Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 190.
Psyche 10:190-200, 1903.

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I??' PSYCHE [Oct. - Dec.
Elliptical, thick, one diameter less, evenly rounded, the ends nearly alike, no depression or truncation.
Laid in small groups, erect on the antemicropylar end. strongly adherent.
Reticulations regularly hexagonal, small, narrow, obscure, not raised; on the large sides there is an indication of ribbing in that the reticulations are more longitudinallj- placed ; ends smoother.
Yellow, turning red. Size .8 X .6 X .55 mm. Hatched in I I days. Stn,p I, Head round, bilobed, pale brown, sutures darker; width about .4 mm. Body
short, rather robust, subventral fold widened a little segtnentari~. Pale yellowish, a broad
d'>rsil, narrow linear subdorsal and substigrnatal dark red lines; a row of ~uhventral red sputs on joints .s to 9. The lines do not quite reach the ends and are somewhat broken in the annulet folds. Cervical shield large, but concolorous. Tubercles small, brownish. Setae distinct, pale. moderate, sciircelv enlarged at the tips. Abdominal feet 011 joints 10 and 13 only.
.Stage II. Head bilobed, lutcous, immaculate ; width .6 mm. Body moderate, pale green, dorsal line broad, subdorsal narrow, lateral clouded, substigmata1 and traces of sub- ventral lines all vinous brown, the latter three obscurely joined by large clouded palchcs on joints 5 to 9. Feet pale; tubercles obsolete ; setae short, obscure. Singe III.
Head rounded, hilobed, dull luteous with distinct brown dots behind the eyes and faint ones in the vertical snture ; width .g mm. Body moderate, nniforin, segments irregularly annillate; vellow lutcous, dorsal line narrow, dark bmvii, broadly edged with light brown, subdorsal and laleral lines dark brown, the latter joined by large segmentary spots to upper and lower s~ibventral lines, shaded on joints 10-13. Feet pale; tubercles small, slightly raised; setae sliurt, dusky. Stuff IV.
Head pale greenish brown, finely dotted with dark over the lobes except a streak on the vertex of each ; width 1.2 unn. Body moderately elongate, feel of joints 10 and 13 remote and a small pair of feet on joint 9, the feet approximate; segments wrinkly. it-reg- illarly nnnulate, uniform, smooth.
Olivaceous yellowish, shaded with brown. Dorsal line
dark brown in a lighter brown cloui.1 ; subdorsal, lateral, and stigniatnl lines nstrrow, light, ,
indicated by clouded brown edges; a distinct snbstigmatnl line and subventral spots of dark brown.
Feet pale, the anal ones projecting laterally. Tubercles concolorous, with dark hair dots; setae fine, pale ; in the subvenird region some pale secondary root-like prominences are mixed with the longer setae of tubercles vi and vii. (These prominences are not present in stage I11 and the extra feet are barely indicated.) The intersegment of joints 7-8 is more darkly shaded; dorsal tubercles more or less brown marked. The larvae rest flat on the
Sfuge V
HeĢ¤ hilobed, thick, greenish white with numerous singular black, spots com- posed of dots which are larger in a curved band from ocelii to before vertex, framing the face; width 1.8 mm. Body moderate, flattened venfrally, with a series of white rootlets along the subventral edge ; feet on joints 9,10, and 13, those of joint 9 small, but used. Bark brown, wrinkly, dorsal line dark, subdorsal, lateral and two snbventral lines pale, fine, all obscure; subdorsal dark inteweginental hlotrhes, especially centrally, darkest on the intersegment


Venter pale; no secondary hairs, the primary ones of tubercle vii scattered among the rootlets. Feet all pale gi-eenish.
Spun a slight cocoon.
One moth emerged the same season, but most hibernated in the pupal stage, making the species normally single brooded. Larvae from Kaslo, British Columbia; they fed on the leaves of white birch. LIFE HISTORIES OF NORTH AMERICAN GE0METRIDAE.-XLIV BY HARRISON G. DYAR, WASHINGTON, D. C.
