Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 80.
Psyche 10:80-84, 1903.

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80 PSYCHE [April
In hi5 Contributions toward a monograph of the American Aleurodidae (U. S. dept. agric. Div, ent. Bull. Tech. ser. 8, goo), Quaintance reports only one species of the genus ALEYRODXS (EAleurodes of some writers) as occurring in Massachu- setts or even in New England, and this, the greenhouse Aleyrodes (A. vaporahrum), is probably not a native species. As a whole the genus appears to be most typical of the warmer climates, a large proportion of the described North American species being found in Georgia, Florida, California, and Mexico. In New England except for the greenhouse (A. va$orarforiim) and the straw- berry (A.fackardi) Aleyrodes, conditions do not seem favorable for their occurrence in large numbers. It is probable that the difficulty with which most species of ALEYRODES live through severe winters explains their comparative scarcity. In regard to the manner in which ALEYRODES pass the winters, Signoret in his Essai monographique sur les Aleurodes (Ann. soc. ent. France, 1868) says : "A n'importe quel &tat on les voit passer l'hiver : S. l'ftat parfait dam les anfractuosit& des arbres et des terres et meme sous les feuilles; S. l'ftat d'oeufs de larves ou de nymphes, sous les feuilles tombdes, sous les feuilles de plantes qui les conservent, telles que Ie fraisier, le chdlidoine, l'alaterne et les choux." My own observations would indicate that adult ALEYRODES do not hibernate ir~ this climate, although they are certainly able to stand a great amount of cold, The following extract from my notes on the strawberry Aleyrodes illustrates this last statement: "Nov. I I. A heavy frost last night as well as several preceding nights ; adults on strawberry leaves appeared benumbed but became active again soon after being brought into a warm room."
The eggs of this species (;å´kardi deposited by the adults on the under surface of the leaves in the fall of 1901, began to hatch the following spring as early as March 23. From this time till April 14 many eggs hatched, but apparently all these larvae were killed by the frosts. Of the larvae that hatched later than April 14, few if any succumbed to the cold. The adults began to emerge from the pupa cases about the twentieth of May, previous to which time none were seen although a thorough search was made nearly every day. If the adults hibernated it is almost certain that they would have made their appearance before so late in the season.


These observations lead to the conclusion that, for this species at least, our winters are so cold as to destroy all stages except the egg. If those species whose
food plants are deciduous also pass the "winter in the egg stage, it would seem necessary, from our knowledge of the habits of the young larvae of ALEYRODES that the eggs be laid on or near the leaf buds, and even then the larvae would have but a slight chance of reaching maturity. On the other hand the multiplication of ALEYRODES seems to be favored by parthenogenesis. I have thus far discovered this method of reproduction only in A. vaporariorvm, but it probably occurs in many if not all other species of the genus. Correlated with this, I have found female ALEYRODES to be much more abundant than the males. Out of eighty-five adults taken at random, representing four different species, I found but twenty males to sixty-five females, and these figures probably represent about the usual proportion of the sexes in nature. In regard to the length of life of the adult, and the number of eggs laid by each female, I can only state that in one instance a female of A. vafo~u~iumrn lived in the adult condition twenty-five days, and laid a few more than forty-five eggs. I have here briefly considered only a few of the biological problems connected with this interesting group of insects. Very few observations have thus far been made in this direction and until the appearance of Quaintance's admirable paper, the group was much neglected systematically. During the summer of 1902 at Amherst, Mass., I found the five species of ALRYRODES mentioned below, but others - both known and unknown - undoubtedly occur in this region. It is the hope of the writer that this paper may lead to the recording of such by other work- ers in entomology.
Shiny black, elliptical; length, .7~-.76 mm,, width, 48-.j4 mm. A copious
white cottony fi-iugc ail around, continuous proximally, but ragged distally. "On doi'sum of both mesothorax and metathorax near dorsi-meson is a pair of small brown setae; also a pair of setae near vasiform orifice and on caudal margin of case. . . . There is a pair of minute setae on the margin of case, one on each side near caudo-lateral region. On fourth abdominal segment on each side there is a group of from four to six minute pores. One or two pores are sometimes present on fifth segment on each side, just caudad of those on fourth."-Quaintance (A. won').
ADULT. Fore wings marked with red and brownish black. Body with conspicuous blackish markings as follows: a transverse band across front of head, between bases of antennae; a more or less distinct dark spot on each side just above the eye; a roundish black spot on each side of prothorax just below the dorsum; a more or less elliptical black spot covering a nearly equal area on each side of mesothorax, in front of and below the insertion of fore wings, -these last two pairs of spots together occupying a space on each side of the body about equal in size to one of the dumb-bell shaped compound eyes; an elongated spoton dorsum of mesothorax on each side in front of insertion of fore wing-these spots are


