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Re: IBM701,560, HP, Tosh (was: Re: 560x v. 600)

On Mon, 06 Apr 98 22:45:18 -0800, Paul Khoury wrote:

>On Mon, 06 Apr 1998 11:24:30 GMT, epbrown wrote:
>>On Sun, 5 Apr 1998 22:31:12 -1000, you wrote:
>>>Not necessarily (though as epbrown knows, I've been accused on Usenet of
>>>being an agent of IBM:); my only objection to the HP is the keyboard (I've
>>>never had my hands on the Toshiba).  I shared a flat during a conference 2
>>>years ago with an HP600 owner, and got to play with his machine for a bit; I
>>>was pleasantly surprised at the *feel* of his keyboard,  but not the size - I
>>>like full-sized.  BTW, I found the pop-up mouse quite usable, though of
>>>course I *am*  right-handed.
>>	I had no problem with the HP 800 keyboard I tried out, but at the
>>time I was still regularly using the keyboard on my Thinkpad 510, and
>>it seemed larger than that. I've got fairly large hands (they match my
>>big ol' feet, size 15!),
>So I'm not the only one with size 15, eh?  My hands are also really big, and my favorite
>keyboard is probably the IBM click, my ThinkPad (even though I hate the folding
>part), and my SPARCbook. (The size 15 is not surprising, considering my height).
> but didn't have too much trouble adjusting.
>>But that mouse! The problem is the first computer I ever ran Windows
>>on was a Thinkpad and I can't get used to removing my hands from the
>>keyboard to move my cursor.
>That was one of the reasons I loved my 355C from day one.  And that was
>my first Windows experiance.
> At work I'm known for my terrible mousing
>>skills because it seems so ridiculous. You stop what you're doing and
>>move your hand waaaay over there just to move your cursor? Yeck! So
>>people who're used to that love the HP 800, while I see it as the only
>>notebook to drag along one of the worst features of desktop computing.
>>	epbrown
>>	PS As an aside to DR, I just exchanged email with the guy who
>>accused us of being undercover IBM reps on CSL- he needed help setting
>>up low-cost video-conferencing on his IBM 385, and I had some tips
>>since I just bought a $24 QuickCam to use with NetMeeting (free) and
>>my 56k modem (already had).
>I'm surprised someone would accuse you of that.  You'd think he'd ask
>you about OS/2 and RS/6000's to be sure. <g>
>>	PPS You were partially right about Sony, you may have heard. You
>>said months ago they jump in and out of the PC business, and they're
>>taking a foot out - they've decided to focus on laptops and drop the
>>desktop division, where everyone plays too rough and they weren't as
>>well received. 
>My friend has a Sony VAIO notebook, and it's VERY thin, very similiar to the 560
>(though I've never seen one in person).  It has a very nice 12.1" TFT, and a
>Pentium 150MMX.  Only problem is that I couldn't notice any better performance from
>my P75...
>Paul Khoury <pkhoury@loop.com>  http://pkhoury.dyn.ml.org
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Paul Khoury   <pkhoury@loop.com>  http://pkhoury.dyn.ml.org
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