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This section describes the procedures that read input. Input procedures can read either from the current input port or from a given port. Remember that to read from a file, you must first open a port to the file.
Input ports can be divided into two types, called interactive and non-interactive. Interactive input ports are ports that read input from a source that is time-dependent; for example, a port that reads input from a terminal or from another program. Non-interactive input ports read input from a time-independent source, such as an ordinary file or a character string.
All optional arguments called input-port, if not supplied, default to the current input port.
procedure: read-char [input-port]
Returns the next character available from input-port, updating input-port to point to the following character. If no more characters are available, an end-of-file object is returned.
In MIT Scheme, if input-port is an interactive input port and no
characters are immediately available, read-char
will hang waiting
for input.
procedure: peek-char [input-port]
Returns the next character available from input-port, without updating input-port to point to the following character. If no more characters are available, an end-of-file object is returned.(17)
In MIT Scheme, if input-port is an interactive input port and no
characters are immediately available, peek-char
will hang waiting
for input.
procedure: char-ready? [input-port]
Returns #t
if a character is ready on input-port and
returns #f
otherwise. If char-ready?
returns #t
then the next read-char
operation on input-port is
guaranteed not to hang. If input-port is a file port at end of
file then char-ready?
Converts external representations of Scheme objects into the objects
themselves. read
returns the next object parsable from
input-port, updating input-port to point to the first
character past the end of the written representation of the object. If
an end of file is encountered in the input before any characters are
found that can begin an object, read
returns an end-of-file
object. The input-port remains open, and further attempts to read
will also return an end-of-file object. If an end of file is
encountered after the beginning of an object's written representation,
but the written representation is incomplete and therefore not parsable,
an error is signalled.
Returns #t
if object is an end-of-file object; otherwise
returns #f
procedure+: read-char-no-hang [input-port]
If input-port can deliver a character without blocking, this
procedure acts exactly like read-char
, immediately returning that
character. Otherwise, #f
is returned, unless input-port is
a file port at end of file, in which case an end-of-file object is
returned. In no case will this procedure block waiting for input.
procedure+: read-string char-set [input-port]
Reads characters from input-port until it finds a terminating
character that is a member of char-set (see section Character Sets) or
encounters end of file. The port is updated to point to the terminating
character, or to end of file if no terminating character was found.
returns the characters, up to but excluding the
terminating character, as a newly allocated string. However, if end of
file was encountered before any characters were read, read-string
returns an end-of-file object.
On many input ports, this operation is significantly faster than the
following equivalent code using peek-char
and read-char
(define (read-string char-set input-port) (let ((char (peek-char input-port))) (if (eof-object? char) char (list->string (let loop ((char char)) (if (or (eof-object? char) (char-set-member? char-set char)) '() (begin (read-char input-port) (cons char (loop (peek-char input-port))))))))))
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