Elliptical, thick, the antemicropylar end strongly depressed, top and bottom con- cavely flattened medially, ~nicropylar end flattened. Rather coarsely wrinkly shagreened all over except on the side of attachment, no reticulations. Uniformly pale yellow. Size .8 x .7 X .S mm.
Stage I. Head cordate, black, the color diluted centrally, the pointcd mouth brown. Body normal, moderately elongated; a11 pale yellow, tubercles small, blackish, a little raised ; cervical shield dusky l~iteous, obscure ; setae distinct, rather long, dusky, glandular tipped. Sfaxe II. Head hilobcd, pale yellow, eye black, mouth brown. Body moderate, green, roughened by the tubercles and annulets, translucent, unmarked; tubercles slightly raised, concolorous ; feet green ; setae pale, distinct; feet of joints 10 and 13 i-ather remote. Stage III. Head rather long, slightly hilobcd, pale testaceous, eye black, mouth brown; width .9 mm. Bod) translucent green, no shields, a narrow, broken, white subdor- sal line, a faint white shade each side of the dorsal vessel, a narrow, waved lateral line and subventral told whitish. Tubercles large, elevated, smooth, concolorous, shining'. Setae rather long, pale, curved ; spiracles black edged. Sfag-e IV.
Head rounded, bilobed, lobes full, clypeus moderate; green, shining; eye black, jaws brown; width 1.3 mm. Body not elongate, the central segments not much longer than wide, c~lindrical, subvetiiral told prominent, roughened by the tubercles. Green, intersegmental folds yellowish ; a waved subdorsal line, narrow lateral one, and sub- stigmata1 line white, dull, obscure.
Tubercles white, curved backward. Spiracles black ; feet pale.
Larva from Kaslo, British Columbia
LIFE HISTORIES OF NORTH AMERICAN GE0METRIDAE.-XLV. BY PIARRISON G. RYAR, WASHINGTON, JJ. C. Hydriomene magnoliafa Guende. My specimen agrees more nearly with Hulst's type of Hydriomene pernofafa Hulst than with some eastern specimens


of Coenocaife m~~mliata; but I do not see any specific difference between these two forms.
Dr. Hulsl placed them in separate genera, but he differentiates these genera only in that HYDRIOMENE has the thorax tufted posteriorly while COE- NOCALPE is not so. Now several C. mafnoliafo from Maine, New York, and New Jersey before me have fully as large thoracic tufts as Hulsl's type of H.pernotata. and some of these specimens have been labeled C. niagiinhaSa for me by Dr. EIulst. Therefore I would transfer C. magnoliafa to HYDRIOMENE and place H. pernotata Hulst as a synonym of it. Henry Edwards is credited with a description of the larva in Proc. Cal. acad. xi.; feeding on FUCHSIA GERANIUM, etc. Egg.
Rounded elliptical, flattening marked but rounded, micropylas end truncate, nar- rower than the center, the other end depressed. Reticulations voiindedly hexagoiial, low, rounded, distinct, becoming' larger at the tn-incated end. finely granrilar shagrecned all over; cell areas distinctly hollowed; pale yellow. Size .8 X .G x .4 mrn.
Sfage I.
Head rounded, full, clypeus high; pale lutcous, faintly brownish spotted on the tubercles, ocelli black.
Body moderate, normal, pale whitish, unmarked. Tubercles
small, dusky; setae mudcrate, pale, glandular tipped. Segments in-cglarly wrinkled annu-
late; no shields ; feet pale.
Sf.ago II. Head scarcely bilobed, erect. whitish with faint dusky spots on the hides of the lobes, ocelli black ; width .6 mm.
Body moderate, whitish, green from the food except at the end, a narrow diffuse dusky green dorsal line; traclical line white. Tubercles concol-
oroiis, obscure; setae short, black. A barely indicated pale suhdorsdl line; feet palc. Sfage ZZZ.
