MIT SchMUSE: Class-Based Delegation in a Distributed Simulation Environment (DRAFT) Michael R. Blair, Natalya Cohen, David M. LaMacchia, Brian K. Zuzga Abstract MIT SchMUSE (pronounced "shmooz") is a concurrent, distributed, delegation- based object-oriented simulation environment with persistence. It is de- signed to run in a "capricious" network environment, where servers can migrate from site to site, and regularly become unavailable. Our design introduces a new form of unique identifiers called globally unique tickets that provide globally unique time/space stamps for objects without being location specific. Object location is achieved by a distributed hierarchical lazy lookup mechanism, which we call realm resolution. We also introduce a novel mech- anism called message deferral for enhanced reliability in the face of remote delegation. Finally, in alpha-testing our implementation, we encountered a subtle difficulty with blocking-based concurrency in remote delegation and transaction dead lock. We briefly outline the problem and our solution. We conclude with a comparison to related work and a projection of future work on SchMUSE. This research was supported in part by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department of Defense and was monitored by the Office of Naval Research under contract number N00014-83-K-0125. 0.1 Introduction MIT SchMUSE is a Scheme-based Multi-User Simulation Environment based on a concurrent, distributed, delegation-based object-oriented language with a persistent object store. It was originally conceived as a teaching tool for the introductory programming course at MIT [Abelson & Sussmans 85 ]. The project's main goal was to provide a detailed case-study of computer systems issues such as concurrency, distributed computing, persistence, re- coverability, transactions, reliability, and delegation-based OOPS. We did so under the guise of implementing a multi-user interactive adventure game, mainly because that is a common setting very familiar to most students. It was not our intention, however, to limit ourselves to this application domain. Specifically, we envision the SchMUSE as being a practical system in which to implement a variety of distributed simulations, including computer archi- tecture simulators (e.g., hardware at one site, simulated network traffic at another), airplane simulations (e.g., engine at one site, wing dynamics at an- other, where engine vibration affects wing behavior), virtual office spaces, or just large distributed federated databases (e.g., company personnel records 1 at one site, payroll records at another). Nonetheless, for accessibility, the examples in this report reflect an adventure game setting. We chose to implement our system in MIT Scheme [Hanson 91 ] [Clinger & Rees 91 ] [IEEE 91 ]. Our object system is modelled after the delegation-based OOPS style of [Adams & Rees 88 ], primarily because that is the language in which our course is taught. None of our results are specific to Scheme: we could as well have implemented this system in Smalltalk-80 [XLRG 81 ], CLOS [Bobrow et al. 90 ], Dylan [Apple 92 ] or even C++ [Stroustrup 86 ].1 0.1.1 Application Context The laboratory setting in which we envision MIT SchMUSE being exercised has greatly influenced its design. Specifically, our course lab is comprised of a local area network of 46 high-powered diskless workstations (HP 720s) evenly divided across 2 high-powered centralized network file servers (HP 750s). Ultimately, however, we envision MIT SchMUSE spreading across the Internet as an extremely distributed global network of potentially collaborating simulation sites. For example, once MIT provides network access in the campus dormitories, we would not be surprised if our students choose to leave their otherwise idle PCs active as SchMUSE servers, running atop publically available DOS MIT Scheme [DOS Scheme ]. The mode of operation for students SchMUSE-ing is envisioned to be as follows: a student logs into an unused workstation and brings up a local SchMUSE client session. During this session, the student can interact (via TCP/IP sockets) with objects on either of the 2 highly available centralized file servers, likely creating a few new instances of standardized classes on the servers subject to a fairly small space quota. More interesting, the student can also extend the simulation system with new classes and objects on the client machine. These new creations can then be made available to other students in the lab by allowing other clients in the lab to establish server connections to the client. Thus, we blur the distinction between server and client since we allow clients to themselves act as servers to other clients. This permits very interactive collaboration throughout the network. A student on one workstation can build on the efforts of students on several other workstations, as vice versa, to build elaborate team experiments. When a student logs out of a workstation, unfortunately their client/server sessions must be terminated (to make room for the next student), but their state can be dumped to persistent storage. Specifically, their code, as well as the state of their local object instance database, can be dumped as files to a removable disk. When the student returns to the lab, all their SchMUSE state can be restored from the last floppy dump and their session can continue. Of course, _______________________________ 1. Of course, delegation-based dialects of these languages would be called for. The exemplar-based dialect of Smalltalk [LaLonde 86] could be used. Delegation-based extensions can be made fairly painlessly to CLOS and Dylan by careful use of the Metaobject Protocol (MOP) [Kiczales et al.]91, as demonstrated in [Blair & Maessen 93]. Finally, delegation in C++ was demonstrated in [Johnson & Zweig 91]. 2 some of the other student servers they were interacting with may have also moved to a different workstation (e.g., to sit closer to someone else they are collaborating with or because their reservation on the machine they were using had expired) or they may be altogether unavailable (e.g., went home to eat or sleep). 