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701cs Display getting old and dingy.

While we're on the topic of 701s...  I have a 701cs and I'd swear that
as it get's older the display seems to get dimmer.  I don't recall
having much to complain about my DSTN display when I first got the
computer (except outdoors), but now it seems very dim to me even
indoors.  It almost seems to have a dim brownish tint to it.  I have
been very careful when cleaning it.  I never use windex since that has
amonia and would supposedly yellow an LCD display over time. I
understand that the old 755s that had the removable display that could
be used on overhead projectors used to turn brownish from the heat.  Has
anyone else noticed this phenomenon on their 701cs.  I wish now that I
had gotten the 701c.  
I also lose my mouse cursor whenever I use any of the Fn key combos that
put one of those setting indicators on the display. Didn't have this
problem before with win95a until I used the updated chips and tech.
drivers.  But win95b must have those new drivers because my mouse
disappears and seems to be taking longer and longer to come back.  I
notice that the cursor disappears less often if I have it over a white
area before I use the Fn key combos.
Anyone else experiencing either of these problems?  Maybe I'm just
getting to accustomed to looking at my nice 21 inch monitor.
-Greg A.