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Re: Precise but not accurate (was Re: 760ED-Hard Drive space)

David Ross wrote:
> Harald Milz <hm@seneca.muc.de> wrote:
> >James Mckenzie (os2support@theriver.com) wrote:
> >> You are very naive if you think that IBM will provide accurate
> >> information. They are very precise however.
> >
> >not accurate but very precise? I seem to have some language
> >problem.
> This is a common distinction in the mathematical sciences.  If your pocket
> calculator says that pi=3.000000000000000000, then it is a lot more precise
> than *my* calculator, but nowhere near as accurate. I think this was a nice
> way of describing the IBM website, though occasionally they also are not
> precise (especially when describing weights and sizes of options).

What I was saying is that IBM can provide information which looks like
it is correct, is not.  I asked for an URL for some information. I was
wrong, but I did get to the web page that the URL.  I was able to find
the information I needed from the site but on a different page.  Also,
IBM has this nasty habit of changing their sites and an URL that worked
last week to get me to the 760C/E/X drivers files now points to
something else.  And the "new" page is not available (yet).
