Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Print ISSN 0033-2615
January 2008: Psyche has a new publisher, Hindawi Publishing, and is accepting submissions

Article beginning on page 84.
Psyche 12:84, 1905.

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In order to facilitate a return to the former practise of publishing PSYCHE on the first day of the month of publication, the June and August numbers have been combined in this double number, appearing August I. Henceforth it .will be the aim of the Publication Committee to adhere to the old rule. Correspondents are asked to take notice that henceforth all material for publication in a given number must be in the hands of the Editors on or before the first day of the month preceding the month of publication. ENTOMOLOGEN ADDRESSBUCH.-By W. Junk, Rathenower Strasse 22, Berlin. N. W., Germany.
Considering the field covered by this work, viz:-the names and addresses of the leading entomologists throughout the world, it is certainly very creditable to the author, and the most complete Directory along these lines which has been published. Not only are the names arranged under countries, but also alphabet- ically, which adds to its value and convenience. There are over 400 pages, 114 of which are devoted to a catalogue of numerous new and second-hand books, for sale by the author. H. H. N.
The address of Mrs. A. T. Slosson will hereafter be 83 Irving Place, New York City, instead of 38 East 23 Street, as formerly. EXCHANGES.
[Exchange notices (not over five lines) inserted free for subscribers. Notices will be inserted in the order irq which they are received, and those at the top of the column will be removed only when it isnecessary tomake room for new ones at the bottom 1
AMARA. Being engaged in the study of this Kenus, I will determine specimens for collectors. These should be sent numbered. I am also anxious to obtain species in other genera of Carabidae not in my collection, from all parts of the world, and will purchase or exchange for same. Roland Hayward, Readville,Mass. WANTED-Eggs, larvae or pupae of grasshoppers, dragon-flies, beetles, bugs, etc. Will give tropical butterflies in exchange. Denton Bros., Wellesley, Mass. WANTED-Material for the study of the hybrid or polymorphic butterflies of the genus Basilarcbia, including larvae or pupae of arthemis or astyanax, images of proserpina or artbcchippus or any specimens showing unusual characters. Liberal exchange. Specimens retained will be deposited in Museum of Comparative Zoology. W. L. W. Field, Milton, Mass.
LEPIDOPTERA-For exchange, fertile eggs of Hemileuca main. Alfred C. Sampson. Sharon,Mass. I have a few specimens of C. calleta and cinctus to exchange for rare Sphingidae or Pupae of same. W. T.
Buxton. 17 Walter St.. Somerville, Mass. WANTED-Ova, larvae or pupae of Lintenitis ursula and arthemis. Will give cash or exchange. H. H.
Newcomb, 35 Court St., Boston, Mass.
Wiii collect Diptera, Hymenoptera, Hemiptera and Coleoptera. Would like in exchange, quantities of namea or unnamed Buprestidae. Scarabaeidae, Cerambycidae and Chrysomelidae. Please write immediately to G. Chagnon. P. 0. Box 186.Montreal, Canada.
Correspondence desired regarding Rhopalocera of North and South America, especially Argynnis. Papilio, Morpho, Callgo.
Exchange or otherwise. T. H. Shepherd. 15 Hope View, Carr Lane, Shipley, Yorks., England. EASTERN MASS. MOTHS WANTED in exchange for same. Also, reliable colored sketches of larva of same. C. V. Blackburn, 101 Pine St., Woburn, Mass. Am willing to make contracts to collect for the season, with private collectors, museums. colleges, or any public institution for insects of any order or group desired, either in large or small series. Duplicates of all orders
for sale from Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona. Correspondence solicited. Ernest J. Oslar, 4535 Raleigh St.
Alcott P. 0.. Denver, Colorado.
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Volume 12 table of contents