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Re: [TP600]: graphics chipset is Trident -- yay!

On Tue, 28 Apr 98 20:54:09 -0500, you wrote:

>Yes, no doubt, but in my experience with a couple of Neo chips, the dos
>window is never full screen (at least not in OS2  and  maybe in win95,
>though I've never really run that) in the 380D I have.
>In <355774c1.46233728@mailhost.worldnet.att.net>, on 04/29/98 
>   at 01:20 AM, epbrown@enteract.com (Emanuel Brown) said:
>>On Tue, 28 Apr 1998 11:54:58 -0700, you wrote:
>>>	I've heard the NeoMagic is a better performer though.
>>>	Not being interested in Linux, I consider the above news to be a
>>	I'm afraid I've got to say "ditto" to that. I've used the NeoMagic and
>>have the Trident in my current 560, and the NeoMagic was one hell of a
>>lot better - it's 128-bit, rather than the 64-bit of the Trident, after
>>	epbrown
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