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Re: infra-red with linux on thinkpad

I've got a 760XD running RedHat 5.0 v2.0.32.
The biggest issue is the DSP and the BIOS settings.
The serial port at back is set for COM1 and so are the
IR devices. If I want the serial port, I get no IR...
so I "waste" the IR facilities for the serial.

If you look at the "Hardware" page at the Linux/IR Project
(the site listed below) you'll not find a TP tested.

IBM folks may like Linux, but the TP is "designed" for
the other, LCD, OS(sic). %{


Harald Milz wrote:
> Ho Chin Keong (ho.chin.keong@bt-sys.bt.co.uk) wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> >       Just trying my luck here to see if anyone has any experiences in setting up
> > the infra-red device in thinkpad with linux. I have got the source code from
> >
> > http://www.cs.uit.no/~dagb/irda/irda.html and have no success so far. I am
> > using Thinkpad 755CX and my kernel version is 2.0.30.
> You really should get in contact with the person who writes the driver. I
> pretty much doubt anyone else can help better. Oh yes you can also
> subscribe to linux-net@vger.rutgers.edu, that's where the gurus live.

   d a v i d c @ w a l r u s . c o m    )
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