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Psyche 11:7-13, 1904.
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DURING a rapid trip through the southeastern states the past summer under the auspices of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, for the purpose of studying the Acridiidae of that region, the following new forms were obtained. These include two species of Eotettix, one long-winged and eleven short-winged species of Melan- opius, and a Spharagemon.
Sotettix putillus sp. nos.
A diminutive species readily distinguished horn siguaius by its ;>he and nearly circular tegmina-- Facial costa widest between antennae, nearly equalling inter~pace between eye?, with parallel bides, abruptly narrowed below the median ocellun to two-thirds of its width above. Disk of pronoturn teeti form, distinctly convex in iongisection, the mid-carifia very pronounced, the lateral carinae faintly indicated on the prozone. obsolete on metazone.
Tcgmina broadly owate or subcircular, two-thirds or three-fourths as long as the pronoturn. Tip of male abdomen upturned, supra-and plate triangular, ncariy or quite as broad as long. pointed at apes, with sinuous sides. Furcula well developed, consisting of two broad httencd lobes as long as or longer than the last dorsal segment. Cerci subconic, shorter
than ropra-anal plate, two to three times as long as the width of base; acuminate, stout at baas, tapering to a slender tip.
General color pale yellowish green. dorsurn and tcgmina dull yellowish brown. Lateral
ttripcft on the sides of the prozone, more or less of the bases of the abdominal segments and genicufar lobes of the hind femora, apex of hind tibiae, tibia1 spines and tarsal claws, black. Hind tibiae colored like the body.
Length of body ; ,?, 10-12 ; 9, 16-17 ; hind femora : 8, 7.5-8 ; ?,9.5-tl; antenna: 8, 9, S-S.5; tegmina: S. 1.7 x 2 to 2 x 2.5 ; Q, 3 x 3.5 to 3.3 x 4 mw. Thrk males, one female, Waycross, Ware Co., Ga., Aug. 11 ; fourteen males, one
female, Denmark, Barnberg Co., S. C., Aug. 15. Intermediate in size and appearance between signdas and&csillus. Facial costa widest
opposite base of antennae, equalling interspace between eves, witla convex stiles convergent above and below, subparallel in lowest portion. Tegmina broadly oval with rounded apex. shorter than protiotum.
Abdomen of male less upturned at lip thnn wfusiltut; furcula well-developed, flattened or digitate ; supra-anal plate triangular, its breadth nearly or quite equalling its length, the apex rounded, acute. Cerci conical, slender, tapering evenly, about three times as long as thtir basal width. Color light yellowish green, brown above and on tepmina, with fuscous post-oculnr mtafipes from eves to tcgmina.
Hind tibiae red with black spines.
This species and .v&m-
ins agree in lacking the f uscous markings on the nbdornen characteristic of ftusilivs, and in pagessing red hind tibiae. In s~aaim the apex of the supra-anal plate is usually very bluntly rounded, and the tegmina are as long or longer than the pronotum. broad lanceolate, with acute apex. ,
Length of bod?: J, IS-X,';.~ ; 9, :I.:; hind femora: & 10; 9. 14; antenna: J,8; $,9; tegmina: a. 2 X 3.3 to 2.8X 4; ?. 3.5 X 5 inm. Three males, one female, Live Oak, Suwane'e Co., Fla., Aug. 10. Melanoplua symmetricus sp. nov.
. .
A long-winged species allied to robastus. Furculn wanting. Cerci stout at base, laminate and a little incurved at tip, broad, nearly symmetrical, the basal half or three-fifths -
a Uttle longer than wide, with subequal, subparallel sides ; the distal half or two-fifths broad- ened equally above and below into a transverse plnte with axis perpendicular to that of the atern, its length one and two-thirds times the width of the stem, the apex smoothly convex (sometimes sinuous through extension of lower angle of lobe), the proximal sides straight and leaving the stem at an angle of 30å or 4on, the dorsal portion of the plate slight!: broader and its angle more rounded than the lower.