0.1.2 Outline The following sections deal with the difficulties of mitigating this sort of capricious network environment of itinerant servers, where servers can become unavailable and where servers can move among workstations, both with disturbing regularity. First, however, we establish our language context by describing the SchMUSE object system in section 2. In section 3, we proceed to describe how remote delegation is supported in our object system. In section 4, we show how imposing class structure on our delegation system enables various performance enhancements for remote delegation. Section 5 introduces message deferral for improved reliability in a system where servers are itinerant. Section 6 briefly overviews the concurrency presently supported in MIT SchMUSE. Finally, in section 7 we relate our design to other work in the field, in section 8 we summarize, and in section 9 we conclude by outlining future work in the project. 0.2 The SchMUSE Object System The sole means of object interaction in MIT SchMUSE is through message passing. Methods are invoked by passing messages to objects and instance slots are accessed via messages. (It will become clear below why we chose to distinguish slot accesses from other, more compound methods). Unlike prototype-based delegation systems [Lieberman 86 ], our system employs class-based delegation. Specifically, our objects are created as in- stances of classes, where each class declares the local variables and methods defined on instances of the class as well as declaring any parent classes.2 When an instance of a class is generated, a chain of partial objects is made which corresponds to the inheritance chain prescribed by the object's class structure. An example is sketched in Figure 1. Each partial object, here- after called a node, contains slots for the local variables as well as pointers to node instances of the node's parent classes. A node is said to "delegate to" its parent objects. In this way, an object is represented as a directed acyclic graph (DAG) that directly reflects the inheritance structure of its class definition. Note from Figure 1 that slot names, in addition to method names, can shadow one another. For instance, persons and students both have a nickname slot. In addition, as our figure suggests, an object can be the parent _______________________________ 2. We permit multiple inheritance. For simplicity, we follow the left-to-right topological linearization of multiple parents mechanism [Snyder 86], used as the default in CLOS [Bobrow et al. 90] and Dylan [Apple 92]. 3 .--------------. .----------------. | MobileObject | | AnimateObject | |--------------| |----------------| | slot: place | | slot: asleep? | |method: move | |method: hear | `--------------' `----------------' /|\ /|\ | | .------------------. | Person | |------------------| |slots: possessions| | nickname | |methods: move | | say | `------------------' /|\ /|\ | | .------------------. .----------------. | Student | | Employee | |------------------| |----------------| | slot: nickname | | slot: nickname| |methods: move | |method: work | | say | | say | `------------------' `----------------' Figure 0-1: An example delegation-based instance. 4 of more than one child node. In our figure, the person is a parent of both a student node and an employee node. This very general framework for sharing is what makes delegation-based inheritance most compelling for distributed systems. Specifically, in a dis- tributed setting, each object node could reside on a separate workstation. This distribution of delegate nodes across several sites we call remote delega- tion. Note that traditional class-based inheritance systems such as Smalltalk [XLRG 81 ], CLOS [Bobrow et al. 90 ], and C++ [Stroustrup 86 ] provide no such sharing. Instead, they flatten objects into one long array of slots, one per each unique slot name. Slot shadowing is not supported. Also, sharing from multiple children is not supported. Delegation-derived sharing allows for complex patterns of centralized sharing with privacy control. In our example, for instance, centralized shar- ing is illustrated by the person being shared by both the student and em- ployee nodes. By centralizing the sharing, privacy can be enhanced; for instance, the employee child may be granted access to the person's social security number while the student child may be denied this information. Moreover, by permitting multiple children we in effect provide multiple in- dependent views of the same essential object. Specifically, an application that knows about the student view of our person may be unaware of our employee view. Thus, a student's advisor may be unaware that s/he is consulting on the side. This too is an important form of privacy. 0.3 Remote Delegation via Globally Unique Tickets and Realm Resolution All objects in the SchMUSE are passed to methods via object reference. In order to support remote delegation, these object references must embody globally unique identifiers [Leach et al. 82]. 0.3.1 Globally Unique Tickets In MIT SchMUSE this need for globally unique IDs for object references is accomplished by implementing every object reference as an object ticket. Similarly, class references are implemented as class tickets. Collectively, ob- ject and class tickets comprise what we call globally unique tickets. The grammar for these GUTs of the SchMUSE object system is shown in Figure 2. ObjectTicket ::= ClassTicket ::= RealmTicket ::= Figure 0-2: Globally Unique Tickets The first fields of each ticket are not strictly necessary. They are in- troduced primarily for debugging support, although the ClassTicket in an 5 ObjectTicket will be capitalized on later. Here a btime is the encoding of a millisecond real-time clock reading of when the entity was born and bmachloc is the encoding of the "birth machine location", i.e., the network address of the machine on which the entity was created. Together, these two data provide a globally unique identifier for every object in the network. They do not, however, provide location information if we allow SchMUSE sessions to migrate about the network. This is where the RealmTicket comes in. Each server/client session maintains its own namespace of classes and instances in the underlying Scheme session. A class table and object table are maintained to map class tickets to classes and object tickets to object instances. Since SchMUSE sessions are itinerant, these namespaces are consequently mobile. We conceptually divide each namespace into realms of