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Re: Introduction

good answer..
should cover it all, except an errent thought..

which version is he running..?? osr2 works VERY WELL on the ED, as does directx 5
and all the rest..
i have the newest flight sim and it loaded fine on my 760ED..

uhh.. the HDD might just be filled, and if he is NOT using fat32, this upgrade is
in order.. that way he won't need a larger HDD right away.. (IF, he is running it
as it came from IBM with one partition and, thus, 32k clusters..)


Rambouillet Ranch wrote:

> > I use (own) an IBM Thinkpad 760ED with 32 meg of ram, a 1.2g HD and all the
> > usual ED goodies. I use a D-Link Ethernet PCcard to connect to both my home
> > and work networks (co-ax), a Nokia cellular PCcard and a no-name 33.6 PCcard
> > modem for land-line (which is in fact better than my Accura on my base
> Why this modem arrangement?  The 760ED has the IBM MWave modem.
> > I also want to ask a small question, is there a problem installing
> > Microsoft's DirectX 5 on these machines? I tried to install it but it chokes
> > on installation. I know this is trivial and to be honest I only need it to
> > play Monkey Island 3 in lunch breaks but I'd like to get it going :)
> What do you mean, "Chokes"?
> Extra space is required on your hard drive... How much space do you have
> before you begin to install DirectX 5?  How much is calculated after?
> Suggest you optimize your hard drive and consider compressing it if you don't
> have at least 19 Mb free AFTER the DirectX install.  Do you have REGClean...
> if not, it might be handy to download (free) from Microsoft and run it.
> What software are you running?  Office Pro 97?  Have all the fix paks been
> downloaded from Microsoft for all the software you use?
> It is also possible that your CD ROM needs attention... many of the 760ED
> CDROMS were only 4X and some of those had problems with some game software.
> You may have tried all those ideas.  If so, I would be sure you have
> downloaded all the support paks on the IBM website... There are at least 6
> upgrade downloads available... Prepare to take a sandwich.
> Ray

Bill Morrow