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Re: Fw: Classifieds2000 found 5 computers

On Tue, 7 Apr 98 05:15:25 EDT, Robert Dewar wrote:

><<        Actually Paul, his "attachment" was really just an in-line HTML mail.
>Some mail readers (notably Netscape's & Eudora 4.0) read this just fine,
>but other mailers (I note that you are using PMMail for OS/2), not knowing
>how to show the mailing, just handle it as an attachment.
>        For those of us using a more capable mailer (Grin!), it came through
>perfectly fine and looked pretty darn good to boot--basically it was a web
>It is inappropraite to send HTML mail on a mailing list like this. I just
>discarded the message, and many others will too!
I partially agree.  If you have to send it, it could at least be a .htm or .html
extention.  I don't care if Win mailers can read it, there are also UNIX and OS/2 people

Paul Khoury   <pkhoury@loop.com>  http://pkhoury.dyn.ml.org
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