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Re: Introduction and questions (TP 360PE)

On Mon, 27 Apr 1998, James P. Grenert wrote:
> A request and some questions:
> * I originally had PCDOS 7.0 preinstalled, but my disk factory image for
> disk 5 was trashed.  Could someone please email me a zipped copy?
I have the CD-ROM but it has only files for disk 5 not a disk image.
Do you know what files you need?

> * I can't get PCMCIA storage devices (a Maxtor 105 MB HD and a
> Sandisk 20 MB ATA flash card) to work in either Windows or OS/2.  The Easy
> Playing software correctly identifies both cards, but they always come up
> as Not Ready.  Any suggestions?
In OS/2 that means the hardware see them but the software drivers are not
installed.  Run install and select plug and play for pcmcia.

DOS 6.3 needs card services which it didn't include.   However PC DOS 7
includes the Phoenix pcmcia card services.

> P. S. The only other computer I own (except for some Commodore 8-bits from
> my youth) is an HP 200LX DOS palmtop.  I guess my taste for computers runs
> toward the small side.  :)

I likewise have a HP200lx.  I'm set up Sidekick for 2.0 on it.  I have
Sidekick 2.0 for PM on my warp 4 desktop and warp 3 laptop and can share
the files directly. 

Patrick West <pccare@teleport.com>, using OS/2 Warp
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