Structures composed of Active Cells
Origami as a Language for Constructing Global Shapes Thesis Proposal(ps) |
It is possible to imagine a flexible substrate, consisting of millions
of tiny interwoven programmable fibers, that can be programmed to
assume a large variety of global shapes. Not only could one design
many complex static structures by programming a single substrate, but
also create dynamic structures that react to, and affect, the
environment. For example, a flexible car
surface that can change structure exactly at the point of
impact, rather than having specifically engineered crumple points; an
airplane wing that can dynamically change
shape to resist shear; a programmable assembly
line that can move objects around by producing ripples in
specific directions; a reconfigurable
robot that changes it shape based on what function it needs to
perform; or a manufacturing line that
replaces precise mechanical engineering with programming.
Programmable materials would make possible a host of novel
applications that blur the boundary between computation and the
Developments in microfabrication and microelectronic mechanical devices (MEMS) are already making it possible to bulk manufacture tiny computing elements integrated with microsensors and microactuators. It will soon become feasible to create programmable materials by embedding massive numbers of these computational elements into bulk materials or fabrics. Fabrication, however, is only one part of the story. A question that still remains unanswered is - how does one program coherent and reliable global behavior from the local interactions of large numbers of identically programmed parts? Each individual element is likely to have limited resources, limited reliability and only local communication, sensor information and actuator impact. Current parallel programming assumptions, such as precisely engineered geometric interconnects and perfectly reliable parts, limit the ability to manufacture and embed large systems. New approaches are required that are insensitive to precise arrangement, make use of the corrective effects of feedback from the environment, and focus on coherent global behavior rather than precise individual answers. Biology may hold the key to creating programmable materials. Biological systems regularly achieve coherent, reliable and complex behavior from the cooperation of large numbers of identically programmed (DNA) unreliable cells. Pattern formation and morphogenesis (creation of form) in developmental biology can provide insights for creating programmable materials that can change shape. Here we propose a model inspired by epithelial cell sheets - the programmable material is composed of identically programmed, connected, mechanical cells that organize into complex structures through the coordination of local shapes changes. We investigate algorithms, languages and frameworks for programming static and dynamic global shapes using only local communication, local sensing and local actuation. The ultimate goal is to develop a programming language (with primitives, means of combination and abstraction) for engineering global shape change on a programmable material. |