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Re: New 755C user and some questions

On Fri, 15 May 1998 02:11:18 -0400 (EDT), Chris Hanson wrote:

>   From: "Paul Khoury" <pkhoury@loop.com>
>   Date: Thu, 14 May 98 22:55:54 
>   >The cable is standard, but as far as I know no one has ever gotten the
>   >Dock I SCSI to work under Linux.
>   >
>   Isn't it just a Trantor chipset (now owned by Adaptec)?
>According to "http://peipa.essex.ac.uk/tp-linux/tp-linux.html" it is a
>TMC-950, which as far as I know is a Future Domain chipset.  Is that a
>Trantor?  I'm not sure what a Trantor is.
Trantor used to be a company that made SCSI chipsets.  They're just like
Future Domain, Adaptec, NCR/Symbios, Buslogic, etc.

I goofed though, maybe it was the Dock II with Trantor SCSI.

>Prior to today, I've never spoken to anyone who had managed to get it
>to work, even following the instructions on that Web page.
>This is in contrast to the Dock II, which works well.
>And for the record: I stupidly mis-spoke regarding the SCSI connector.
>For some reason, even though I was perfectly aware that we were
>talking about the Dock I, my statement was based on the Dock II.
>(I've never even _seen_ a Dock I.)  My brain must have been
>under-caffeinated when I wrote that.
I can't remember what it looks like either, but the Dock II is so much better than
the Dock I, though.  Now if only I had one...
Paul Khoury | <pkhoury@loop.com> | Sent from my ThinkPad 701CS
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