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Re: Weight and TPs and replacements and such

At 10:15 PM 5/6/98 , David Ross wrote:
>>The docs I have say that the 13.3" TFT 600 with the CD-ROM installed is
>>5.5lbs (4.9 + .63 respectively).
>So what is the 6.5 pounds Randal reported?

	I think you're taking that from a really old posting where I responded to
an (erroneous) article/review that someone else posted.

	For that matter, I may have mis-read that one.  They may have been talking
about "Travel weight" which is a bit dubious since its hard to say what you
*must* travel with beyond the machine and A/C adapter.

	The orginal article *did* state a weight of 6 lbs or more, but everything
I've read about it since then makes it clear that its 5 to 5 1/2 lbs
depending on what you put on-board.

>>But it was never my understanding that the 600 was to replace the 560 - I
>>always thought it was to replace the discontinued 76x line?  The 560's are
>>still in production.
>I read an interview about this with someone at IBM, who first affirmed
IBM's commitment to the 560, then (as if to reinforce this) said they'd be
continuing the 560 line "at least through the end of 1998".  Hmm.

	Seeing the Sony, the HP Sojourn, the Micron Go Book, etc...I'm guessing
IBM will replace the 560 around then with an even lighter/thinner model.
The "category" of Thin & Light will be preserved, IBM will just improve on
it.  The 600 is the "almost as thin & light but also full-featured modular"

Randal J. Whittle          whittle@usc.edu      (213) 740-7775
Associate Director, Electronic Commerce Program
Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California