Head rounded, the apex in joint 3 green, freckled with purplish; width S j mm. Body moderate, slender, smooth green; subdorsal. lateral, and stigmata1 lines- greenish white, hardly contrasiled; dorsal vessel dark. marked on joints n and 12 with purple brown.
Feet pale; tubercles obsolete; setae short, dark. A little purple shading on
the foot of joint 10.
Stage Zl? Head rounded, bilobed, often held flat; green; finely brown freckled over the vertex, mouth white ; width 1.5 mm. Body moderate, rather- slender, segments wrinkled posteriorly.
Green, white shaded, dorsal vessel green ; subdorsal iine white, not contrasted, subventral fold whitish. Thoracic fcet faintly brownish ; a purple band on the foot of joint 10 edged with white, a white line on the anal foot; a dorsal purple band on joints 12 and 13.
Tubercles small, round, white, elevated; setae short, black. Some of the larvae became suffused with reddish dots bordering the pale lines or the subventral fold broadly pink shaded.
The larvae fed upon fire weed (E'obium angusUfo/zum), which seems to be their natural food plant. Larvae from Kaslo, British Columbia.


Hj&zomene mz~/fifem/ir Walker.
Egg. Romdediy clliptical. truncation, flattenings, and depression distinct, but a11 rounded; evenly, smonlhl? reticulate with rather broad, slightly raised lines forming rounded hexagonal cells ; pale yellow.
Size .6 X .5 X -4 mm.
Stap f-
Head rounded Lilobed, erect, clypeus high and broad ; yellcnvish whitish with large smoky bro-\vn dots on the tubercles; setae dusky. Body elongate and very slender
looking, finely annulate, pale yelliw ; dorsal and subdorsal purple brmvn lines, varying in width, streaked on the annulets. The long- centsal segments are double, composed of an elongate small intersegmental portion and a larger central one bccti'ing the setae. On the intersegmentdl subsegments are traces of an :iddorsal line "which curves outwardly distirictly on joint 11.
Broken, streaked lateral, suhventral and adventral lines ; no shields; setae short, of the shape of bulbs with short stems; tubercles brown. Stage II. Head pale whitish dotted with brown ; tubercles blackish ; width . j mm. Body slender, elongate; green from the food, the lines red brown,pulverulent; dorsal line straight, addorsal represented by traces, subdorsal and lateral broken, substigmatal nearly continuous, subventral and ventral broken ; feet pale ; setae short ; tubercles minute. oL&cure.
Stop III. Head round, full at sides, whitish with hlack dots on the faces of the lobes; width .9 mm. Body slender, pale ~reen from the iood, dorsal line narrow, fluctuat- ing, brown black, divaricate on joint 2, absent on the anal plate; faint traces of lateral, suprastigrnatal, and snbstigmatal lines on central segments. 'No shields; tubercles concol- orous ; setae short black, capitate.
Siaye IV. Head rounded, slightly elongale, ci?pens depressed, oblique ; ~\hilibh, opaquely translucent, a broad brunn shade on the angle of the lobe, the pair converging to the vertex; antennae pale, ocelli black ; widlh 1.4 mm. Bod! slender, elongate, central scg-merits over twice as long as wide, the inte~~segrnental portion slenderer, ends shrunken, abdominal feet approximate. Soft green, a little n-hite shaded ; cer\ ical shield ~elloivisli with brown blotches and trom it a broad dorsal band runs backward. rapidly narrowing and vanishing on joint 5; a brovn dash on joint 12 and 13 anteriorl?. A narrow, nearly invis- ible white snbdorsal I~IIR. Annulel incisures a little clearer. Tubercles obsolete, setae bhort, (lark.
Thoracic feet reddish.
The dorsal band m q run the whole Icng~h except on the anterior half of joint 9.
The larvae formed pendent cocoons of earth attached to a leaf. Standing on
a leaf they reached bits of earth which they spun about themselves with a soft web, beginning around the anal feet. The cocoon forms a loose bag of web covered with dirt hanging from the leaf. The fire weed was preferred as a food plant.