General color brownish testaceous; hind tibiae red with black spines. Hind femora stout, tiavous on outer lower face, coral red within on basal two-thirds, often showing indica* tfona of oblique fuscous fasciae.
Length of body: & 2S-30; $,31-34.5 ; hind femora: 3, 16-18; 2, 1+20 ; antenna; 8, 13.5-14.5; ?, 11-14; tegmina: 8, 20-22; 9, 21-23: vertex to tip of tegmina: (?, 30-31.:; 9 t -5-33.5 mra-
Three males, six females, Carrabelle, Franklin Co., Fla., Aug. 9. . . ,.
Melanoplus divergens sp. nov.
A ahort-winged species of the lame size nnd appearance an ishdiciis anti its two rela- tives hew described but belonging in a different series and easily distinguished by the sub- bifurcate cerci. Vertex blunt. Pronoturn broad with flattened disk, subungulate at junction with lateral lobes, nnd moderately convex hinder margin, the mid-carinit &tinct on the mctazone, absent from prozone. Prosternal spine short nnd variable. usually conical with acutely pointed tip but sometimes much broadened laterally with wide, bluntly rounded apex. Meaostenial interspace slightlv transverse in the female, narrower than the lateral lobes, quadrate or a little transverse in the male. Metasternal interspace slightly transverse in the female, longitudinal in the male. Tegniina shorter than the pronotum, ovate, or ovate- lanceolate, with rounded apex, usually covering' second abdominal segment but sometimes ' half this length, attingent in the male. separated in the female. The subgenital plate \a truncate or even slightly emnrginate at apex, the sides viewed from above nearly straight. The supra-anal plate is longer than wide, triangular, pointed at apex, the sides coniex. Fiircula moderately broad, about equalling she last segment in length. The ccrci are quite distinctive, recalling those of minor in outline, being roughly boot-shaped, the base very broad, a little longer than wide, it$ sides parallel or convergent, the distal two-fifths bent abruptly upward at an angle of å´n or +oC narrowed to about one-half the width of the base and tapering to a broad, evenly rounded blunt apex. At the union of the distal portion with
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the base the dorsal margin is deeply concave, the ventral margin strongly angulate, beyond the angle straight or a little concave, forming a sub-bifurcate organ as long as the supra-anal plate. The whole appendage is thick, strongly convexexternally, especially on the tip, which is curved gently inward.
General color dark reddish brown above, yellowish beneath, the hind tibiae red. Post-
ocular fuscous stripes on head nnd prozone and pronounced fuscous markings on sides of abdomen and hind femora. The female is sometimes yellowish brown above. Length of body : 3, 9-10 ; 9. 11-20; hind femora : 8, 8.5-9.5; 9, 9.5-tt; antenna: 8.6-6.5 ; $ , &-7 : tegmina : 8.3-3, 9,~-4 mm. Eight males, eleven females, Baleam. Jackson Co., N. C.,Julj 34, about 5000 ft. Seven
mnlcs, seven females, Aug. 10, 5000-6000 ft. Mebmoptus deceptua sp. nov.
Melanoplus vinWftesi in part.
Scudder, Rev. Melanopli, p. 25s.
Agreeing with viridI/es in size. color, and markings but differing in the form of the *
cerci : in viridifes these organs taper somewhat regularly to the apex ; in this species more å´o less of their distal third is distinctly broadened dorsall$ and obliquely excised at the end, the apex being acutt and ventral ; the ventral tnargin may be convex, straight, or slightly tinuous, the dorsal m̤rgi is concave in the mesial portion, sometimes strongly so. The whole organ varies much in breadth in dikent specimens. Owing to its strong resemblance to ~iridipfs this species has been confused with it by various authors and a specimen was included with the types of that species. The original descriptions and drawings, however, accurately delimit viridijts from this and the suc- emding species.
