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Re: [TP 760CD] 56K Update

On Fri, 24 Apr 1998 15:02:12 -0700, peter machule  TRIUMF TISOL GROUP wrote:

>Nope ...
>The 770 series in using a Newer .bigger ..better M-wave DSP
>so it can do the 56K. I looks Very unlikely that the 760 will ever do 56K in
>any flavour.
Isn't v.90 the standard now?  I don't know why they couldn't have just used
K56Flex or X2.

Paul Khoury |  <pkhoury@loop.com> | Sent from my P75 Server
Proudly running OS/2 Warp 3/4, Slackware Linux, and Sun Solaris 2.4