course-grained collections of objects. For instance, a student may be developing an adventure game simulation with a Blade Runner Realm and a Time Bandits Realm. Each separate realm can be dumped to disk and transported to another workstation separately. When an object class or instance is created, it is always created in some realm. This realm information is encoded by the RealmTicket inside the entity's ticket. When remote sessions access a local realm and receive copies of its local object tickets, this realm information is later used to locate the object again. That is, when a message is sent to an object ticket, if the ob- ject ticket's realm matches the realm we are in when processing the message, then the object must be local. The local object table is then used to map the object ticket to the desired object and the message can be processed on that local object. If, on the other hand, the object ticket's realm is not that of a local realm, then the message is forwarded to the machine where the remote object resides. 0.3.2 Realm Resolution Notice, however, that RealmTickets pointedly do not contain location in- formation other than the birthplace of a realm. Thus, there is nothing in the ticket to declare where a particular realm actually resides in the network. For this, we resort to a distributed hierarchical realm resolution/location mech- anism which we have dubbed Central Services . Each SchMUSE session which initiates server access does so by contacting a centralized authority and informing it of the realms which it is making available for server access. This information is lazily distributed throughout the SchMUSE network on demand in a fashion similar to InterNet namespace service. Each SchMUSE session, for instance, maintains a cache of its realm lookups to map RealmTicket s to real machine addresses. Of course, these address mappings will become obsolete when a remote server session terminates, so a time-out mechanism is implemented whereby an unsuccessful connection can resort to querying Central Services to see if the desired realm has moved. When a session is terminated, it is customary to therefore notify Central Services so that future inquires regarding the realm's location can be rejected without resorting to repeated time-out mechanisms. 6 The details of this distributed hierarchical realm resolution mechanism of the SchMUSE are still very much in the prototype phase so little can be said of its performance. Nonetheless, we are confident that this style of lazy location with eager cancellation will suit our environment well. We have also found that performance profiling and system debugging were greatly facilitated by separating an entity's birth machine location from its present location hint in the object tickets. Specifically, the btime and bmachloc remain constant despite realm motion, providing a time-invariant UID by which to identify objects in the network. 0.4 Using Classes for Efficient Remote Delegation We turn now to the performance issue of making delegation-based inheritance efficient in the face of remote delegation. In short, we use static in- formation from the class definitions to accelerate method dispatch and slot accesses. Most importantly, the static class information allows us to dele- gate directly to the node where a slot is located rather than traversing the full delegation chain of the object being manipulated. In the case of highly distributed delegation, this can have major performance improvements since superfluous delegation chain traversal amounts to superfluous network traffic and unnecessary indirection through numerous workstations, tying up valuable resources. In the case where the complete structure information about a node is not present on the SchMUSE session that is processing a message, we must be a bit more clever. In brief, the performance issues surrounding remote delegation can be divided along two lines of concern: first, the amount of structure information available concerning the object being manipulated; and second, the kind of message being processed by the object. These concerns naturally subdivide, in turn, as follows: regarding structure information, we must consider 1) if the full class information is co-resident with the instance, or 2) if we allow opaque remote classes, i.e., if we can have a local instance whose local class information may be known but whose inherited class structure is remote and not known. As we shall see shortly, these two class policies have different implications depending on whether the message involved is A) a slot access message, or B) a compound method message. The following subsections address each of the four resulting combinations. 0.4.1 Case 1A: Full class info; Slot access Returning to our example delegation in Figure 1, imagine we are on the machine where the student node resides and we wish to access the student's name. Imagine that each ancestral delegate node resides on a separate machine. In such a configuration, if we were naive in accessing the name slot of the student, we would have to traverse the object's delegation DAG through the Person node to get to the MobileObject node where the name slot resides. If, however, we locally knew the full object ticket ancestry of the 7 student and we further knew that the name slot was accessed as slot 0 of the student's parent's primary parent (encoded as delegate <0,0> ), then we could directly send to the MobileObject node a request for the value of slot 0. This would entirely bypass the Person machine and would lighten the burden on the MobileObject machine by not engaging it to decode the name message into a slot access on slot 0. We implemented such a strategy as follows: at class creation time, we "compile" the slot access methods to operate in terms of "lexical addresses" into the delegation chain. Specifically, at method installation time, we stat- ically compute, for each slot accessor method, both the offset into the dele- gation chain for the delegate which possesses the target slot and the index of that slot within the target delegate's array of slots. We further arrange that each local node, upon creation, cache away a DAG representing its full delegation ancestry. In this way, whenever a slot access method is called on a local node, the encoded indirection into the delegation chain can be used to