Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 168.
Psyche 10:168-170, 1903.

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the southern states.
It does not even occur among the fine lot of ants kindly collected for me in the high mountains of New Mexico by Prof. and Mrs. T. D. A. Cockerell.
The subspecies diecki also occurs at Rockford under the dead leaves in the very same localities as the typical breviwrne. Often the nests of the two forms are located only a few feet from each other. The winged sexes of diecki are recorded in my notes as occurring from Aug. r 5th-I 9th. They are decidedly smaller than
the corresponding sexes of the typical form, and the male is paler, with colorless wings and paler legs and antennae. I could detect no differences in habits between die& and the typical bn-vicorne.
April astli, 1903.
Coniodts flumigemria Hulst. A general account of the life history has been given by Coquillett, but without detailed descriptions. The species has been
repeatedly bred at the Department of Agriculture. Eggs were received from Mr.
E. M. Ehrhorn which were collected three miles above Saratoga, Santa Clara County, California, on an apple tree, and from these the life history was made out. EGGS.
Laid in a large mass on a twig on the flat sides. Elliptical, strongly flattened above and below, ends nearly alike, one only a litlle depressed. Surface minutely shagreened, somewhat transversely so, the reticulations nearly lost, elongate transrerselv, moderately uniform.
Size .8 X .6 X 4 mm.
Color dark bronzy brown.
Head rounded. bilobed. ckpeus rather high; dull black, epistorna whiiish; width about .3 111111.
Body robust, rather short, normal, not tapered, segments somewhat iingularly widened centrall~.
Ulcick, a. narrow yellovi~ish white line on the sharp substig- matnl fold, broken in the incisures; traces of geminate yelloivish dorsul line in the incisures of central segments. Tubercles rather large, rounded, brown; setae distinct but not long, brownish ; feet blitck.
Head erect. rounded bilobed, hi11 iinterio-posteriorly :it vertex, brown-black, reticulate with darker, scaiccb shining; width .j mm. Body moderate, rather thick, seg-
ments annulate, tubercles large and produced but smooth, coiicolorousi, rounded, not tapered, black. Bod? slaty black, dull; traces of a geminate white dorsal band in the incisurei. and a broad, diffusely while lined lateral area. ill defined. Feet all black; setae fine, dark, incon- spicttous.


STAGE 111. Head rounded, flat before, broadly shallowly bilohed; grayish, speckled with black, thickly so over the apex and in a patch on each side of clypeus above ; a black patch at base of antennae; width .9 mm. Body cylindrical, moderate, normal, tubercle ii of joints 5 to 7 and 12 forming- high cones, the reht elevated roundedly. Feet of joints 2 and 3 held oppressed, those of joiut 4 erected. Shining bronzy black with scarcely an? marks. Traces of a whitish addorsal line and irregular pule areas stigniatallv anteriorly, largest on joints 5 and 6 and traces of xhitedotted supra- and substigmalal lines. Feet a11 black; setae moderate, pointed, dark.
STAGE IV. Head squarely rounded, lobes separated by a wide low notch, flattened before, depressed at apex of clypeus; elypeus reaching two thirds to vertex, the paraclypeal pieces nem-ly reaching vertex; light gray with many irregular crinkled black spots irregn- larly vertically arranged on the side> and pnrtly confluent behind the vertices uf the lobes; sutures of month black marked: width 1.6 m111. Body cylindrical, normal, robust, not elongated; tubercles prominent, especially ii on the raised part of the abdomen and forn'iiny- a stout cone on joint 12. Blackish, especially across the centers of tile seg~nenh, a I-atlier broad whitish addorsal line, broken and obscured centrally, rather distinct on the thornx and before tubercle ii on joint 12. Sides yellowish blotched, scarcely defining svibdorsnl, siipi-astigmatal, and two subventral lines which are irregularly traceable; a conspicuous black patch behind the spiracle on joints 6 and 7, slightly indicated on other segments. Venter blackish, pule- n~edioventrully and between joints 10-13. Thoracic feet black, abdominal ones dark, the plates of joints 13 lighter. Cervical shield not developed.
Tubercles black,
single, normal, dark, pointed.
Head rounded squarish, scarcely hilobed, the vertical notch obsolescent, flat- tish before, the sutures ut apex of clypeus depressed; surface shagreened; yellowish, mottled and spotted with brown, heaviest on sides of lobes and in clvpeiil depression ; width 2.3 mm. Body normal, robust, tubercles roundedly produced, smooth, ii the largest, on joints 5 to 7 forming distinct cones, on 12 situated on a slight dorsal pi-o~ninence, normal. iii to v closely surrounding the spn'arle, two tubercles representing vi; no cervical shield, anal shields developed, triangular, but concolorous and not corneous, Skin minutely xpinulose; spiru- cles large, black rimmed; setae distinct, dark. Varies from sordid gray to green withbut distinct lines or strong markings.
There is a general indication of longitudinal lines, pale, marked with line brown dottings. These lines are acldorsal, subdorsal, supra5ligmata1, and two subventral, but all are ill defined, especially the subventrill ones. Feet pale. PCPA, Cylindrical, normal, abdomen tapering, with three movable incisiu-es; cwmaster two stout spines joined at the base into a flatfish plate; cases wrinkled; abdominal segments coarsely punct~~red.
Length 18, width c; nun.


Volume 10 table of contents