Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 11.
Psyche 1:11-12, 1874.

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Authors and societies are requested to forwanl tlir;1. work. to tli~ Edi- tor at the earliest date possible.
We ask our readers to iiifi;v!n I,. iff til? ,publication especially of those works which are not gencriily wå´-'- 'å .'. i~y entomologists- IS. I'll:~,',~..~;: .I/-'..Ìà (Continued f~om prqe 8.)
* 17. GEO. W. VLAGG et al.
Lice on sheep. No. 9.
Ti-ichodectes sphxrocephdus (=Pedtcvlus ovis) ; description, hnl)il,-!, remedies. Hyphobosca crina [=Hippobosca, oms [?] ; habits; description. * 18. SUBSCRIBER et cd. Bark Lice. No. 12. Coccus on ?ose bushes; remedies.
Ext.ract from Harris's Rep. In-icct?
Mass. injur- veg., 1841, p. 199-201: history and habits of Coccus. Nos. 19 to 25 are from the Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences, vol. i.
* 19.
S. H. SCUDDER. The two principal groups of Urbi- colae. '( Hesperidae auct. ) p. 195-196. '
Division of the family into two tribes : Hesperides and Astyci. * 20.
S. H. SCUDDEB. Note on the species of GLuicopsy- che from eastern North .'.:nerica. p. 197-198. Synonymy of G. Lygda'mns and of G. "Prmbina" =Cotipr?%. * 21.
New Phalaenoid Moths, p.
262-265, with one plate (xi).
Describes one new genus and three new species of Bombyces, and three (two new). species of Geometras ; all figured. * 22.
J. L. LeConte, M. D. Notes on the species of Pasi- machus. p. 266-273.
Synopsis of the eleven United States species, with notes and synonyms ; description of one new species.
* 23. H. K. MORRISON, Description of two new Noctui- dae from the Atlantic District. p. 274-275. Psirhe 101 1-12 (pre.1903). hfp //psyche aitclub org/I/1.0011.html


* 24. L. F. HARVEY. Rectification of Treitschke7s use of Hiibner's generic term "Cymatophora."
p. 276-278.
The Geometric! genus '-Boarmia" must resume the name Cymatophora; the Noctuid genus- b'Cymatopl~ora" must be called Bombycia. and Cvma- tophorinse become Bombycise. Arrangement of the eight European spe- cies of Bombyciae, tribe Paviclas, with remarks on two (?) Amrrican species- of the tribe.
* 25. A. R. GROTE. Determination of Brazilian Sphingi- dae collected by Mr. Charles Linden. p. 279-281. List of fifteen species from the Amazonas, with notes. * 26. J. A. LUSTTNER. Entomological Contributions. No. 111. From the Twenty-sixth Annual Report on the New York State Museum of Natural History, for the year 1872. Printed in advance of the Report. Albany, May, 1874. 8vo. p. 113-192, with two photographic plates (i, ii) containing twenty figures.
On the larvae of Eudryas unio and 3 allied forms, fig. 1-5; transformations of 3 Bombyciclse; descriptions of the larvaeof 6 Bombyciclae, fig. 6, 7, and 6 Noctuidse; notes on 23 Bombyciclae, fig. 8-11, and 22 Noctuiclse, etc., fly. 12 ; on the relative abundance of various Rhopalocera in 1858 and 1859 ; descriptions of 2 new species of Cucullia, fig. 13, 14, with notes and 20 photographic figures of 12 species ; calendar of 46 New York Rhopalocera for part of 1871, of 196 New York Heterocera for 1872 and prior; descrip- tion of a convenient insect case ; index. ARREST OF DEVELOPMENT.
Mr. B. P. Mann has recently received from Florida a caterpillar of "Papilio Cresphontes," in which the front pair of prolegs is'greatly aborted. The under surface of the third abdominal segment bears a pair of slight mamrniform elevations, each with a sessile crescent of booklets ;these can scarcely ever be brought into use, yet they are as well developed as usual, and the markings on the side of the prolegs show that no part is actually wanting, only all the fleshy parts are excessively short. The caterpillar is apparently in the final stage, but unfortunately arrived in a dying condition. S. H. Scudder.
PSYCHE is issnerl post-paid once a mouth, by the Cambridge Entomolog- ical Club, at the following rates, payable in advance to the editor : To subscribers in North America, one dollar; to subscribers abroad, five shillings, six francs, or one and two-thirds thalers. (Foreign sub-
scriptions may be sent in available postage-stamps.) Notes on the. history, habits, ancl occurrence of insects ancl other Arthro- pods are solicited from all observers.
Advertisements will be inserted on reasonable terms. Address communications : Editor of PSYCHE, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A.. No. 2. was issued June 12, 1874.


Volume 1 table of contents