Three males, eight females, Balsam, Jackson Co., N. C., Aug. 19, <;-too ft. I male, Jasper, Pickens Co., Ga., July 26, a6oo ft. Three males, Vigo Co., Ind., June 8. received . å´fro Blatchley. One male. Indiana, Scudder collection in At. C. Z., type of viridifrs. Udaaoplua ~imUia ep- nov,
Very similar to viridipts and deceitas. The tip of upturned ; the basal half of the cerci titiera rapidly on the dorsal side to less than half the width of the base, sides of distal half parallel, apex transversely excised, the angles rounded, the dorsal one slightly more prominent; the ventral margin is nearly straight, though @lightly concave and S~HUOUK, the dorsal margin strongly concave in the middle, convex at base.
In color and markings this species strongly resembles v-iridipef and dece/tu~ but possessed distinctive cfmracicrs in the markinga of the abdomen (as well a,s in the form of the cerci). In this species the subgenital piate is shining black, the preceding sternitc ~ppeenish white with a very broad triangular fuscous spot extending across its posterior margin below the upturned subgenital plate from which it is separated by a lenticular pale space along the suture. In deeeftm and virfdipes the anterior margins of several of the abdominal sterna are conspicuously infuscatcd as welt as both margins of the sternitc pre-
PSYCHE [February
Closely related to M. Madi'cm, agreeing with it in size, coloration, markings and form with the following exceptions.
Ccrci of male similar to those of islaadicm, stout at base, tapering equal!:, or nmre rapidly in basal portion, to a slender, flattened tip, once and a half or twice as long as width of base, symmetrical, the tip not bent upward nor grooved externally as usual in islandicus. Subgenital plate averaging shorter on the dorsal margin than in Xasdicus. Prosternal spine conic or cylindro-conic, the apex btunt, well-rounded, - in isiandicas subpyramidal,. acutely pointed, the sides flattened.
Five males, three females, Wythevllle, Wythe Co., Va., Sept. 4 and 5,3000 to 4000 tee;. ...
Mdan~plua sylvestris sp. nov.
This species also is a near relative of islaniliriis Blatchl., differing chietiy in the form of the male cerci, which, while of the same general structure, are narrower at base and line the distal half bent slightly upward and drawn out into a slender, compressed, substyliiorin tip, the whole appendage being once-and-threequarters or twice as long as the width of base. The prosterna! spine is very variable, ranging from sitbcylindfical with bluntly rounded tip to a more usual conical form with rounded apes. Seven males, seven females, Blowing Rock, Watanga Co., X C., July 19. TWO femalei., Lhville, Mitchell Co., N. C., July 18- Six moles, six females, Loverings', Burke CO.~ (between Morganton and Pineoh), July 13. Two females, Pineola, MitchellCo., 3. C., July t3 : one male, ( ?) same place, Aug. 28. At1 at elevations of 3500 to 4000 ft. The three species, - isfaudtcus, celafus, and sy/z*esfris - are evidently nearly related descendants of the same parent form, modified by isolation. Intergrades may yet be d is- covered. The male from Pineoh is included with some doubt owing to differences in struc- tore and season.
Melmqlus camegiei sp. nor.
A short-winged species related to and resembling scuddsri but with the cerci shorter, about as long as their bnsal breadth. equalling three-fifths of the supra-anal plate, triangular. acutely pointed, the aides straight or a little sinuous by reason of convexity ot haw ; t1:e ventral margin is usually the longer but sometimes the sides and base are subequal ; tlik k at base, tapering evenly to the not at all itieiirved apes. Subgenital piate scoop-shaped, tlie .
end pointed, the apes rounded or slightly truncate. Furcula minute, barely discern ililt:.
acareely half as long as last segment. Supra-anal plate triangular, longer than wide, pointed, the sides convex.
