Aus-
serordentlich ermassigter Preis 20 Mark. Neue Schmetterlinge aus Europa.
3 Hefte mit 26 colorirten Kupfertafeln (soviel als erschienen). 1856-61. gross-4.
Preis 50 Mark.
Lepidoptera exotica nova.
Sammlung neuer oder wenig bekannter aussereuropaischer Schmetterlinge. Band I und 11, Lieferung 1, mit 129 colorirten Kupfertafeln, soviel als erschienen. 1850-69. gross-4. Preis 300 Mark.
Zu beziehen von R. Friedlander & Sohn. Berlin N. W. 6. Karlstrassse 11.



Volume 16 table of contents