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Compression (was: Re: Win98)

>anyone tried compression on their hard drive, looking for an economical way
>to secure more hard drive space.

I've used compression for years on several machines, both in DOS/W3.1 and in
W95, with never a problem.  I don't know what the W98 compression is like,
but the version of DriveSpace that came with W95 OSR2 is quite stable.

What I usually do (for safety) is create a 'virtual' compressed drive on my
regular drive.  For example, on my 701 with 340 megs, my C drive became a 100
meg 'regular' drive, and the other 240 megs were turned into a compressed D
drive.  The former held all vital system stuff, backup programs, and critical
data files (e.g., current manuscripts and gradebooks).  The latter held (1)
easily-restored files (i.e., software; MS Office compresses nicely, for
example), (2) directories with lots of little files (like the TeX system),
and (3) very compressible stuff (e.g., .DOC files).
This strategy produces maximum benefit with minimum danger.  (On my 340 meg
drive I had W95, a full install of MS Office, a full install of Lotus
SmartSuite, 2 hefty statistics packages (SAS and S+), a very complete
TeX/LaTeX implementation, several language compilers, etc.)

- David R.