Pronoturn resembling' that of st~dif~ri but scarcely as wide posteriorly ; prosternal spine my variable, sometimes cylindrical and bluntly pointed, more usually flattened antero- posteriorly, apex broad and bluntly rounded or acute with straight sides. Tegminn shorter than In scndderi, nearly as long as pronoturn, broad lanceoliite with rounded apes, attingent or slightly overlappins
Color and markings as in scudiitri, the hind tibiae red.
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Length of body ; 3, ipt7-5 ; 9, 23-24 ; hind femora : f , 1-12, ?,13.~-14.5 ; antenna : <?. 7-8.5. s, 8.5-10; tepina: 8, 3.5 X 4.3 X 4-5; ?, 3.3 X 6 mm. t
Seven males, two females. Denmark, Bamberg Co., S. C., Aug. 15. One male, Spartan- burg, Spartanburg Co., C. s-, Aug. 16. One tnale, Blue Ridge, Fannin CO., Ga-, July 23, 1700 ft. \
Mefttnoplus atrumoaus ip. nov.
A small species with very amiill ovate tegmina, attingent in male, a tittle separated in female. Disk of pronotum twice (male) or once-and-a-half (female) as long as wide. mid- carina percurrent, lateral carinae barely perceptible mesially. Prosternal spine prominent,
flattened cylindric, slightly curved backward, apex transversely excised, the angles rounded. Mesosternal interspace quadrate in female, slightly longitudinal in male. lletasternal inter- space longitudinal, twice as long as wide (female), narrower in male. Tegmina obovate, two-thirds as long a* pronotum. Hind femora stout, very obliquely bifasciate with fuscous. Hind tibiae glaucous, flarescent at bade and tip, with black-tipped spines. Male abdomen subclavate, the subgenital plnte and preceding segment tumescent, broader than deep, and greatly elongated, the former elongate scoop-shaped, bluntly rounded at apex. its sides a little convex, especially at base. Supra-anal plate broader than long,
somewhat trilobate at end by reason of deep, subapical iateral emarginations, the apex acutely pointed with straight sides, the basal three-fourths of each side smoothly convex, cawing abruptly into the subapical emarginations. Its upper surface bears strongly raised
edges and a prominent transverse ridge tnfdway of its length, crossing two-thirds of its width. To this ridge extend, lying upon Icm~itudinal ridges, the processes of the furcula; these are very broad at base, tapering equally to digitate, apically sinuate, tips which rest upon the ends of the transverse ridge, and enclose between them the shallow median sulcus, wide apically, narrow anteriorly. The base of the furcula and median portion of the segment bearing it are distinctly- depressed ; the median portion of the preceding segment is depressed to fit into this hollow, slightly elongated, widely and shallowly sulcate longitudi- nally, the suIcus transversely rugulose, with apical margin carinate opposite base of furcula. Ccrci short and slender, about two-thirds as long as supra-anal plate, nearly three times as long- as baaa! width, tapering evenly in hasal half to one-fourth the basal width, distally bent gently upward and in ward, the tip slightly expanded to about one-third the basal width, obliquely excised, the upper angle rounded, the ventral acute, the ventral margin convex or - -
sinuous, the dorsal margin concave.
General color deep reddish brown above, nhitish or flarescent beneath. Post-ocular
fuscous stripe indistinct in female, deep black in male, percurrent, extending to abdomen, even suffusing the metcpisternttl pale fascia. Length of body: & 1 j; 9, 17.5-32 ; hind femora: 8, 10; 9, 11-5-13; antenna: d, 6 ; 9.7; tepina: S,a ~2.7; 5, 1.5 x 3.52.7 x 4mm. One male, two Iremal~, DsPuniak Springs, Walton Co., Fla., Aug. 3. Two females, Denmark. Barnberg Co., S. C., Aug. 15.
Mtlanoplua triiulus so. nov.
