Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Print ISSN 0033-2615
January 2008: Psyche has a new publisher, Hindawi Publishing, and is accepting submissions

Article beginning on page 125.
Psyche 12:125-?, 1905.

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The following unprocessed text is extracted from the PDF file, and is likely to be both incomplete and full of errors. Please consult the PDF file for the complete article.

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should be a few typographical and other errors and some minor inconsistencies. This wort brings together in one volume a vast amount of information and the author is' to be congratulated upon having produced a very readable compre- hensive work, which should prove attractive and exceedingly helpful to the amateur as well as essential to every investigator. E. P. F.
A CataIogue of the Erycinidae, WITH THE SYNONY;~IY BROUGHT DOWN' TO OCTOBER, 1904, BY LEV1 W. MENGEL, READING, PENN, PUBLISHED MAY, 1905. This publication covering the Erycinidae of the world is of undoubted value to every collector working in this family- It will serve as a collection check
book and also as a catalogue of refereke. The amount of work involved in its
preparation is little appreciated by the average collector, but is readily appreci- ated by scientists who have attempted any such complete record of specific names with reference to previous publications. The author states in his preface that the arrangement of any such publication in connection with family or generic succession is dependent upon the ideas of the scientist who takes up the work; that is, there are scarcely any two publications of this sort that agree in family or generic arrangement, and the arrangement that is followed by the average collector is one that has been suggested through publications which were readily purchasable; thus the order of Mr. Kirby's synonymic catalogue has been widely adopted, although others have published works not so readily . .
obtainable with a totally different arrangement The specific arrangement of any such publication shouId not be. put under too seven* criticism,
Thin publication of 161 pages represents an amount of detailed work that is not readily realized, and it is a volume which should be in the possession of every 1ibrary and of every collector who isinterested in this branch of entomological work.


Volume 12 table of contents