Larvae from I<aslo, British Coltirnbia.


1's YcifR [Oct.-- Dec.
Hydriomene excurvata Grate.
Elliptical, flattened, depression well marked, cuneiform from side view, the other end rounded, scarcely truncate; reticulations irregularly hexagonal, neat, distinct, moder- ately broad, low raised, cell areas flat. Pale yellow, shining. Size .8 X .6 X .5 mm. Laid singly, adherent.
Stare I.
Head rounded, sordid smoky shaded, pale'at the mouth, the cjc black, promi- nent.
Body moderate, normal, sordid gray from within, dark granular on a whitish ground; no marks; no shields; tubercles small, but the setae distinct, rather long with swollen, club- shaped tips.
Head strongly bilobed, thickly mottled with dark brown, the paler ground color hardly showing, ocelli black: width ,+nun. Body moderate, nornial, sordid luteons,
obliquely striped in dark brown ; the stripes start in an intersegmental dorsal patch, edged by whitish, run obliquely forward to join a ssnbmacular subventral zigzag shade; a geminate ventral band.
Setae dark with clear swollen tips.
Ordinary lines obsolete, a pale geminate doreal and subdorsal indicated.
Staye III,
Head strongly hilobed, thickly mottled in dark brown with a pale streak on the apex of each lobe; width .6 mm. Body moderate, the segments annulate, tubercles elevated, setae short and pale with swollen tips. Pale lnteous, heavily obliquely striped with blackish brown, starting from strong intersegmental spots, forward and downward, joining, or nearly so, a series of reversed snbvenlral stripes. An adventral shaded band and slight narrow dorsal and subdorsal ones. Thoracic feet brown; abdominal ones pale on the out- side.
Stage IV.
Head rounded, bent downward, grv black with a bright white streak before the apex of each lobe and another above the eyes ; width .g', mm. Body moderate, thicker behind, the segments a little ividened on the snbventral fold, finely annulate; latticed in dark brown and pale yellow; a narrow dorsal brown line in a brownish yellow ground,
enclosed by a series of diamond-shaped brown marks, shaded and obscure toward the thorax, on joints I r and 12 represented by only the posterior half of the marking; a series of broad lateral shades run obliquely po~iteriorly and shade into a broad, advcntral d:irk brown band. Tubcrclcs pale, hair dots dark; setae short, dark. capitate, the tubercles somewhat elevated. No shields.
Stare V
IHead rounded bilobed, rather sharply so, sordid gray brown, an obscure pale streak on the vertex of the lobe; width 1.2 mm. Body thick, robust, stick-like, straight, the thorax a little smaller, the segments irrcgnlarly annulate, skin finely granular. Anterior
half of larva darkly shaded, the posterior half light yellowish dorsallv; oblique black brown lines as before, obscured anteriorly, joining a subdorsal blackish waved line; a dorsal line, slightly broken interseginentall~, then obsolete, on joints 11 and 12 the marking represented only by subdorsal dots. Veuter dark, leaving a pale ventral line. Tubercles small, slightly
elevated; setae short, black, suhcapitate. A broad, bright, pale yellow bar on joint 2 sub- dorsall?. Feet of joint 10 light outwardly.


19031 DYAR --NORTH AMERICAN GEOMETRZDAE I95 Eggs were obtained as early as July 5th when the moths had only just begun to fly, but all the larvae hibernated.
Many were very small, only a few reached the fifth stage in the autumn.
They were fed on POLYGONUAI, but arc probably rather general feeders on low vegetation at the ground. The coloration is adapted
both for concealment in such a situation and for hibernation at any stage after the first.
Larvae from Kaslo, British Columbia.
DciZi~z'ia erythremaria Guen&e.