A short-winged species of medium sire. Disk of pronotum somewhat convex above, once-and-a-half (female) or twice (male) as long as wide, mid-carina percurrent, distinct, hted carinae obsolete, hind margin a little convex, emarginate. Pro~ternal spine promi-
nent, conical, acutely pointed, in female somewhat flattened antem-posteriorly. Tegmina
broadly orate, about three-fourths as long as pronoturn. Mule abdomen subclavate, con-
aiderably upturned.
Subgenital plate with the sides much expanded basally.the ventral face very short, convex, terminating in a very short, blunt, upwardly directed fuscouii tubercle distinctly removed from the inner margin. Supra-anal plate shield-shaped, with convex sides, abruptly narrowed to terminate in an acute point with straight sides. Furcula
consisting of a pair of mall, straight, flattened, backwardly directed, rather dhtant proc- CBSM, about as iong as the last dorsal segment. Cerci slender. three times as long as basal width, tapering in bad third to about half the basal width, equal in middle fourth, tipanding a little didally into a laminate, obliquely excised tip, the upper angle rounded, the lower acutely pointed, the whole organ gently incurved and the tip slightly decurved. Color dark reddish brown above, white and !lavescent beneath. Post-ocular stripe con-
tinued into fuscous of titles of abdomen, sometimes suffusing the metepisternal pale fascia. Hind femora with fusscoits gtinicular lobes and indications of oblique fasciae. Hind tibiae fuscesent glaucous with black spines.
Length of body:^, 18.5-19; ?, i6; hind femora: (T, 10.5; 9, 12.5; antenna: 8, 10.5; 9, S ; tegmina ; <? , 3.5-4.3; ?,44 inm.
Two males, one female, jasper, Pickens Co., Ga., Julv 25, a6oo ft. Melanoplus devius sp. nov.
This species is nearly related to tribulas here described, agreeing with it in size, form, and hhape of subgenital plate. Mid-cariria of pronotnrn percurrent. Prosternal spine typi-
cally cylindro-conic and rather bluntly pointed, Furcula small and very variable. Supra-anal plate usually distinctly ampliate basally. Cerci narrow from a broad base, two and a half times as long as basal breadth, tapering gently in both breadth and thickness in basal half, the distal half equal or a. little expanded &icaiiv, laminate, transversely excised at apex, the upper angle more rounded titan the lower, the dorsal margin sinuous, the ventral concave. The fuscous markings of the end of the abdomen of the male readily distinguish it from trfbuf- : in this species the posterior face of the apical tubercle and the sides of the sitb:en- ha1 plate, the sides and anterior and posterior margins of the preceding steinite, are Infuscated. In the female the sides of the abdomen are nearly free from fuscous ~~~~~~~~p. Hind tibiae glaucous ii ith black spines. Length of body : f , 17-20; $,z2-26.5; hind femora; f, 10-n.;; ; 9, 11-5-13: antenna: Stg-W, ?*7+5-S.;;tWna: &2X2.j,1.,jx+: ?,i,Sx3.j,3X~~m. Twenty-three males, twentyone females, Wrtlievil le, Wythe Co., Va., Sript. 4 and j, 3000 to ;}5o0 ft. One male, Topton, Cherokee Co,, S. C., Aug. 21,3000 to 4000 ft. Melanoplus decoratus sp. iiov.
Related to decorus (Scudder, Rev. MeL, p. 237, pi. 17, tig. 5). Vertex rather strongiy
protuberant, especially in female.
Pronoturn with niid-carina sirong on mecazone, weak or indistinct ou prozone.
Tcgiiiina asynmetricailj obovate, the costal margin more convex. Supra-anal plate nearly as broad as long, the sides convex or sinuate. apex rounded or acute, the eupernuinerary longitudinal ridges feebly developed or indistinct. Furcula processes broad at base, rather utronglv divergent, tapering, the sides more or less sinuate, once and a half or twice as long as the Last dorsal segment. Cerci broader than in decorus, eepeciailv at
ty. Tegmina
xlavate, con-
e ventral face
coua tubercle
with convex
lea. Furcula
distant proc-
long as basal
iddle fourth,
tgle rounded,
r stripe con-
, pale fascia.
