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Re: Case for 380XD/HP 320 printer

I have a leather and mahogony case with space for a portable printer,
notebook, etc.
it is quite nice, but i have never required its use..
i prefer something smaller for the few times a take whatever thinkpad i
have at the time, anyplace..  :-)
If you have an interest, i'll e-mail you a picture..

John W. Schmidt wrote:

> I'm looking for a good rugged carrying case that's capable of
> holding both a 380XD and a large portable printer (HP 320 with
> sheet feeder -- requires a full 3" in height). I talked with a
> support person at Port, Inc., but she couldn't recommend one in
> their line that would hold both of these properly. Was she right? Or
> do you know of another case that would suit my needs? I had a case
> that worked with the printer and an older Toshiba laptop, but it's not
> a good fit with the additional height of the Thinkpad.
> Thanks for any input,
> John Schmidt
> jws@frii.com

Bill Morrow