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Psyche 11:84-88, 1904.
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tions of new species of American insects, or of new genera. PERIODICALS CITED.
i Proceedings Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. 3
Transactions American Entomological Society, Philadelphia. 4 Canadian Entomologist, London, Ontario. 5 " Ehtomological News, Philadelphia.
6 Journal of the New York Entomological Society. , < 7
Bulletin of Division of Entomology, U. S. Dept. Agriculture. --
Entomologists' Monthly Magazine, London, Eng. 20 Nature, London, Eng.
38 Wiener Entomo1ogischer Zeitung.
46 Tijdschrift voor Entomdogie, The Hague. 68 Science, N. Y. City.
as University Science Bulletin, Lawrence, Kansas. I THE GENERAL SUBJECT.
i I
Lankester, F. R. The structure and classification of the Arthropods. 151 ar. Smith, J. B. Some remarks on classification, 5 June, Snow, F. H. the entomological expedition of the University of Kansas in 1902 and 1903, 156
rk, Minn.
H. W. Jocular
rpes of genera, 6
M. Lorquin), 5
Arthropoda, 15 I
Snow, F. H.
1 in Arizona by
! and 1903, 156
chmitt boxes, 5
nomic entomolo-
Assoc. Econ. Enti Proceedings 16th annual meeting,; - NO. 46. Cook,-O.- -
- F. An enemy of the cotton boll weevil, 68 June 3. . ,
Banks, N. The Arachnids of Florida,* I 1904. New genera and species of Nearctic spiders,* 6 xii, 109, pl. V and VI. Chamberlin, R. V.
Notes on
generic characters in the Lycosi.iae, 4 May-June. Montgomery, T. H., Jr.
Descriptions of North American Araneae of the families JLvcosidae and Pisaurtdaq* I 1904. Schaffer, T. H. The cocoon of the ray spider (Theridiosoma ammo- sum), 4 June.
Calvert, P. ,P.
Thaumatoneura again, 5 June.
Currie, R. P.
(a) Hemerobiidae from the Kootenay district of British Colum- bia, 102 VI, 81. (b) Notes on some Hemerobiidae from Arizona and California, 102 VI, 79.
Banks, N. Two new species of Hydroptilidae,* 5 Apr. , Caudell, A. N.
(a) A new Forficulici from the Philippines, (b) The synonymy of Oedipoda cihcta Thomas, 102 VI, I 25. Davis, arboreal Orchelimnm. 4 May. Rehn, J. A. G. (a) A new mantis Sfagmatupera from Nicaragua,* 4 Apr. (b) A new roach of the genus from South Carolina,* 5 May. (c) Studies in the orthopterous family i 1904. Walker, E. M. The crickets of Ontario, 4 May, July. Sanders, J. G. The
6 XII, 108.
W. T. An
of th.e genus
Ch orisoneura
Coccidae of Ohio, 154 IV, pt. 2, pi. 1-9,. VanDuzee,
E. P. Annotated list of the Pentatomidae recorded from America north of Mexico, i
' 0
with descriptions of new species,* 2 XXX, no. x. See also Snow, under The General Subje
Blanchard, F. A new Californian species of Dromaeolus,* 5 June. Csiki, E.
New names for beetles, 38'May. \I\iralkus and Stiptomela Eire proposed for preoccupied names].
Davis, W. T.
Caterpillars attacked by Histers,-6 XII, 88.
Girault, A. A. Attelabits b'/~tstttZiitus (oviposition, formation of nidus, etc.), 5 June.
Kirby, W. F.
A formidable enemy to the cotton plant, 10 May 24. Knaus, W. The Caleoptera of the Sacramento mountains of New Mexico,,.!!, 5 May,
Petri, Dr. K. Description of some new species of Livm, 38 Apr. Reitter, E.
(a) Analytical revision of the coleopterous genus &omus Germ., 38 May.
[Two new subgenera, Eusomatuhs and Euidosumz~r are proposed]. (b)
On four coleoptera of the Pahearctic fauna, 38 May. (c) Tables for determining
the coleopterous genus Ciums Clairv. of Europe and adjoining lands, 38 Apr. Schwarz, E. A. A new Coccinellid enemy of the San Jose scale, 102 VI, MS. Skinner, H. Sew MeSoidae from Arizona,* 5 June. Stevenson, C. Aphodius erratiats on Montreal Island, 4 June.
Webster, F. M.
Studies of the life-his-
tory, habits, and taxonomic relations of a new species of Obereu (0. tiZ~~iiivZa Chit- tenden), 152 VII, K, pi. I-U.
See also Snow, under The General Subject, and Cook, under Economic Entomology.
Cockerell, T. D. A.
Three new cocidomyiid flies,* 4 May.
D. W.
New Diptera from Central America,* 102 VI, 90. [Two new genera,
Chaetochcsia and Scutops, are described]. Dyai, H. 0. The life-history of Cnla
vur$aipus Coq,, 6 XIII, 90, pi. HI.
Hine, J. S. The Dipterii of British Colum- bia,* I, 4 Apr.
Johnson, C. W. A supplementary list of the Diptera of New Jersey, 5 May.
Smith. J. 3.
Notes on some mosquito larvae found in New Jersey, 5 May.
Verrall, G. H.
List of British Dufichopodtdae with tables and notes, 8 July. [Diagnostic tables]. Webster, F. M. Studies of the habits 2nd development of fivcwahz rhodoflagit Coquillett, 152 VII, 15, pi. HI. Whitney, C. P. Descriptions of some new species of Tizbira//iite,* 4 July. See also Snow, under The General Subject*
~rth of Mexico,
June. Csiki,
are proposed
Histers, 6 XII,
of nidus, etc.),
t, 10 May 34.