indirect into the cached delegation ancestry DAG. The encoded slot access can then be sent directly to the object ticket representing the target delegate. In our prototype implementation, we witnessed an order of magnitude in performance improvement when this enhancement was installed: a test case that took 20 minutes to complete without it took only 2-3 minutes with it. 0.4.2 Case 1B: Full class info; Compound method Compound methods can likewise be decomposed into more primitive operations. Specifically, every method ultimately decomposes into nested sequences of Scheme language primitives and slot accesses. Thus, if we can know the implementation of the AnimateObject 's hear method on the machine where the Student node inherits it, then hear messages sent to the Student can be decomposed on the Student node's machine into Scheme primitives and slot accesses. This means that the bulk of the work involved in processing a hear message can be assumed by the machine on which the message was initiated. This dramatically reduces the load on the remote machine where the AnimateObject node resides, enhancing its availability to other remote child nodes. In our prototype implementation, we witnessed, on average, a 4-5 fold decrease in load on the remote node. 0.4.3 Cases 2A & 2B: Remote class info; Slot or Method messages The natural question to follow from the preceding is, of course, what to do if the full class information (namely, delegate storage and inherited methods) is not available to some remote child. For instance, imagine that the local slot structure and local methods for a Student are known at the student's node but that the class information for a Person is not known. This may be a reasonable situation if, say, the Person class implementor has decided not to export the implementation of persons. In this case, any message that we can decode locally using only information known about local students can 8 still be done with some efficiency, yet any inherited message would be an unknown. In such a case, we re-package the message and forward it to the machine where the remote class resides, using the RealmTicket in the ClassTicket of the object's parent to determine its residence.3 In this re-packaged message we are also careful to include the object ticket of the Student object for which the message was originally intended. It is then the responsibility of the remote class to ultimately discover the method for this message. This may, in turn, involve further re-packaging to other remote classes. Nonetheless, assuming an applicable method is discovered, the invocation of this method on the intended object ticket will naturally result in the appropriate decomposition of the message into Scheme primitives and slot accesses. Thus, the price for keeping a class implementation private is the cost of performing the non-exported methods at the class site. Notice that this suggests that some methods may be exported and some not. This degree of flexibility is not yet implemented in the SchMUSE. Notice, further, that in the extreme case where no classes are exported, the remote class re-packaging strategy will ultimately result in a full traversal of the delegation structure. If the unknown re-packaged message is found to correspond to a slot access method, it is then desirable to ask the intended object ticket what its full ancestry is so that the slot access optimization can proceed by using this ancestry DAG to avoid traversing the delegation chain, analogous to case 1A above.4 If, on the other hand, the message is discovered to be a compound method, then, similar to case 1B, the method can be decomposed into more primitive operations and processing proceeds as sketched above. Notice that it is not until we tackle the message at the remote class's host that we discover whether the message is a slot access or a compound method. 0.4.4 Summary of Efficient Remote Delegation In closing on this issue of efficient remote delegation in the face of full/remote classes a few points should be emphasized. First of all, it should be noted that we intend to require every local ob- ject to at least have local class information on the machine where it resides. Specifically, we consider it undesirable to have a local Student , say, on a machine that does not know about the student class. Such a local object would be useless in that every message to it would ultimately have to be forwarded somewhere else only to have the most primitive slot accesses actually performed on the object locally. _______________________________ 3. This, of course, is complicated by multiple inheritance. In such a situation, each remote parent class would have to be attempted, in turn, until one of them is able to process the message. 4. The reason this is only "analogous" to case 1A is that a trick is involved. The trick is to notice that in re-packaging to some delegate class, the offset into the delegation chain that that class's methods will embody will not include the delegation through the ancestry of the intended object up to that remote class. This is easily handled by the remote class by first walking through the delegation ancestry of the intended object to get to the delegate ancestor corresponding to the remote class. Once there, it can proceed by applying the slot access method to that object ticket. 9 Second, we do not have a problem with several independent implementations of the "same" class since each class is stamped by when/where its implementation came from. Thus, re-implementations of the same class will have different ClassTicket s since their timestamps (at least) will differ. Similarly, exporting a class to a machine that then extends or otherwise modifies the class will again be reflected in a new distinct ticket for the re- sulting new class. To our knowledge, no other system has adopted such a clean approach. The use of class version numbers comes close, but requires global synchronization on the issuance of these version numbers. Our technique requires no such synchronization. We find the globally unique ticket mechanism to be quite elegant in this regard. Finally, it is worth re-iterating that at any point in the class hierarchy one might chose to export or not export a class implementation. Thus, hierarchical privacy and opaque encapsulation are supported in the SchMUSE. This mechanism, in effect, supports abstract types in a distributed object-oriented framework. The burden, of course, is that the site of the implementation is charged with processing the messages to such objects. We have not explored the ramifications of this policy in detail, but we consider it intriguing. 