My adults agree with Vancouver Island speci- mens, called Dezlinia pacificaria Packard. I do not think that the form' is specific- ally distinct from the Atlantic coast D. eryt/;re~7za~i(t Guen. The slightly larger
size and very slightly more distinct markings do not seem to justify more than a racial distinction. In Bulletin 52, U. S. nat. mu., Dr. Hulst credited the European D. exam//Ie~mzta Scop. to "Canada." If this is correct, I would refer both D. facificaria and D. er~L?hTwlza?-ia as varieties of the European species, though I think it is more probable that the European form does not occur in America ;it all. The European larva is clescribecl as entirely green or with pale dorsal lines. EQ'Q'.
Elliptical, strongly compressed but without flattened areas, depression marked, truncation broad and sharp edged; relic-~ihitioiis linear wavy longitudinal lines, 9 or ID visi- ble on Llje flat side, raised, finely waved, in one place two confluent, projecting- at the rim of the tfiincation, contused at the other end. d-oss-striae fine, distinct, forming elongate rectangular cells; truncation nearly smooth, obscurely reticulate, concave, raised at the nicropyle. Color dull bkiisli green. Size .8 X -6 X .+ mm. Singe I. Head rounded, depressed at clypens, pale orange, shining. Body slender, normal, rapidly looping. Pale ?ellowish with dorsal and subventral red brown lines the whole length, narrowed just at the ends. No shields; fcet pale. Tubercles moderately large, not elevated, setite mini-itely capitate. S/a,+ 77.
Head flattened, rounded, held flatly; whitish with a blackish band behind ocelli and a faint vertical one, both continuing lines of Lhe body. Width about .5 mm. Body slender, elongate, whitish, appearing green throughout from the food. A distinct black brown duma1 stripe from joint 2 anteriorly to 13; fading on the anal Hap ; a similar stigmata1 line. Feet pale. Setae very short with the tubercles not visible. Stage III, Head rounded hilobed, Cattish but the lobes full, oblique ; pale Iuteons green, not shining'; a dark niark in tlie vertical suture and a heavy brown side band behind h e ocelli of brown black; width .8 mm. Body rattier slender, translucent green from the food, not shining, not annulate. Ttorsal and subventrfil stripes blackish brown, moderately liroad, even, sharp, covering the outside of the feet of joints 10 and 13. Thoracic feet pale ; tubercles and selae invisible; no shield


Stag-e IV.
He-id roiii-nied, Hatlend, especially toniird's the mouth, apex rathci- full. held flat; clear green, a brown black st!-ipc from ocelli ; antennae and jaws black; width 1.3 nm. Body moderate, smooth, clear green ; a dorsal series of brown black segmentary spots obsoletely connected by a shade; a trace of a while subdorsal line especially posteriorly; substigmatal band brown black, seg~neiittiril~ widened: covering the foot of joint 10 and a line on that of 13. Thoi'ticic feet green. A median ventral whitish line scgiiientaril~ wid- ened. Tubercles invisible; setae short dark, Sfap 17.
Head rounded, &lightl? bilubed, held obliquely flat; translucent green, not shining ; clypeal sutures narrowly deepened ; pale peen ; antennae and a stripe on side red brown; width 2 mm. Body moderate, cylindrical, normal; no shields; smooth, tubercles obsolete, sette minute, dark. Green; a diffuse white subdorsal stripe, faint on joints 2 and 13; a white addorsal patch ecutrally on the segments, divided a black dasli and surrounded except anteriorly by blackish powdering on joint'-, 5 to 9, faint, liowever, on 5 and.9. A series of subventral brown black patchey, uholctely connected by a faint vinous shade: forming a line on the thorax and staining dwkly the foot of joint 10 and the anterior side of the foot of 13. Subventsiil tubercles black marked; U-aces of lateral and stigmata1 whitish lines, f;~int and obscure.
Larvae from Kaslo, British Columbia. They feed on willow. LIFE HISTORIES OF NORTH AMERICAN GE0METRIDAE.-XLJX. BV HARRIS03 G. DYAR, WASHINGTON, D. C.
