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Re: Xircom Ether+Modem 33.6

On Sun, 26 Apr 1998 19:57:18 -0700, Joe Suttle wrote:

>Has anyone been able to get the Xircom Ethernet+Modem 33.6 working on a
>ThinkPad with Warp 4? If so, please forward your Protocol.ini and
>Config.sys so I can get mine working on a 701C. Does not seem to matter
>what address I set as the mem location of the card, I either get a
>Memory Conflict (c00000005) from OS/2 or it comes up with a very wierd
>address 4AC9F0 (etc.). IBM cost $, and are no help, and Xircom tried,
>but their answer does not work. Of course, neither has tried to do this
>on a TP 701C with Warp 4. Any help would be appreciated. This is the
>second combo card I have tried, and my next choice on Tuesday is to just
>get a 3COM (without 'x-jack'). Can't use the 'x-jack' because also have
>a SCSI card for CD attached.

If you don't mind 28.8, you might get a Home & Away.  I confirmed that my new Home & Away
is in fact 28.8.  I don't know if this is only for the warranty exchange parts, but it's so much faster,
and still has 10BaseT.  Plus, I got that other cable when I need to use other PCMCIA cards with
plug-in cables.

Paul Khoury | <pkhoury@loop.com> | Sent from my ThinkPad 701CS 
Proudly running OS/2 Warp 3/4, Slackware Linux, and Sun Solaris 2.4