;w Mexico, II,
Lixus, 38 Apr.
usomus Germ.,
reposed]. (b)
or determining
ands, 38 Apr.
I, 102 VI, I 18.
c. Aphudius
of the life-his-
, ulmicola Chit-
ider Economic
. Coquiktt,
'o new genera,
istory of Cutex
British Colum
liptera of New
found in New
fith tables and
the habits and
t. Whitney,
Barnes, W. New species of North American Lepidoptera,* 4 ~une, July. Bethune, C. J. S.
Spinning methods of Eka po^yphemus, 4 Apr. Brimley,
, C. S. List of Sfa//i/t<?idae, Stttw~~iidae and Cerat oatmpitfae observed at Raieig h, ?J. C., 5 Apr.
Busck, A. A new Tineid genus [Dora/<z] from Arizona,* 102 VI, x q . Chapman, T. A.
Note on drowning in lepidopterous.larvae, 8 Apr. Cockle, J. W,
A Syntomid far away from home, 4 July,
{Ccrtrmidia butkri at
Kaslo, B. C,]
Cook, j. H. and H.
Notes on hcisalia augustus, 4 May.
Dodge, G. M. and E. A.
Notes on the early stages of Catocahe, 4 Apr. Dyar,
H. G. (a) Additions to the list of North American Lepidoptera,* 102 VI, 62, and VI, 103. [Five new genera are described : Amiana, Psormim, Varncriu, Caudel- lia and SZossondZa). (b) New Lepidoptera from the United States,* 6 XII, 105. [Nine new species and two new genera, UUia and Cab/&, are described]. (c) -
Note on the genus Leucuphbeiron Dyar, 102 VI, 77. (d) Note on the larva of
Melanchruia geometroides Walker, 102 VI, 77. (e) Note on the larva of Thermu somdria Hulst, 102 VI, 76.
Fernald, C. H. (a) A new species and genus of North American Choreittin'tQ 4 May. (b) On the genus Proieopteryx, 4 Apr. Fletcher, J,
Descriptions of some new species and varietiesof Canadian butter- flies* (plate), 4 May.
Grinnell, F.
A new T/;a~~aos from southern California,* 5 Apr. Kearfott, W. D.
(a) Micro-lepidoptera : suggestions, II, 111, 5 Apr., May.
(b) New Tortricids from Kasio, B. C., and the Northwest,* 4 Apr. Mey- rick, E. New Hawaiian Lepidoptera,* 8 June. Newcomb, W. W. Some notes, chiefly on the scarcity of Michigan Rhopalocem in 1903, 5 June. Pear- sail, R. F.
(a) Another geometric! combination, 4 June. (b) A review of our
Geometric! classification, 4 July. Packard, A. S. Sound produced by a Japanese ' Saturnian caterpillar, 6 XII, 92.
Seifert, 0. Lif e-history of Salsuloties arcasaria, 4 Apr. Smith, J. B.
(a) New ficfuidac for 1904, I,* 4 June.
(b) Remarks on
the catalogue of the Nsctiudae in the collection of the British Museum, 6 XII, 93, pi. IV. Taylor. G. W. A couple of queries, 4 May. VanDeventer, W. Micro-lepidoptera of Java,* 46 XLVIT, r, pi. I, 11. [One new genus, Spatdark, and 15 new species described and figured]. Washburn, F. L. The Mediter- ranean flour-moth, Efhestia kuehiella Zell., 153 Feb. Webster, F. M. The spinning habits of North American Attaci, 4 May.
Anon. How does a wasp live at home? 155 111, no. 6. Ashmead, W. H. (a) A new Alysiid from Ceylon, 5 Apr.
(b) Descriptions of new Hymenoptera
from Japan, 6 XII, 6 j.
(c) New generic names in the ChaZc/doi~/ea, 102 VI, I 26. [The new names proposed are Ez//roggizttia, Eukoebelea, Eusayia, Zaischzo/~-is, Pros-a/teZ/a, Alo/honzy/~~,].
(d) Remarks on honey bees, 102 VI, 120.
(e) Three
new ichneumon-flies from Russia, 4 Apr.
Benton, F. The specific name of the
common honey bee, 102 VI, 7 1.
Bradley, J. C. On Ropronia garmani, 5 June. Brues, C. T.
Some new species of parasitic Hymenoptera,* 4 Apr. Cameron,
Description of a new genus and four new species of Hymenoptera,* 2 XXX, no. I. Fernald, H. T. The North American species of ChZo~iotz, 5 Apr. Fyles, T. W.
A new ichneumon (Amesolytus @/us)* 4 July. (b) A new Gelechiid, Trzihotaphe ZeziseZZ~r,* 4 July.
(c) T~)rymus tho/~zso/zi, n. sp.,* 4 Apr. Lutz, I?. E. Variation in bees, 140 Apr.
Phillips, E. I?.
Variation in bees : a reply to Mr.
Lutz, 140 June.
Titus, E. S. G.
Some new Osmiinae in the U. S. National
Museum, 102 VI, 98.
Viereck, H. L.
The species of Odo~zto/ho/o/sis, 2 XXX,
no. I.
Viereck, H. L. et al.
Synopsis of bees of Oregon, Washington, British Columbia and Vancouver, 4 April, June, July. Viereck, H. L., and Cockerell,
T. D. A.
The Philam'//idae of New Mexico, 6 XII, 84. See also Cook, under Economic Entomology.
Volume 11 table of contents