Monday, September 13 8:30 Continental breakfast 9:00 Welcome and charge to attendees by Sri Kumar (DARPA/ITO) 9:15 Initial statements by attendees, 5 minutes each. 10:30 Break 11:00 Initial statements, continued 12:00 Lunch 1:00 Divide into four teams to work on reports Programming technology Architectures for fault tolerance Sensing and control Substrates for implementation (e.g., biological and chemical) 5:00 Adjourn for the day There is no formal dinner, but we will assist in making dinner arrangements for small groups. Tuesday, September 14 8:30 Continental breakfast 9:00 Presentation of reports, and feedback (part 1) 10:00 Break 10:30 Presentation of reports, and feedback (part 2) 11:30 Time to revise reports 12:30 Lunch 2:00 Adjourn
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Last modified: September 11 1999, 11:27 AM