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Re: TP560 Dead Pixels


Richard Berdych wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I've been list-lurking for some months. Now it's time to come out of the shadows and join in the fray.
> My name's Richard. I bought my first laptop: a TP560, P133, 40M ram, 2G disk, 800x600 DSTN last September. I also have a
> Motorola Mariner combination ethernet/28.8 modem card and the port replicator doodad. I just love this thing. It is the cat's
> meow.
> Unfortunately, I dropped it a couple of weeks ago (ouch!). It fell about three feet and it was in my somewhat padded knapsack
> at the time. Stinky (as I am prone to calling it) seemed to survive the fall ok, but since then (I'm not sure if this is
> related or not) I've noticed dead pixels on my display.
> So far, I've found 15 that are definitely kaput, plus another batch of about 12 that are "ill". The batch of sickly ones is
> located directly opposite the trackpoint cap. The dead ones are distributed randomly. Every time I count them (pretty much
> daily now) I see more. I'm not sure whether I'm just paranoid or my display is really going historical.
> I've still got a few months of warranty left, so I'm wondering: should I try to get the screen replaced, or is this normal
> behaviour for DSTN displays? Anybody know what IBM's policy is on replacing displays? Does my TP have a shock detector inside
> it (ie: should I tell them I dropped it)?

do NOT admit that stinky took a leap of faith..this is a REAL nono..
if he even LOOKS like he had a close encounter with the sidewalk, forget about IBM replacing even a DS display..

> Also, my display has two horizontal marks on it, directly opposite the trackpoint buttons. They're not noticeable when the
> machine's on. Is this a TP560 design flaw? Suppose I can use this to argue for a new display?

you might..there HAVE been cases of trackpoint caps too close to the display..

> While I'm at it (kindly forgive my verbosity), is there a screen upgrade path available to me? I'm thinking of a 1024x768 TFT
> display. 800x600 just doesn't cut it for software development purposes. Ideally (please tell me if I'm dreaming) I'd like to
> apply the credit for a defective DSTN against the cost of upgrading to a TFT.

we'll excuse your verbosity if you'll excuse 'our' meaningless drivel..  :-)AND..
Dream-on... at least you'll have a pleasant dream to reflect upon and you look at a non-TFT display..
you will be fortunate if they buy you the DS display..
also, they are different sizes, but the entire top lid would be swapped, not merely the display..

> One final thing: I seem to recall the subject of dead pixels being discussed in this list recently. I checked my "welcome to
> the TP list" message and it pointed me to a TP archive but I don't know how to access it. Do I have to download the entire
> archive to get at the old posts or is there a way to search it remotely?
> Any and all responses will be greatly appreciated.  If you fell this subject has already been discussed to death, please
> e-mail my personal address directly.
> Thanks for putting up with my rambling,

thanks for putting up with my meaningless drivel and useless blather..  :-)

> Richard
> berdych@cam.org
> PS: Thanks to all past contributors. You make this list worth subscribing to.

Happy Trails...   :-)
** Bill Morrow **
WEB PAGE: http://thinkpads.com
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bill@nospam@thinkpads.com, morrow1@nospam@compuserve.com
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