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Re: TP600 has NeoMagic

what is the difference between Trident and NeoMagic..??


On Thu, 07 May 98 12:20:58  Paul Khoury <pkhoury@loop.com> 

> On Thu, 7 May 1998 09:04:26 -0600 (MDT), raybay wrote:
> >Well IBM has always done a great job on building computers and a lousy job
> >on documentation and support... luckily their machines have been constructed 
> >so well that the documentation and support have not been big issues...
> This is very true of both their systems and operating systems.
> >People used to IBM's have  not  experienced some of the horrors owners of
> >other equipment have struggled to correct.
> >
> I am used to my machines, because I find all this stuff more than easy.  Everyone
> else's mileage will vary because of different skill levels.
> >I am one of those people who has always had BIG trouble with various products
> >manufactured by Trident, so I looked forward to the NeoMagic.  The research
> >and development in graphics and graphics chips are truly exciting... I expect
> >a big change at IBM and others before Christmas.
> >
> Well, I also hear the Trident really sucks at OS/2 support, so I'm not surprised if they're lacking in other fields.
> -- 
> Paul Khoury | <pkhoury@loop.com> | Sent from my ThinkPad 701CS
> The ThinkPad Assistant HTML can be accessed through links from http://pkhoury.dyn.ml.org
> Proudly running OS/2 2.1, OS/2 Warp 3/4 and Sun Solaris 2.4

Lestari, Ruby
Vanderbilt University
Email: ruby.lestari@Vanderbilt.Edu