Article beginning on page 83.
Psyche 11:83, 1904.
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A SPECIAL meeting was held in the Council room on the evening of May 3, 1904; President Emerton in the Chair; twelve persons present. The record of
;he last meeting was read and accepted.
A letter from Mr. A. H. Clark, telling of his recent experiences on Union Island, West Indies, was read. Mr. Emerton showed a specimen of the red-faced immacure male of the spider PeUenes cristaius, and the imago of the parasite whose cocoon was shown at the last meeting. He also made some remarks on I,ycosa hiifex, and showed a living adult female of that species. Mr. Sampson showed several pupae of ffarrisimewia. fnSt@afa, in -.-
cavities in a piece of wood. Mr. C. A. Frost showed a box of miscellaneous insects, mostly Diptera and Hymenoptera, destined for the New England collection. The remainder of the meeting was devoted to informal conversation. Adjournment was reached at 9.50.
The 237th regular' meeting was held in the Council room on the evening of May 17, 1904.
President Emerton in the chair; twelve members and one guest present.
The record of the last meeting was read and accepted. It was voted to
authorize the officers to act for the Club in arranging terms on which sets of PSYCHE should be sold. Mr. C. A. Frost of Maiden was unanimously elected to active membership.
Mr. Newcomb exhibited two photographs, one representing a specimen of the purple-striped form of Acfias- ha, the other the remarkable Basilarchia. which he showed at a recent meeting. He further showed a fine specimen of Memythrus stmilans, reared from a pupa found by Mr. Bowditch. Mr. Blackburn showed a living female Lycosa carolinensis, and Mr. Emerton contributed some remarks on the habits of these spiders. Mr. Emerton then showed some beetles of the genus Bkdius from the wet sand at Ipswich, with photographs of their burrows. The Publication Commitlee and the Exhibition Committee were asked to sub- mit reports at the next meeting. A few books were sold, and the meeting was adjourned.
Volume 11 table of contents