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New 755C user and some questions

     Hi - just to introduce myself to the list. I've got a 755C on which I 
     either run Linux (Redhat 5.0) or Windoze 3.1 if I'm desperate.
     I've got a few questions though:
     - I have a PCMCIA 589 ethernet card which works under Linux except if 
     I unplug the 'AUI' adaptor then reconnect it later. Sometimes it comes 
     back after a long time. Any ideas?
     - I have a DOCK 1. I'd like a CURRENT part number for the external 
     SCSI lead. Does anyone else use the DOCK 1 with linux and use the SCSI 
     for either CDROM or harddrive? Does it work straight away or are there 
     config issues such as interrupt settings? What about hot plugging? 
     Presumably the internal SCSI lead is a fairly standard 50-way job.
     - I'd like to set up the sound driver under linux. If you've done this 
     please share it with me, to save me time.
     - Any help getting LILO to stay working would be appreciated - I have 
     to boot via a floppy at the moment.
     - Memory expansion - I currently have 8MB, I understand I can either 
     replace the 4MB card under the floppy with a 16, or get an adaptor - 
     can you use standard SIMMs or DIMMs with the adaptor, and is the 
     adaptor still available?
     All in all I'm quite pleased with it now it's set up OK. X windows 
     runs quite well.
        - Adam
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