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Re: extreme heat on back of screen?

Extreme heat is not good..
the inverter is under there..
if it goes, no more backlight..
if there is any warranty left, use it..  :-)
1-800-772-2227 will get you the IBM help line..

Brian wrote:

> My 755C (got it used) tends to get extremely hot on the back left side
> of the screen...does anyone know 1) why this occurs, 2) whether it's a
> bad thing, and 3) if there's anything I can do about it?  I tried to
> register it/get info on it at IBM's site, but it didn't recognize the
> S/N.  I would assume it was part of a fleet that some company had leased
> at some point, but regardless, I didn't get much in the way of useful
> info so I'd really appreciate it if anyone could help me out...
>                                 -Brian
> --
> Never trust an operating system you don't have the source code for.
>     Linux + Open Source -- because software is like sex...
>                it's better when it's free.

Bill Morrow