0.5 Message Deferral for Reliable Remote Delegation We now move from the efficiency issues surrounding remote delegation to the reliability issues. Specifically, a distributed system is reliable if its per- formance and availability are not affected by machines crashing. We have already seen how delegating directly to nodes that contain slots allows us to jump over delegate nodes. This certainly enhances reliability in the case where the jumped node may not have been up. Otherwise, if some delegate is unavailable in our system due, for example, to the server that supports that delegate not being currently "plugged into the SchMUSE" then we can just avoid any slot accesses to slots local to that delegate and hence avoid thrashing the Central Services in search of a realm that is not present and wasting time with time-outs on messages that cannot succeed. 0.5.1 The Problem Beyond this, however, is a desire for some more graceful degradation in behavior. That is, failing to process a message because of the inaccessibility of the node which holds some object slot (or some method, in the remote class case) seems severe. In many cases, it may be that the method on some node is merely a fanciful specialization of some inherited method. For instance, the say method on Student may just print something silly (like "Yo") then proceed to invoke the parent Person say method. In such a situation, it might be desirable to permit the student behavior to gracefully degrade into normal person behavior when the student method is unavailable. Thus, were we to build a GradStudent class that delegates to Student but choose not to 10 export the implementation of the Student say method to the grad student, then attempts to make a grad student node say something would be fraught with peril if the parent student node were crashed. Similarly, the node at which some slot resides may become unavailable. If that slot shadows some other slot with the same name but later in the delegation chain, it may sometimes be desirable to permit slot reads of the unavailable slot to be deferred as slot reads of the shadowed slot. Returning to Figure 1, for instance, if the Student nickname slot becomes unavailable, it may be acceptable to read the shadowed Person nickname slot instead. We have attempted to deal with this desirability of graceful inheritance degradation by a mechanism we call message deferral. For instance, we would say that when the student class is not available, it may be safe to defer the say message to the shadowed person class. Some methods may be safe to defer while others may not be. For instance, when a MobileObject moves, it merely changes its place slot and tells the place object to update its inventory to include the new object (and tell the old place to delete the object). For Person s, however, we must not only move the person object but also move each of the person's possessions. Thus, were the person class not available to some student, it would not be safe to defer move messages to the underlying MobileObject class upon which the person class was built. To do so would mean to lose all your possessions! Similarly, we may have an Employee say method that is specialized to say "Sir" then go on to call the Person say method. We might then build a Manager class that delegates to Employee . Were we to then ask a say message of a manager whose employee node is unavailable, it may be undesirable, due to corporate protocol, to allow the less formal person say method to defer. Similarly, it might be embarrassing to defer to the pedestrian Person nickname slot when an attempt is made to access the Employee nickname slot. These illustrate a subtle complication in the deferral mechanism: the safety of a deferral is not just a property of the message or slot read being deferred, it is also a property of the path by which the deferral takes place. In our GradStudent /Student say the deferral to Person was acceptable, but not so for the Manager /Employee deferral. Thus, when attempting to defer a message, some record of the deferral path must be passed along with the deferral attempt. Finally, notice also that more than one node along the delegation chain may be unavailable at one time. Thus, an arbitrary depth of deferral may become necessary. Also, this deferral mechanism is complicated by multiple inheritance. Consider, for example, some message having methods along both the primary parent delegation chain and the secondary parent delegation chain. If one chain is unavailable, perhaps the second should be attempted. In such a situation, the safety of deferral may involve shadowing of methods not via child shadowing but via neighboring parents shadowing. Viewing the child/parent paths as vertically directed and multiple parents of a node as horizontally splayed, we recognize that the child/parent shadowing is a matter of vertical shadowing while multiple parents that handle the same method could be said to engage in horizontal shadowing. This distinction will become necessary in understanding how we implement safe deferral. 11 0.5.2 The Solution How then do we implement this selective deferral mechanism? Presently, each time a new class is created that delegates to a parent class, the parent class is notified of all the local messages that the child class handles. In this way, if the parent class has never before been delegated to by a child of the child class, the parent class can detect which of its methods are shadowed by the child. This same list of the child class's local messages is then forwarded to the parent class's parents' classes, and so on down the class delegation chain, so that deeply shadowed messages can be annotated. Note that at each point where a shadowing is detected, we store in the shadowed class an association between the shadowed message and the child classes which shadow it. If we choose to declare a particular message to be safe to defer to some specific shadowed parent, we can specify that in the class definition by stating precisely, for each local method, which parent