Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 111.
Psyche 10:111-114, 1903.

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Of this handsome species I have seen only four colonies, all taken in Travis County, Texas. Three of these were in oak logs that had been brought to Austin by the crackers from the mountain caiions northwest of the city. The remaining
nest was found in Bull Creek Canon in a crevice between two huge rocks. The males and winged females were taken in two of the nests Feb. 28, 1901, and March 25, 1902.
C. texas appears to be closely related to C. sayi Emery of Arizona and Mexico.
It is sufficiently distinct, however, both in size, coloration, shape of clypeus, petiole, etc,
April 15, 1903.
Type. - Basypogon cormtur Wiedemann, Auss. Zw. Ins., I, 38 2, 1828. This species has been placed by Baron Osten Sacken in the synonymy under Ceraturgtts cruciaius Say.
At the time of writing my paper on the Diptera of Florida (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1895, p. 303-304) I did not possess examples of Say's species, and as Wiedemann's species agrees quite closely in color-pattern I assumed that the synonymy was correct. Since obtaining specimens of C, crucia/its I was somewhat surprised to find a great difference in the antennae, so much so that D, curnutus cannot remain in the genus Ceraturgus. The antennae are so accurately described by Wiedemann, as to leave no doubt as to the species : "Erstes Fiihlerglied r6thlicl1, die Lolgenden schwarz: erstes und zweites von gleicher Lance ; das dritte fast viermal so lang als eines von jenen, an der Spitze ein wenig verdickt; das erste der beiden Spitzenglieder sehr klein, fast verkehrt kegelformig clas Ictzte zusammengedrucltt eirund, noch einmal so lang als das vorhergehende, mit einem sehr kurgen Seitendornchen." The terminal joint has a slight lobe-like projection bearing a small spine as shown in Fig, 3.
In C. cruciatus the terminal joint is elongated and densely pubescent ( Fig, 2). The rare Cera&trg?is auru/erttits Fabr., also resembles C. wrnntbs, but the form of the antennae (Fig, I), hyaline wings, and smaller size readily separates it from that species,
I have seen but three specimens of C.
aurulenius, one taken by myself at Westville, N. J., August 21, 1892 ; the others


112 PSYCHE [June
collected by Mr. E. Daecke at Castle Rock, Delaware Co., Pa., and at Lehigh Gap, Pa., July 11, by Chas. T. Greene. It is the type of the genus CERATURGUS Wied. The specimens of C. cornutus were collected by Mrs. Annie T. Slosson at Ormond, Florida, in April.
The specimen ( 9 ) on which this species is based was collected by Mr. G. R. Pilate at Tifton, Georgia, Sept. 9, 1896, and was received from Dr. Garry de N. Hough. I had placed it doubtfully with that variable species, D, frisfis Walk. (D. tidnctus Loew.). After carefully comparing it with eleven specimens of that species in my collection from St. Augustine, Ha., and Opelousas, La.,collected in June, I submitted the specimen to Mr. D. W. Coquillett who also considered it distinct from D. tristis.
This species is distinguished from D, tristis in having the thorax noticeably narrower ; the third joint of the antennae (Fig. 5) shorter, proportionately broader and entirely red ; the rnystax finer less profuse and whitish, not red ; abdominal segments one to five each bearing a broad basal band of yellow, those on the second and third occupying the entire lateral margin and gradually narrowing towards the dorsum, segments five to eight bright red, not black; wings decidedly narrower, brown, with the discal portions and margin of the veins yellowish. Length 16 mm. It should also be noted that the great difference between the two species in their time of appearing, also shows that they are in no way related, as all data pertaining to the Asilidae indicate but one seasonal brood.


Head black, mystax and pubescence of the face yellow, antennae reddish, becoming dark brown towards the tip; proboscis black, slightly brownish at the base. Thorax black, with a large quadrate humeral spot from which extends a lateral line of the same color to the base of the scutellum, minute pustules, bearing short hairs give the entire body a punctated appearance ; pleurae and scutellum black, lateial angles of the scutellum and metanotum brownish, pleurae shining. First and seventh segments of the abdomen black, the others red, "with a lateral margin of black, the second segment has a narrow conlinuous posterior margin of black, on the others it extends but a slight distance from the lateral margin; venter black. Halters and legs reddish, coxae, tips of the posterior femora and base of the tibiae, with a very narrow ring of black, the last joint of the front and middle tarsi also black, spines on the tibiae few in numbers and mostly white, those on the tarsi numerous and black. Wings with a light brownish tinge, the veins on the basal half bright yellow ; the fourth posterior cell closed and slightly petiolate. Length 12 mm.
One specimen said to have been taken near San Antonio, Texas, was given to me by the late Andrew Bolter.
Similar in form to the preceding but the entire body, legs and antennae are a deep black, with the same punctated appearance; mystax for the most part black. Halteres
Wings brown, the veins black, fourth posterior cell narrowly open. Length 12
Obtained with the preceding specimen and may prove to be only a variety, but with so limited material I am not justified in uniting them. The difference in
the fourth posterior cell cannot be relied on even as a specific character, as it varies even in the same species. Among the four specimens of A adustiis in my collec- tion, two have it closed and slightly petiolate, while in the other two it is narrowly open.
The same variation exisis in S. combustus ; nor is it scxual. Near San Antonio, Texas.
This name is applied to the variety referred to by Say under ('Laphria gla- Jyata" as "Var. a.
Feet pale " (Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 111, 54, 1823.) It is very evident that Say had two species before him, and that the name and description can only apply to the one with-('feet reddish brown, the middle of the


1 14
thighs, tips of the tibia and tarsi darker." The markings on the femora really
consists of a large patch of black occupying the greater portion of the nppcr side of the front and middle femora, and the upper side of the outer half of the posterior femora. The only specimens in my collection were taken in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, Aug. 4, 1892, and Castle Rock, Delaware Co., Pa., Aug., I I, 1901 (E. Daecke) Atomosia rufipes Macquart is undoubtedly a synonym. In A. /z;e/Za Wied. the legs are black except a narrow ring of yellow at (he base of the femora, and tibiae ; antennae entirely black. The species is widely distributed, appearing in the Cult States in May, and in the vicinity of Philadelphia late in June or early in July. A. pzisiZZa Macq. can also be added to the synonymy. In A. sqzi the legs are pale yellow, with a minute spot at the base of the posterior femora, terminal joint of the tarsi, and claws blackish; the third joint of the antennae are noticeably longer than in either A. glatrata or A. /uelZa ; the second joint being brown. In its habits A. suyii differs considerably from the others. On July 23, 1893, at Folsom Delaware Co., Pa., I captured over 75 speci- mens of both sexes, and invariably on the leaves and terminal shoots of plants; while A. pzd~a and A. glabrata are as a rule found on stumps, logs, or the trunks of trees.
Its distribution is similar to A. &ella, but appearing somewhat later: Opelousas, La., June (Pilate) ; in the vicinity of Philadelphia, July 23 to 31. Atomosia sayor, Bigot from Lower California, resembles A. sayii in having pale yellow legs ; but is distinguished by the lighter colored antennae, the more abun- dant, prostrate, yellow hairs on the thorax and abdomen, and red post-alar protuberance.


Volume 10 table of contents