Deiliniapulveraria I~Iulst.
One of Hulst's types before me from Rosslancl, British Columbia, agrees well with my ICaslo specimens, from which this life history was made out
Eg-g. Laid very slightly adherent, detached a1 a LOIICII. Ratlicr full and rounded, tlatten-
ing showing only as a less diameter, depression only at extreme end of egg but there marked, t1-~1iication marked, distinctly oblique. Over 20 longitudinal ribs, 9 visible on the broad side, sharp and high from a flat" siirtace, narrow, compressed. sliglul] waved; cnding at the edge of the tnincation where they project like spinci seen in profile view. Cross-striae low, distinct lines forming quadriingular cell areas and vertical lines on the ribs. The central pair of ribs join near the nntemicrop~lar end A line hall viny to the microp?le on the truncated end forms a row of cuneiform cells; micropyle ref-iculnre. Color pale yellow. turning red.
Size .S X 4 X .3 mm.
Stage I, Head small, bilobed, pale luteous, shining, eye black, mouth brown. Bo11,v
slender, motion rapidly looping and vibrant; translucent whitish : a straight, rather broad purple brown dorsal band the whole length and a similar lt~teral one. No shields; Uibercle& minute, dark; setae small, obscure. Later green in color but the bauds ~mchanged. Stag's II.
Head pale creamy whitish, a mottled bl;ick band on the side behind the eves : antennae black; a few dots at vertex : setae black, stiff; width .6 mm. Bod? moderate, nor-
mal, slender, green, smooth, no shields, setae stitf: black. A clorsnl blackish band present.


ftiintly shadowed or obsolete, but leaving a series of elliptical segmentary spots on the ante- rior edgcs of joints 5 to 11 ; broad subdorsal and narrow waved lateral white lines faintly pigmented, only a truce of a stigmata1 line; subventral black shade broken and dotted, but distinct.
Feet pale; tubercles whitish with black hair dots. Stays ZIZ.
Head white, heavily black mottled and dotted over the vertex, a brown band back from the antcnnue. edged by black dottings ; width 1.1 mm. Body moderate, not elon- tfate, sinooth, green. A dorsal geminate, pulverulent, black line, partly broken centrally on the seginenfi, heavier at the ends and with scuties'ed attributary dots in the dorsal space. Subdoi-sal line pale, gi-eenish white ; a faint waved lateral line, olivaceous edged above. Subventral region broadly blackish shaded, Hair dot5 black ; spiracles black ringed; no shields, sctae small, dark. 1,ater all sl~iidc~l with brown in dense crinkled lines, leaving narrow fiddorsai. broad subdorsal, narrow upper and lower lateral, subventral and broad meclio-ventral bands of pale. Dorsal black intersegmentary spots. Sfap IV.
Head rounded, flat before, oblique, the apex in joint 2. Ground color gra?
whitish on face, ~clloviish over lobes, heavily checkered with black especially in a band each side of the clypeiis vhich converge to apex ; clypeusrdark relienlate; width 1.6 mm. Body moderate, flat11 extended on a twig, colored like bark. Ground whitish and ochernus brown, checkered with black ; dorsal line shaded, broken, pnlverulcnt, forming patches at the ante- rior and posterior ends of the segments, xith addorsal spots at tubercle i, making a lattice work. A quadrate black s~~hdor-ml pafcli brc;iI;;ng he el lo wish subdorsal line behind tubercle it. Sides heavily black shaded except around the spiracles. Lateral and substig- ~~alal lines faintly traced; subventral line (tubercle vii) rather broad and whitish. Tuber-
cles black; tubercle iv with white specks :~ronnd it: spiracles pale. Larvae from ICaslo, British Columbia. They fed on C'EANOTHUS. The cocoon was spun at the ground of silk.
