Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Print ISSN 0033-2615
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Article beginning on page 26.
Psyche 12:26-28, 1905.

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taken in the
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Y 57 plates
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'A generic
w genera :
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Asterisks indlazte descriptions of ?tezil >:-">&Y of American insects or of new genera. 1
Proceedings, Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. 3 American Naturalist, Boston.
Canadian Entomologist, London, <. hit.
5 Entomological Sews, Philadelphia.
22 Zoologischer Anzeiger, hipsic.
38 Wiener Entomologischer Zeitung.
La Feuille des Jeunes Naturalistes. Paris, 68 Science, New York City.
Bolletino della Soc. Entomologica I taliana, Florence. 73
Archives de Zoologie Experimenule et Generate, Paris. 81 Biologisches Centralblatt, Erlangen.
Biological Bulletin, Woods Holl, Mass.
Popular Science Monthly, New York City.
Science Bulletin, Museum of Brooklyn Institute, N. Y. 166 11 Naturalists Siciliano, Palerrno.
167 Redia. Portici.
Banks, N. Notes on Entomology, 68 Dee. 30. Goury, G., et Guignon, 3. Les Insectes parasites de Nympht?ac6es, 65 Jan.
Radi, E. Uber das Gehor der Insekten, 81 I Jan. ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY.
Smith* J. B.
The Mosquito Investigation in New Jersey, 160 Jan. also Fisher, under Hemiptera, and Sanderson, under Hymenoptera. ARACEISIDA.
Bertese, A. Acari nuovi̤ 167 i, Pp- 235-474. 11 plates. Pritchett, A. H. Observa- tions on Hearing and Smell in Spiders, 3 Nov.- Dec. ODONATA.
Needham, 3. G.
Two elusive dragon-flies, 5 Jan.
sllvestri, F. Contribuzione alla conosenza dei Termitidi e Termitofili della America meridionale, 167 i, pp. I-~34~6 plates. Wheeler. W. M. The Phylogeny of the Termites, 140
caudell, A. N.
Orthoptera from South western Texas,* 165 i, No. 4. [ Five new species and one new genus, ffoplolibethris}.
Riley. W. A.
The Embryological Development of the
Skeleton of the Head of Bliittii, 3 NOV. - Dee. VuiiIemln, P.
La Mante religieuse dans la


PSYCHE ' [February
4 Breddln. G. Soch einiges iiber Colohasiastes Bred&*, 38 xxiii, 345. Bueno. J. R. de I̤T̤n-r Notes o&&slmmttM martini Kirk., 4 Jan. Fisher, G. E. The Pear-tree Psyila and how to deal with it, 4 Jan.
Sherman, F.. Jr,
The Flat-bw (Arodidu) of North Carolina. Ulmar. G. Uber westafrikansche Trichopteren*, 22 xxviii, 353, [New gems ~yalofs~~che]. LEPIDOPTEKA.
Brues, C. T. The occurtenc* of a tropic*! butterfly in the United States [ Eubaqis d i m -1, B Jan.
Cuenot, L.
V a-t-i? une relation entre le sexe et la taille des oeufs chez les I6pidapt&res? 73 4* serie, tome iii, No. 2. Daecke, E. Notes on Priwapltwx a,-b~Isfera Steph., 5 Jan. Fernald, C H. A new speck of North American 'Protectifas*, 4 Jan. Kearfott. W. D.
A new Gelechid from Ontario*, 4. Jan.; (b) Yew Tortricids*, 4- Jan. Lyman, H. H.
Further notes on types, etc., in the British Museum, 4 Jan. Nason, W. A.
Micro-lepidoptera of AIgouquin, Illinois, 5 Jan. Ragusa, E. Note lepifiopterologiche { con tavola), 166 xvii, NO. 5. [ Figures Sa[vrus smcle ab- trioc/tUtus Kagusa and @i+hde &ea,,it ah. 8 bio~llatws Ragusa].
Wmtams. F. X.
The larva of Hepiaius seqtioiolits Behrens, 5 Jan. Wolley Dodd. F. H.
List of Macro-lepidoptera of Alberta, cont,, 4 Jan. D1PTERA.
Cxamy, P. L.
Revision der Helontyzideu*, 38 xxiii. 199, [The genus Gymnow Strob1 being preoccupied, ~ctmqtm is proposed in its stead. Two other new genera, ~iwoch^tofihora and firysÌöJthomyi are proposed. Three other species are described 1. Meu ntsr, F. Coiitri- bution i la fame des Hzlo'nvri~at de l'ambre de la Baltique, 65 Dec. Portevin, G,
tion au Catalogue des Diptkres de Normandie (suite), 65 Jan. Smith, 1. B. How does /teAmfi bite? 88 Jan. 1;.
See also Smith, under Economic Entomology. COLEOPTERA.
Fielacher, Dr. A.
Liodus(Teieft0sphair~la m.) scih Er., 38 xxiii, 261. [A new subgenus]. Ramsa, E.
Catologa ragionato dei coleotteri di Sicilia ( cont.), 166 xvii No. 3.. Vitale, F. maxionisu atcune specie cti Kincofori Messinesi, Nota II ( cont.), 186 xvii, So. 5. HYMENOPTERA.
Ashmead,W.H. New Hymenoptera from the Philippine Islands*, 4 Jan. Sew genera Aptertn- @& and Bmcfii'us}. Bradley, J. C. Ropioniii, an anomalous hymenopteran*, 5 Jan. [One new species, iisbmdii]. Cockerel!. T. D. A. Some American Hymenoptera, 5 Jan. Ducka. A. Revisione dei Crisididi deilo stato Brasiliano del Para, 89 xxxvi, 13. Enderlein, Dr. G. Die Braconiden-subfamilie MiinagdhidwM*, 22 xxviii, 449. [A new subfamily, and a new genus, ~tmapfhts]. Ftelde. A. M., and Parker, G. H. The Reactions of Ants to Material Vibrations, I Sept. Marchal, P. Recherches sur la biologic ct Ie dkveloppment des hymenoptks para- sites:
1. h polyembryonie spkcifique ou genninogonie, 73 4e a6ne, tome ii so. 3. Sander-
å´on E. D.
The Kelep and the Cotton P1w,68 Dec.


Volume 12 table of contents