Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Print ISSN 0033-2615
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Article beginning on page 49.
Psyche 1:49-51, 1874.

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Vol. I.] Cambridge, Mass., March, 1875. [No. 11. - -.
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Description of the Larva of Galerita Janus. Head of medium size, flat, semicircular, somewhat enlarged anteriorly, with a short, cy3inetrical basal neck ; above, sparingly covered with short black hairs ; depressed in the middle ; sides and base rounded, convex ; braiit'lws of the Y stitme protruded interiorly in the middle, where a small black dot is to be seen, ending inside of tlie elevated, somew hat cylindrical, anterior angles of the head, hew the antennEe are inserted ; above the anteno$ border, a horny prolongation nearly as long as the head, conical at the base, the apical half bifnrcated, each blanch with two bristles on the under surface, one nearly tertninal, the other a short distance hehind the first ; just bbl~ifitl the iiiscriioti of the antenna;, six oval ocelli arranged around a loft, eoiiical ele- vation, i~ two transverse series, the middle pair more widely se arm &an the upper or Icrtvcr ones ; ufi the upper starfcce of ^
thediead, within find behind the ocelii, on ear11 side, a longer hris& ; head beneath flat ; oti each side near the he, t*o bristles on sliurt pointed tube-rcies.
Antennae twice as long as the head, of four cylindrical joints, the first nearly equal to the two following united, the second half as long, and the third more than half as loaig as the first, the fort'th very small, lo~'iige-slia~)ct] ; the -first and second straight4 the first with three equidistant interior bristles and two internal hid two of three external finer bristles near the apex, the second with mm proinineirt and severai finer bristles, the third and folirtli joints bent downwards - - and outwards, with more numerous, very long and fine hairs, in the fourth inserted upon two intend, ona external and. one terminal tubercles. Labrum rudimentary, a swll, transverse plate, turned back, with rounded angles
er" surface densely covered with





Volume 1 table of contents