class(es) that method's message can safely be deferred to. In such cases, the child's message shadowing of that message is not recorded at the parent class. Note also that this shadow information is propagated aggressively at the earliest possible moment, namely at class creation time. This is because if we tried to implement a lazy on-demand strategy, by the time we actually need to attempt a message deferral it may well be too late to attempt to propagate the shadowing information. Since this shadowing information is our means for judging if a particular deferral is safe, failing to propagate this vital information would be our undoing. To see how this class shadowing information is used to detect deferral safety, consider the following scenario. An object receives a message and decomposes it into a slot access on some ancestor node. If this ancestor is unavailable, it may be desirable to attempt to defer to some other ancestor with a slot of the same name. We therefore consult the method dispatch table for an ancestor whose class indicates that it can handle the message which failed, then forward the message on to the ancestor, telling it that this is a deferral and telling it which ancestor(s) we have deferred across. If the deferred ancestor is likewise unavailable, we proceed through the ancestry with deeper and deeper deferral attempts. Similarly, if the attempt to discover if an ancestor's class can handle this message involves querying a remote class which is likewise unavailable then we treat that ancestor as unavailable. If we run out of deferral candidates, then we finally give up and return a failure signal. On the other hand, if we do find some ancestor available, then, at the point where we succeed, the receiving ancestor processes the message by first consulting its class's association of shadowed messages and the child classes which shadow them. If the present message is discovered to be shadowed by an object class of one of the ancestors we have just deferred across, then the deferral is unsafe and we send an error to that effect. Otherwise, we proceed with the message as usual. This strategy correctly detects vertical shadowing, as defined above. Un- fortunately, it does not handle horizontal shadowing. For that, we need additional class information. Specifically, each class, upon creation, queries each of its parent classes to discover the full structure of messages that 12 each ancestral class handles.5 Now, when a class is created that delegates with multiple inheritance, we merely arrange that the list of child messages that the parents are notified of include those messages handled by neighboring parents. For instance, in our Person class, the AnimateObject class would be notified of the local messages of Person as well as all messages of MobileObject (since we have left-to-right precedence in our multiple inheri- tance). When we then attempt a deferral that forces us to try the secondary parent AnimateObject delegation chain, we include in our trace of the de- ferrals we have already attempted all the ancestors tried along the primary parent delegation chain. In this way, the horizontal shadowing information is given to the delegates that may be asked to process a deferred message, and the path which the deferral followed includes the horizontally neighboring ancestors of the target deferral ancestor. In closing, note that we have expressed this bookkeeping of vertical and horizontal shadowings in terms of messages sent among classes. We did so because, in general, communication with remote classes may require it. In the case where a local class must communicate information to another local class, the message send is somewhat fanciful. Indeed, with some compiler extensions, block compiling a selection of classes could effect the same result directly in the internal class representations. We have not explored such compiler extensions since we wished to make our SchMUSE implementation based solely on portable MIT Scheme language features. Compiler extensions generally do not port quite so easily. 0.6 Concurrency in MIT SchMUSE_ [THIS SECTION IS OPTIONAL] Having considered in some detail the efficiency and reliability of the SchMUSE system, we now mention briefly the message concurrency we presently support. We do this not because we provide a sophisticated concurrency mechanism; indeed our present concurrency support is quite crude. Rather, we present it because in the course of alpha-testing our implementation we stumbled across a subtle dead-lock problem that we had not seen documented in the literature. We therefore thought that our identification of this bug, and our solution to it, would be of general interest. 0.6.1 Our Simple Concurrency Policy As mentioned, our support for concurrency is fairly primitive. To wit, each user of a SchMUSE server connects to that server by establishing a TCP/IP socket to the server machine then sending a user name and password for the session. This identifies the user of that socket with a registered User object on the server. When a user brings up a SchMUSE session on a workstation, that user too is associated with a User object ticket. Whenever a message is _______________________________ 5. Even with opaque remote classes, the ancestral messages are revealed since this does not expose the implementation. It only exposes some small structural property of the implementation. 