Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Print ISSN 0033-2615
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William L. Brown, Jr.
Trichoscapa karawajewi and its synonyms (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).
Psyche 101:219-220, 1994.

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Department of Entomology
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
A recent loan from the Zoological Institute, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Kiev, Ukrainia, through the kindness of Dr. Alexander G. Radchenko, has allowed me for the first time to examine the type of Strumigenys emeryi Karawajew, which proves to be an example of the same species I later described as Smithistruma dubia. Since S. emeryi was preoccupied in Strumigenys, I had already given it the replacement name Strumigenys (Trichoscapa) karawajewi. The necessary synonymy follows. Trichoscapa karawajewi (new combination) Strumigenys (Cephaloxys) emeryi Karawajew, 1935, Treubia 15:106-108, fig. 25, queen, type locality Siak, Sumatra. Preoc- cupied.
Strumigenys (Trichoscapa) karawajewi Brown, 1948, Entomologi- cal News, Philadelphia, 59:44, replacement name. Smithistrumu (Smithistruma) dubia Brown, 1953, American Mid- land Naturalist, 50: 122, worker, queen, type locality East Coast of Peleliu I., Palau Group. New synonym. In the type from Kiev, the clypeus is broader than long. In addi- tion, the larger hairs on the head are as arranged in other samples of this species, and are not restricted to two at cephalic midlength as depicted by Karawajew. Although I described S. dubia from atolls in the South Pacific, while S. karawajewi came from Suma- tra, we now have samples of this species from numerous sites in New Guinea and the Solomons, Sulawesi, Luzon, Sabah, Manus, Truk, and Ponape, as well as Fiji. Because the limits of the short- mandibulate dacetite dacetine genera have grown very unclear as Manuscript received 11 October 1994.
Pu&e 101:219-220 11994) hItp/@ychr rnlclub wg/101/101-219 html


220 Psyche [vo~. 101
many new species accumulated in this complex, I have left this species in Trichoscapa, where I placed it as a subgenus in those years when I still regarded that category worthwhile. As a name, Trichoscapa is old, and bids likely to survive the generic decima- tion that will be necessary in the next revision of the Dacetini.


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