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Re: [TP600] Weight again (was: [Fwd: Re: Compare Thinkpad 600 / 770])

On Wed, 6 May 1998 09:04:58 -1000, David Ross wrote:

>>From Randal's forwarded message re the TP600:
>>Weight     : 5.6 lbs (about 6.5 lbs travel weight)
>Yikes! Is this true?  This is *way* too heavy; I think we can dismiss any idea that the 600 
is a real replacement for the 560.
Way too heavy?  Believe me, you don't know what heavy is.  And for a notebook,
I think that 10 lbs is heavy.  I can feel the difference a lot between my TP701 and my 
SPARCbook, but it doesn't bother me because I take both of them with me anyways.

I suppose if you have arthiritis then weight is a big consideration when buying a new 

Paul Khoury |  <pkhoury@loop.com> | Sent from my P75 Server
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