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Re: 1024 x 768 on a 12.1" screen?

My husband and I use this resolution on 12.1" screens everyday.
On my machine (760XD) running OS/2 I find the fonts fine.    
On my husbands machine (760E P150) running Win95,
 I have the fonts set to large rather than small.   No complaints
from him.  But try to find one to look at since people's
eyesight and eye strain vary.

On Tue, 28 Apr 1998 07:54:53 -0700, John Callahan wrote:

>Does anyone have experience using 1024 x 768 resolution on a 12.1"
>I would like to avoid the added weight and cost of a larger screen,
>but am concerned about the readability of 1024 x 768 on a smaller
>Any feedback appreciated.
>Thanks in advance.
>John Callahan
>John Callahan, Editor                 Information Technology Research
>Enterprise Automation Report          2608 Second Avenue  Suite 240
>Member: Computer Press Association    Seattle, WA 98121   USA
>Phone: (206) 282-7050                 Fax: (206) 448-2655

Teresa Selling                          E-Mail:  tselling@ibm.net
Colorado Springs, CO