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Re: 701's History (Was: 560x v. 600)

On Mon, 6 Apr 98 21:56:36 EDT, Robert Dewar wrote:

><<        The larger truth above & beyond all of this is IBM simply took too long
>bringing the 701 on-line into the market.  By the time they did, market
>trends *were* indeed scooting toward the spectrum of features that Robert
>describes.  Another issue is price.  Long before the fire sale prices, the
>701's sold for a *huge* premium--one of the most expensive models.  IBM
>blew it on that one.
>I am typical of the kind of customer IBM is aiming at with high level
>notebooks (many of the readers of this newsgroup are not :-)

Well, I might consider myself with a higher end notebook, but non-IBM
(just IBM parts).

BTW, does anyone on this list use a Power ThinkPad running NT or AIX?
>I found the price of the 701 perfectly reasonable. I would have bought one
>immediately *if* I could have taken the memory up beyond the totally
>unacceptable 40meg limit at the time and *if* it had had a Pentium.
>But now, the form factor is of no interest to me, since a 10.4" screen
>is simply too small.
Well, if you're doing graphics work, I can imagine that, but for me, it's huge,
considering I'm using a 12" CRT anyways (my 14" CRT has a bad cable
and burn in).

>I find the 560 much more attractive. But as long as I can get more power
>for more weight, it's worth it to me, which is why I bought my 770.
I agree.  Even though my SPARCbook is 7.5 lbs, with NO battery, it's my most
powerful machine, and it's very much worth the weight for the power.

>P.S. just came back from trip to London and Paris, how nice to watch DVD
>movies on my notebook on the plane and train. By the way, contrary to what
>I had read in the documentation, there is no problem in playing movies
>in a custom sized non-full-screen window.
And this was in OS/2?

Paul Khoury <pkhoury@loop.com>  http://pkhoury.dyn.ml.org
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