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These operations control the window that contains the OS/2 graphics device. They provide facilities to change the window's size and position; to raise and lower the window relative to other windows on the desktop; to hide or minimize the window, and to restore it from the hidden or minimized state; to activate or deactivate the window (that is, control the keyboard focus); and to control the text that appears in the window's title bar.
operation+: os2-graphics-device window-position
This operation returns the position of the graphics-device window on the desktop. The position is returned as two values (see section Continuations), which are the x and y coordinates of the position. These coordinates are in units of pels (pixels), and measure the distance between the lower left hand corner of the desktop and the lower left hand corner of the graphics device window's frame.
operation+: os2-graphics-device set-window-position x y
The graphics-device window is moved to the screen position specified by x and y. The coordinates x and y are in units of pels (pixels), and measure the distance between the lower left hand corner of the desktop and the lower left hand corner of the graphics device window's frame.
operation+: os2-graphics-device window-size
This operation returns the size of the client area of the graphics-device window. The client area is the part of the window that you draw on; it does not include the window frame, title bar, etc. The size is returned as two values (see section Continuations), which are the width and height of the client area in units of pels (pixels).
operation+: os2-graphics-device set-window-size width height
This operation sets the size of the client area of the graphics-device window to the specified width and height, which are in units of pels (pixels). The client area is the part of the window that you draw on; it does not include the window frame, title bar, etc.
operation+: os2-graphics-device window-frame-size
This operation returns the size of the graphics-device window's frame. This includes the client area, as well as the border, title bar, etc. The size is returned as two values (see section Continuations), which are the width and height of the frame in units of pels (pixels).
The frame size is useful in conjunction with the window position and the desktop size to determine relative placement of the window or to guarantee that the entire window is visible on the desktop.
operation+: os2-graphics-device desktop-size
This operation returns the size of the OS/2 desktop. The size is returned as two values (see section Continuations), which are the width and height of the frame in units of pels (pixels).
operation+: os2-graphics-device raise-window
This operation raises the graphics-device window so that it is on top of any other windows on the desktop.
operation+: os2-graphics-device lower-window
This operation lowers the graphics-device window so that it is below all other windows on the desktop.
operation+: os2-graphics-device hide-window
This operation hides the graphics-device window. The window disappears from the desktop, but still appears in the window list.
operation+: os2-graphics-device minimize-window
This operation minimizes the graphics-device window. The window disappears from the desktop, but still appears in the window list. Depending on how you have configured your desktop, the window may appear as an icon, either on the desktop or in the minimized window viewer.
operation+: os2-graphics-device maximize-window
This operation maximizes the graphics-device window. This causes the window to fill the entire desktop.
operation+: os2-graphics-device restore-window
This operation restores the graphics-device window to its normal state. If the window is hidden or minimized, it is shown again, at its former position on the desktop. If the window is maximized, it is returned to its normal size.
operation+: os2-graphics-device activate-window
This operation makes the graphics-device window be the active window. This causes the window to be put in front of all other windows on the desktop, highlights its frame, and gives it the keyboard focus.
operation+: os2-graphics-device deactivate-window
This operation deactivates the graphics-device window if it was active (otherwise it has no effect). This causes some other window to be chosen to be active in its place.
operation+: os2-graphics-device set-window-title title
This operation changes the text that appears in the graphics device window's title bar. The new text is given by title, which must be a string.
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