Hind tibiae
I size, form,
it spine typi*
m and a half
1 basal half,
at apex, the
tral concave.
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tip, the apex transversely excised, the ventral apicnl angle produced, the dorsal well rounded, the extreme tip slightly recurved. Subgenital ptate strongly constricted at base,. (more than in decorus), the sides less ftinplinte basally, the apical tubercle much enlarged, produced, and curved upward, the central length of the plate almost or quite equal toits basal depth, the whole structure appeahng more like a maiformation than others ise. Color dark reddish brown, veliow beneath, sides of pronotum below post-ocular stripe white, the stripe percurrent, suffusing pale inctepistcrnal fascia, continued nearly or quite to end of abdomen, sometimes rather faintly in female but more pronounced and constant than In the females of the other species here described. The body is stouter than in decoras, the hind femora shorter and stouter, and usually bifasciatc. Length of body: 8, 1;-18; $ , 21.5-1;; ; hind femora : 8, 9.5-1 t; 9, 10.7-13; antenna: 8, 8-5-9-5; 9.8-9; tegmina : (?,3 X 3, 2.5 % 4; 9, 2.8 x +. 4 X 5 mm. ,
Two males, twelve females. Mtirphy, Cherokee, Co.,N. C., July 25, iSoo ft. Two females, Topton, Cherokee CO., N- C., Aug. it, 3000 to 4000 ft. One female, Blue Ridge, Fanth Co.. Ga., July 2:. 1700 EL, Three males, one fernale, Wythevilie, Wythe Co , Va., Sept. + and 5,- to4000 ft.
Related to atlexaatm. Tegmina lanceolate with rounded tip, -in atfenuatu~ elliptical, and almoat truncate at apex. Furcula processes well-developed, broad at base, tapering (chiefly on inner side) to digitate tips, one-third as Iongas supra-anal plate,-in atifuuatas- one-fourth or less. Supra-anal plate reseni bling that of atimmaiu.t, showing indications of the marginal dentate plication of that species. Cerci &nder, very nearly symmetrical,
three times as long as broad, the middle third narrowed to one-half or less of the width of the tease, spatulate, with slightly ernfirginate symmetrical apes, the tip a little incurved, thin, and longitudinally inrolled, i. e,, from side to side coin-ex externally, concave internally. Subgenital plate similar to that of aifeftitdu.~. Color light yellowish green, without fuscous markings on sides of abdomen. Hind tibiae glaucous.
Post-ocular fuscous stripe obsolete on metazone, interrupted on prozone by two narrow oblique yellowish green fasciae. Length of body : 8, 17 ; hind femora : 8, i I.; ; antenna : 8, 12 ; tcgmina : J,2 X 3 mm.
One male, Savannah, Chatham Co., Ga., Aug. I+. -
Spharagcmon saxatile var. planurn var. nov. Differing noticeably from the specific type in the structure of the pronotum, the mid- carina, although of the same genera! form and profile, being lower throughout, and the disk of the rnetazone more nearly and å´;onst;intl plane, instead of arched in Iongisection as is commonly the ease in the type, especially in the female. Hind tibiae with an increased amount of infuscatian distad of the pale bal annulu~ in this respect sometimes approaching bdli in degree. The general color of the specimens at hand is a purplish red in consonance with the tint of the soil of the habitat ; the pale X mark of the pronotal disk is lacking. and even the transverse fuscous bands of the tqmina are indiitinct. Twenty-two males, ten females, Wvtheville, Wvthe Co.. Vn., Sept. 4 mid 5, 3300 ft-, on a thinly grassed gravelly hill-slope.
Volume 11 table of contents