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Re: 560x v. 600

On Sat, 4 Apr 1998 18:31:32 +0100, LPL wrote:

>I had a 560 with a 133 and 40 megs of RAM.  Stolen recently.  It was faster
>than my new 560X with 32 megs and a 233MMX.  Now that I've added 64 megs
>more RAM to the 560X ($239 at CDW) it is fast and acceptable.  Unreal!
>There's something wrong.
Believe me, adding RAM makes a HUGE difference in performance and speed.

When I upgraded this machine at first to 24MB, it was like I got a new machine
altogether.  Even upgrading my desktop and server to 24MB also makes a huge difference
in speed (from 16 each).

Paul Khoury   <pkhoury@loop.com>  http://pkhoury.dyn.ml.org
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