8 2 PSYCH& [April
oblique converging posteriorly;
a smaller- spot on each side of dorsum of metathorax posteriorly; a transverse spot on dorsum of abdomen just anterior tovariform orifice; and a border along- the posterior margin of the opercnlum. In addition to these clearly defined markings, there may be slight tinges of black elsewhere, seen soon after emergence from pupa case but later hidden by the flour-like wax secretion. When mounted in balsam the thorax appears of a deep orange yellow color with brownish markings, and the abdomen pale yellow in color with brownish markings. In the Can. ent. vol. 31, p. 1-4, Professor Quaintance described A. morifrom Tampa, Fla., on mulberry, and from Lake City, Fla., on Tilia americana, Callicarfa americana, Liyuidamber styract'flt~a, Ilex @aca and less frequently on Persia caroli- nensis. The pupae and adults of A. mart macitlata agree with Professor Quaint- ance's description of A. mori except for the color of the bodies of the adults which in the latter is bright yellow. Hundreds of adults of the former have been bred and the blackish markings described above have been found to be constant. This subspecies seems to have a wide range of food plants and to be gener- ally distributed in this vicinity. It has been found on Comusflo~ida, C. sanguineus, ash, birch, and mulberry, but was not found on Tilia americana or Liquidamber styraciftua although these trees grew in the neighborhood of the species of Cornus upon whose leaves this insect was quite abundant. CORNUS seems to be the favor- ite food plant, although even on that plant rarely more than one half dozen pupae are found on a single leaf.
Types of pupae and adults have been deposited at the Massachusetts agricul- tural college.
A. aceris Forbes, 14th rept. 111. state ent., p. no. (1884.)
A. forbesii Ashmead, Bull. 45 U. S. nat. mus., p. 294. (1893.)
A. foybesii Quaintance, U. S. dept. agric. Div. ent. Bull. Tech. ser. 8, p. 15, 27. (1900.)
A single specimen of the pupa of this species was found on maple, Acer dasy- carjum, and a few very large adult ALEYRODES which I took to be of this species were seen on near-by leaves.
Gardener's Chronicle, 1856, p. 852.
Signoret, Ann. soc. ent. France, Dec.
1868, p. 387. Quaintance, U. S. depl. agric. Div. ent. Bull. Tech. ser. 8, p. 16, 39 (1900).
Britton, Bull. 1.~0 Conn. exp. station (1902). Morrill, Can. ent. vol. 35,
P. 25, 26 (1903).
This species is found rarely out of doors in this locality. It uas observed last
summer on butternut, nasturtiums, maple, tomato, and tobacco. It has a wide
range of food plants in the green house, more than fifty being recorded by Britton.


Can. ent., vol. 35, p. 25-35.
This species is very abundant on strawberries at Amherst and appears to be generally distributed throughout the Eastern United States. I have found it occa-
sionally on Camperdowm elm, Spiraea, and ash. 5. ALEYRODES FERNALDI, sp. nov.
Length, .52 mm., greatest width, 30 mini Form broadly ellip-
Color pale yellowish green with an irregular orange yellow body on each side in the basal abdominal region.
Abdominal segmentation distinct, thoracic segmentation less so. Margin crenulated, surrounded by a narrow fringe of wax. Three pairs of marginal spines :
one pair on cephalic margin, very minute; one pair on caudo-lateral region, one on each side, very minute; a pair on caudal margin, about one tenth the length of the body. Vasiform orifice essentially as in pupa. Eyes small, color dark red. In the single specimen examined but one pair of dorsal spines was observed. These were on the cephalic region
between the eyes.
Aieyrodes fernaldi,
Portion of margin of pupa.
PUPA. Length, .7z-.S+ mm., greatest width, .44--54 mm.
Form, subelliptical, slightly narrowed
anteriorly; dorsal surface nearly flat; older speci- mens raised from surface of leaf by vertical wax fringe; margin fully crenulaled. Color when ".. freshly moulted, pale greenish white, operculum ,. tinged with yellowish ; older specimens except for a space of about one fourth the width of the body .- all around the margin covered with a white, thin, amorphons waxy secretion, giving to the pupae on a leaf a clear white appearance. Space between extreme margin and part covered by wax showing fine radiating striae and glistening structures which appear like rounded or conical protuberances. Across the middle of the dorsum, breaks in the waxy covering indicate the divisions between the body segments and in addition a median longitu- dinal break extends along the dorsnm from the Aleyrodes fenuildi, norsum of pupa.
anterior edgc of body to the hase of abdomen. Wax covering or plate otherwise interrupted by rather large irregular openings through which circular pores in integument can be frequently seen; - i. e. one to each opening.