13 initiated at a workstation, the user object associated with the user is noted. If the processing of that initiated message incurs a remote message then the object ticket of the user who initiated the original message is sent along with the remote message. If that remote message itself incurs another remote message from the remote machine, then this object ticket of the original initiator is again forwarded along. In this way, the globally original initiator of any message in the entire SchMUSE system can always be identified. Our concurrency policy is hence this: exactly one user is granted control of a server at a time. That is, on any given server there is full serial- izability of messages. Among many servers, however, many messages may be processed so long as those messages to not entail contention for the same server. At each server, a list of open client sockets is maintained (including an entry for the resident console user who enabled server operation). These denote the active users on the server. For each active user, a queue is maintained of messages issued to this server by the indicated user. Recall that each such queued message carries with it the object ticket of the global user who ultimately initiated the message which spawned this remote message to this server. Our concurrency policy for processing messages on these queues is a simple round-robin time-slice scheduler. That is, if no message is currently pending, then the first queue with a pending message is given control for that one message. When that message completes and the result is returned, the next queue with a message is given control, and so on round and round the active user list. While the current message is being processed, all other pending messages by all other users are effectively blocked. A time-out mechanism for terminating extremely long messages prevents any one user from dominating the cycles on any one server for very long. Time-outs generate failure messages which cause the entire pending message structure of the global initiator to unwind and abort. Notice that this aborton-time-out policy avoids dead locks. No retry policy is presently supported. This effectively avoids live locks as well. 0.6.2 Our Subtle Concurrency Bug Our problem with this simple seemingly harmless and safe policy is that some messages are guaranteed to always time out. For instance, if a message initiated on a machine is forwarded to some remote class and, in the process of handling the message, the remote class server must issue a subsequent message back to the self object on the machine on which the message was originally called, then this subsequent message will be blocked waiting for the original message to return. Of course the original message cannot return until it receives a result from its subsequent sub-task message. Thus, a single message can dead lock with itself given our remote class strategy. Of course, were remote classes not supported, all remote messages sent would ultimately be only primitive slot accesses, which do not incur subsequent remote messages. Even our deferral strategy, if scrutinized, can be seen not to incur subsequent remote messages from a remote message. 14 0.6.3 Our Simple Solution Wanting to support the flexibility of allowing opaque remote classes, we devised the following simple plan for resolving this self dead-lock problem: whenever we de-queue a message and begin processing it, record as part of the server state the global user object ticket who ultimately initiated this message. We call this individual the current inquisitor since they are the current controller querying the server. While the message is being processed, the server scheduler should continue (in a time-sliced thread) inspecting each new message as it arrives and enqueuing it on the appropriate user queue. If at any time it detects that the ultimate initiator of some message is the same as the current inquisitor, then we have detected an apparent self dead lock. In such a situation we use the time-sliced scheduler as a backdoor thread to allow the message to proceed by spawning a new time-sliced thread and allowing the new message from the current inquisitor to proceed in that thread, continuing to time-slice the server scheduler as well. Eventually, this either results in a finite depth of self calling which ultimately unravels into a completed message, or else the earliest pending message from the current inquisitor on this server times out, thus forcibly terminating the message processing. At that point, we also take care to kill any other threads spawned by the current inquisitor. Afterward we release the server to continue processing pending messages from the blocked users list. Eventually we intend to support more concurrency on each server by allowing messages from multiple users to be time-sliced. At that point, we may no longer need to propagate the ultimate initiator and test it against the current inquisitor. It nonetheless provided a fairly low-cost solution to a surprising dead-lock anomaly in our blocking system. 0.7 Related Work As mentioned at the outset, our delegation style object system was modelled after [Adams & Rees 88 ]. Our advocacy of this style's sharing properties and support of multiple shared views comes from Clovers [Stein & Zdonik 89 ], although our introduction of classes into the delegation style is not tradi- tional in the sense that it is not prototype-based delegation [Lieberman 86 ]. Of the distributed object systems we have examined, nearly all have opted to extend a traditional class-based inheritance system to a distributed object system only to afterward comment that a delegation-based object system would have been more desirable, as was anticipated by [Otten & Hagen 90]. Most of them cite the extra flexibility provided by delegation systems as the motivating factor. [Bennett 90 ] even goes to the extent of identifying remote classes as the primary point of tension, arguing that delegation systems, by normally storing methods along with the local slots inside objects, naturally satisfy this key flexibility concern. Their careful examination of the design options surrounding remote classes was very helpful in helping us justify to ourselves our constraint that local object nodes must have local class information about the node's class. Unlike them, however, we opted to promote classes to the status of objects, themselves, complete with their 15 own kind of class reference (viz., ClassTickets ). We find our solution to this problem of remote classes, therefore, to be fairly elegant without re- quiring delegation-based object instances to store their methods directly in their representations. Rather, we use class information to establish a method dispatch table. Our use of globally unique tickets was inspired by [Leach et al. 82]. It differs from the apparently common use of object "proxies" for remote object references [Decouchant 86 ]. Proxies are objects that accept messages and forward them to a remote object. We instead make our message send procedure detect if the object being queried is local or remote (which is easily determined by inspecting the object ticket's realm ticket) and remotely for- ward the message if it is remote. It seems to us that the use of proxies is an