LIE E HISTORIES OF NORTH AMERICAN GEOM KTR1DAE.- L. Deilinia bchrciisuria Hulst. Most of the female specimens are D. behremaria, the males are all D. cawi~zicolor. This is almost a constant sexual difference. The varietal name seems scarcely warranted in any case. Elliptical, neatlv rounded, smaller in do!-so-ventral diameter but not flattened ; truncate end flat, ncutb rounded, the other end depressed. Over 20 ribs r~inning length- wise, straight from the depressed end to the angle of the truncation, y visible on the broad side, sharp, rather high, narrow, gently waved, joined by low but distinct linear cross-striae forming rectangular cells about twice as wide as long. A distinct line runs around the edge of the truncation and another half way to the mici-opyle, the ribs in crossing these form somewhat cuneiform cells ; micropyle confusedly reticulate. Color pale vellow, later irregu- larly spotted with red.
Size .8 X .7 X .,j mm.
Sta,qe I. Head smooth, pale testaccuus, eye black, mouth brown. Body moderate, ?el-


198 PSYCHE . [~ct.- Dec
lowish, shields concolorous; shaded with smoky blackish between the pale lines which are subdorsal, broken lateral, stigmatal and narrow snbventral. Tubercles small, blackish in pale rings; setae black, stiff.
Feet normal, not strongly plated.
Later the color becomes
green, a broad purple brown subventral band between the stigmatal and subventral white lines ; joint 2 in front faintly testaceous. Siap ZI.
Head whitish, thick!? dotted with black in a patch on sides of lobes and one on vertex; rounded, held obliquely ; width about .G mm. Body moderately elongate, ends
contracted, normal.
Whitish with green tint; traces of brown intersegmental dorsal line; broad subdorsal and stigmatal and nan-ow wavy lateral white lines, not vcry hright. A
broad brown black subventral band a little interrupted anteriorly and weakened about the thoracic feet. Fcet pale, tubercles black. Sicige TTT.
Head white, thickly dotted with purple and black on vertex ;ind patches on sides, held obliquely, antennae distinct, black sputted. width .9 min. Body moderate, a
little flattened, flatly outstretched, anal feet narrowly triangular, divergent. Green, addorsiil
white dots edging the dorsal vessel; subdorsal fine white, not rigid, narrow, waved; sides besides irregularly streaked in white. Tiibcrclch bliick, ii the largest; anal feet black potv- dercd ; setiie hlack ; no shields.
Stage ZV.
Head purplish white, the upper half white, thickly mottled and spotted in black; tubercles black, antennae while, black spotted; width 1.1 to 1.3 mm. Body held
flatly extcndcd, anal fcet square behind, colored like bark. Gray brown, black dotted reticu-
late; dorsal line geminate, black, crinkly, tubercles i and ii black, just above the white subdorsal line which is slightly black edged above. A fiiint n-hite lateral line, black edged. Tubercles black, iv conspicuously so and surrounded by white, the remains of a substigmatiil band which appears also as a dash on the anterior parts of the segments. Fcet pale waxy white.
Stag's V. Head rounded, the lobes slightly squared, flat before; purplish, speckled thickly with pale ochercnis and black, black on the vertex and a curved band edging' the disk of face ; epistoma and bases of antennae whitish, tips of antennae ocherous ; width 1.8 mm. Body equal, ;i little flattened, held flatly, feet moderate. Ocherous brown, speckled with black; broken subdorsal dots, dots at tubercles i, iii, and iv bright white; white triangular marks on anterior edges of segments 6 to g and less bright ones on 5 and so, edged behind with black shading which runs back in an irregnlar geminate dorsal line, distinct on the thorax and joints 10-13. A heavy black lateral shade looped down scgmcntarily below the spiracles. Thoracic feet pale, abdominal ones purplish mottled with white. Tubercles small, black, elevated slightly. A series of black ventral marks anteriorly on the segments composed of a double arrow-shaped streak joined into a blunt X-mark, more or less contin- ued over subventral area to the lateral black marks. Pupation among leaves.
Larvae from Kaslo, British Columbia.
They fed on

Volume 10 table of contents