By dropping the pupa into xylol for a [ew minutes to cleaz and dissolve off the wax, and then mounting in xylol balsam, the surface structures can be plainly seen. A pair of short candal setae arise from minute papillae, barely within the caudal innrgin. A still smaller pair arise one on each side, a short distance from the first pair on caudo- lateral margin. Vasiform orifice subovate, one fourth longer than broad, indented poste- riorly.
Corrugations or folds extend downward and inward horn sides of orifice. Oper- culum very broadly ovate, extendin- little more than one half the distance toward caudal end of orifice. Lingula spatulate, setose, bearing distally three distinct sidc lobes on each sidc and a single terminal lobe. All except, terminal lobe and posterior pak of side lobes covered by operculum. From each side of terminal lobe a rather stout seta arises extending candad nearly to apex of orifice. On cephalic region about one fifth of distance from ceph- alic to caudal margin is a pair of spines, one on each side of middle; on first abdominal segment a second pair, one on each side; and near vasiform orifice, opposite the widest part, a third pair of spines, one on each sidc. These three pairs of spines are all simple, minute, and of about equal size. Extreme margin irregularly radiately striated. A short
distance mesad from margin is a row, all around, of small conical projections or thickenings and mesad to these, a row of minute knobbed setae. The structures of the inner row as a rule correspond in number and position to those of the outer row. Mesad to these two rows, body loses its striated appearance and is somewhat rugose. On each side of middle of dorsinn are the circular pores already mentioned. As a rule these never occur nearer the margin than a distance equal to one fifth width of body. There are about twenty-seven pairs of these, and almost invariably several unpaired ones also occur, particularly on cephalic region. Near each pore is a minute knobbed seta similar to those near margin of body. There are about fifteen or sixteen pores on cephalic region, those most anterior being usually unpaired; there are usually four pairs on mesothoracic region, four pairs on meta- .
thoracic region, two pairs on first abdominal segnient, one pair on second, and two pairs each on the five following segments. On the under side of body the short and stout legs and antennae can be plainly seen. Antcnnae lie in pockets outside of first pair of legs, are stout, near the outer end abruptly narrowed, forming a slender tip. ADULT 9. Length I.-1.2 mm. Color, pale yellow, becoming covered with white flour- like substance a short time after e~ncrgingfrom pupa case. Rostrum usually tipped with black. Wings immaculate, about 1.1 nun. long, and .48 mm. broad, with a single unbranched median vein ; on margin are globular beads which beat- on outer side several minute setae. Eyes divided into two parts; color, dark red. Legs and antennae of specimens mounted in xylol balsam nearly colorless. Segments of antennae show following proportions with eyepiece-micrometer, one-inch eyepiece, and one-half-inch obj. : 2-5-11-3- 4i-4-3 t
ADULT 8. Length .9 mm.
Proportionally smaller than 9, otherwise differing only in sexual organs.
This is a common species in this locality ('Amherst, Mass.), occurring abun- dantly on several species of Spiraea. I have also found it though less frequently on strawberry with Alqwades packad.
I take pleasure in naming ihis insect for Prof C. H. Fernald who first called my attention to its occurrence on Spiraea growing on the college grounds.


Described from a single specimen of the larva, numerous specimens of the pupae and adult females, and a single specimen of the adult male. Types have
been deposited in the collection of the Massachusetts agricultural college. A hymenopterous parasite which I bred from a pupa of this species was deter- mined by Mr. W. H. Ashmead, of the U. S. national museum, as a male of an Encarsia, without much doubt the male of Encarsia htteola Howard; but as htteola was described from a female it was impossible to give the specific determination positively.
debilis, 46-43 Col. : Steamboat Springs. pellucida, 46-44.
Col : Ft. Collins ; [Can.] : Quebec, near Montmorency ; D. C. : near Washington.
lautus, 47-267 Japan.
minimus, 50-59 Fla.
separatus, 43-194
Mass. : Camb. ; to Fla. and Tex. ; Cal. ; Grenada. vestitus, 46-46 Col. : Fort Collins, Montrose ; [Cal.] : Los Angeles ; Dak. ; N. N. Y.
angulatus, 46-44 Col. : Ft. Collins, Montrose. congrex, 26-33
E. Mass. ; Me. ; Can. ; 111.; N. Y. : Lancaster. ECCRITOTARSUS
elegans, 28-149
C. Tex. ; Kans. : Riley Co. ; Ill. ; Cal. : Los Angeles. scabrosus, 46-40 Col. : Estes Park.
anthracinus, 33-74 Cal. : Santa Clara, near San Francisco. EUCEROCORIS
guttulatus, 28-150
Md.: E. shore Chesapeake bay to hills of Frederick ‰â ; Tex. ; W. 111.
lunulatus, 43-192 Grenada.


Volume 10 table of contents