Article beginning on page 64.
Psyche 11:64, 1904.
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64 PSYCHE m e
Hy/witt$ triaxpi'/eratit Packard. The life hist& of this species has been described bj Professor G. H. French (Can. ent., wiit, 105, 1886) from Californian larvae, with four itages, I present my own descriptions, however, as I have noted some points not mentioned by him sod the larva has not been otherwise referred to. Egg. Elliptical, rounded, one diameter less, no flattening nor depression; truncation marked, oblique.
Longitudinal ribs low, obscure, straight, few, about six visible on the broad side, joined by cross-striae, formingcells three times as wide as long; ends reticulate Pale yellow; size i X .7 X .6 mm,
Slap I. Head rounded, testaceow, a little darker on the vertex, eie black, mouth brown. Body moderate, not greatly elongate, rapidly looping or he!d rigid with a thread. Whitish, a broad dorsal band of smoky olivaceous and a still fainter ventral one, scarcely more than a shade. Feet pale; tubercles very small, brownish ; setae moderate, glandular tipped; no shields.
Stup fi Head rounded, the lobes full, sordid whitish with black dottings on the lobes and around the mouth ; width .6 mm. .Body moderate, greenish, shaded with blackish olivaceous dorsally, with subdorsal and iatcral lines indicated by white segmentary dashes. ~ t . white stigmata1 line with black and gray spots, tubercle iv largest on joints 7 and 3. Venter orange tinted, obscurely lined and marked by blackish blotches at the tubercles. Tubercles rouiidedly elevated; setae obscure; feet pale with dark lines ; a geminate ventral whftieh band.
Stage lit.
Head whitish with pale brown dots forming bands curved transversely, antennae prominent, pale, ocelli black; width 1.1 mm. Body moderate, the segments enlarged centrally by the conical tubercles, especially joint 7. Pale brown ; subdorsal line broken into white dashes, the longest one on joint 5, edged with black shading; sides chaded; substigmata1 band broad, s el lo wish white, illy defined but distinct ; a paler subven- tral line; centers of segments subventrally and venter medially black shaded; tubercles nent, especially on joint 7. Feet pale ; setae very short ; anal shield tnge IV.
Head round, cuneiform, the lobes full above, held flatly ; light and brown ed on the sides, pale over the face and vertex ; width 1.7 mm. Body cylindrical, joints depressed, their feet nppressed, those of joint 3 erected ; straight, stick-like, joint 7 dorsally, tubercles ii forming high cones on joints 7 and 9, lass so on joints 6 and on joints 5, I! and 12. Whitish green, washed with brown of light and dark; an n joints 3 and 4, the fronts and backs of the high tubercles, irregular marks and blotches on the sides, especidly of joints 7 to g and a partly continuous subven- tral band. Ordinary markings lost. Feet of joint 10 brown behind, pale before; thoracic feet bright red shaded. Faint whitish washed longitudinal lines. The larvae fed on currant (Ribcs sanytineum); bred from eggs obtained at Kaslo, British Columbia,
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