apology for not having an elegant object reference mechanism or for having a system which demands every target of a message be an "object" in some built-in language specific sense. In fact, [McCullough 87 ] even goes so far as to then provide global UIDs for their proxies, along with a table to map from proxies to UIDs to test object identity. This seems like an apology for using proxies. Since we were not retro-fitting our remote object references to an existing local object language system, we made no such apologies. Some distributed object systems [Nascimento & Dollimore 92 ] [Feeley & Levy 92 ] have adopted version numbers for dealing with object and class references. A similar common approach is to adopt a centralized authority to coordinate the issuance of sequential object ID numbers. Any such strategies must globally synchronize their numbering to some extent to avoid collision. Our globally unique identifiers require no such synchronization. This makes our system scalable. To wit, our strategy could support a SchMUSE server at every single Internet address. Moreover, although we shall permit "pointer snapping" of RealmTicket s within object/class tickets when those entities migrate, the remainder of the globally unique ID remains stable, as an immutable birthtime/birthplace of each object. This has greatly enhanced debugging and profiling of our system. Our realm resolution is currently loosely modelled after InterNet names- pace service. We intend to investigate alternative distributed resolution strategies, such as the "clearinghouse" approach of [Oppen & Dalal 83 ]. Finally, our blurring of the distinction between client and server in the SchMUSE is similar to that found in Flamingo [Anderson 86 ]. Their system, however, is a cooperative mailer system; ours is an interactive simulation environment, so the types client/server interactions are characteristically different. 0.8 Conclusions Our use of globally unique tickets as object references has proven to be ele- gant, versatile, low-cost, and scalable. Further, our separation of object identification from object location, by means of embedding RealmTicket s with object and class tickets, has proven quite useful. It allows course-grained object migration (by realm) without requiring forwarding addressing to dis- 16 rupt the object database. This was achieved by using a separate realm table to map the realm tickets to actual machine locations. This mapping was implemented via a distributed hierarchical lazy mapping strategy modelled after InterNet namespace servers. Again, this will scale at least as well as the InterNet has scaled. We have incorporated class information into a delegation system, thus yielding what we call a class-based delegation system which dramatically increases the performance of remote delegation. We know of no other dis- tributed object system that has wed these traditionally rivaled approaches of delegation and class inheritance. We have also introduced a novel notion of message deferral which permits graceful degradation of object behavior and system availability as remote sites go down. Finally, we presented a surprising and heretofore undocumented dead-lock anomaly in distributed message-based time-sliced concurrent systems. We then presented a simple dead lock avoidance strategy which resolves this problem. [If this report is judged to be too lengthy, we could naturally omit that entire section without disrupting the flow of the paper.] 0.9 Future Work There are many directions for further development of the SchMUSE. Roughly, these include object migration, enhanced concurrency, access control, and communication security. Foremost on our agenda is investigating mechanisms for allowing objects to migrate from one realm to another. We will likely follow the fine work of the Emerald Project [Jul et al. 88] [Jul 88], including their forwarding address strategy [Fowler 86 ] [Fowler 85 ] (for "snapping" the RealmTicket in stale ObjectTicket s to point to the new realm where the object has moved) and their distributed garbage collection algorithm [Vestal 87] (to GC stale forwarding addresses). Of course, distributed GC is valuable for automatic storage reclamation in general anyway so that space quotas with manual object de-allocation does not have to be imposed on users. Although the above citations give the impression that each of these extensions is a solved problem, actually implementing them should prove a respectable task. Also, we would like to support a higher degree of concurrency in the SchMUSE network by providing a true transaction-based mechanism for our message passing. Likely we will pursue a design based on nested transaction [Moss 81 ], possibly with some sort of optimistic concurrency among concurrent transactions. This should prove a fairly challenging task. Next, the present prototype of the SchMUSE provides a fairly exotic locking strategy for object access control. This is documented in [Cohen 93 ]. At present, however, it provides only fine- and coarse-grained locking (namely, instance locking per message and instance locking per instance creator). We would like to extend if to provide medium-grained locking as well (that is, instance locking per instance). This is a straightforward extension. Finally, it would also be interesting to support network privacy by en- 17 crypting messages and their results as they are shipped between SchMUSE sites. This should prove a fairly painless extension. Credit and Acknowledgments Professor Hal Abelson initially proposed exploring the idea of a Scheme-based MOO-like language modeled after Xerox PARC Lambda-MOO but with distributed delegation. Michael Blair and Natalya Cohen drafted an initial design based on Brian Zuzga's TCP/IP-based message-passing communication substrate. David LaMacchia later joined the design team and assisted in the realm resolution design. All members of the SchMUSE team assisted in our on-going prototype implementation. Several members of our Summer '92 MIT Scheme Team assisted in alpha-testing the design and implementation and, consequently, provided very valued feedback. They include Joseph Boerges, Greg MacLarin, and Professor Eric Grimson. Finally, we would like to thank Professors Abelson and Grimson for sup- porting us in writing this report. 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