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Re: 701's History (Was: 560x v. 600)

<<        The larger truth above & beyond all of this is IBM simply took too long
bringing the 701 on-line into the market.  By the time they did, market
trends *were* indeed scooting toward the spectrum of features that Robert
describes.  Another issue is price.  Long before the fire sale prices, the
701's sold for a *huge* premium--one of the most expensive models.  IBM
blew it on that one.

I am typical of the kind of customer IBM is aiming at with high level
notebooks (many of the readers of this newsgroup are not :-)

I found the price of the 701 perfectly reasonable. I would have bought one
immediately *if* I could have taken the memory up beyond the totally
unacceptable 40meg limit at the time and *if* it had had a Pentium.

But now, the form factor is of no interest to me, since a 10.4" screen
is simply too small.

I find the 560 much more attractive. But as long as I can get more power
for more weight, it's worth it to me, which is why I bought my 770.

P.S. just came back from trip to London and Paris, how nice to watch DVD
movies on my notebook on the plane and train. By the way, contrary to what
I had read in the documentation, there is no problem in playing movies
in a custom sized non-full-screen window.